Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"Fun and play is the Angels' way! They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury."

The Angels know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that you need a
steady flow of time, money , and other resources. The Angels want you to know
that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. You may protest
that you don't have enough time, money, or energy to play. Yet, your Angels
assure you that playfulness is a wonderful investment that yields immediate

When you have fun and laugh, you relax. This relaxation gives you a greater
inflow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine guidance, and energy. With the
new inspirations and energy, you can better manifest your desires. Your relaxed
and radiant personality attracts wonderful and helpful people to you. Your
positive outlook creates new opportunities for you. When you look at life in
this way, you can't afford not to have fun.

Go play!

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