Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is an example of what you can see with the Pineal Gland fully open

The Pineal Gland is the seat of spiritual consciousness and is a gateway to other dimensions and levels of reality. It is an antenna for multi-dimensional spiritual communication from a wide range of intelligent Beings existing throughout the Universe.

Pineal Gland Detoxification facilitates the awakening of dormant multi-dimensional consciousness in humans. It is a vital step on the road to healing if we wish to perceive the other dimensions that surround us and travel there with the astral body. Various toxins widespread within humanity prevent our spiritual third eye from functioning effectively.

The Pineal Gland is the seat of spiritual consciousness in humankind. In recent times it has become dormant because of toxic chemicals and substances in our everyday lives.

Calcification of the Pineal Gland occurs through the effects of various toxins; notably fluoride, chlorine and mercury. Fluoride is a highly toxic industrial waste product, which in its undiluted form can burn holes in concrete. It is added to tap water under the guise of preventing tooth decay and this lie is understood when one looks at the effects of volcanic ash (containing high levels of fluoride) on animals. Skeletal degradation and dental erosion is commonplace. Fluoride is also a neurological toxin and its intake can cause confusion, mental fogginess and deterioration of the neural pathways. It renders one submissive, as one loses one’s clarity and mental acuity to the power of fluoride toxicity. In that state of confusion, it is then very easy for other people or institutions with dubious agendas to control the individual, as they will not have the will-power to resist or even the clarity to realize they are being controlled. Fluoride also hides in toothpastes and dental flosses. It is important to realize that a healthy diet free from refined sugars and high in alkalizing foods creates the optimum conditions for dental health – rendering fluoridation totally unnecessary. Fluoride is challenging to remove from tap water and this toxin can also enter the skin through shower water. Hence for those serious about spiritual awakening it is crucial to avoid drinking tap water and ingesting fluoride through the use of conventional dental products.

Mercury toxicity is another issue that impedes Pineal Awakening. This extremely toxic substance can be found in amalgam dental fillings and medical vaccinations. Mercury also causes Pineal calcification and has adverse effects on neurological health. The density of mercury causes issues with the awakening of our light bodies. Those that remove mercury from their bodies can experience a deep bodily healing, a profound lightness of vibration and the gateways to the angelic realms open up to reveal the colorful, radiant and loving beauty within.

As we progress on the journey of Pineal Awakening, we will begin to perceive other spiritual phenomena, perhaps we will see orbs or glowing lights, or if we are very blessed we may also be able to perceive very loving angelic presences in our energy field.

We can also come to see the inner light that shines within all forms and ultimately come to recognize it as a reflection of our own inner light. With the Pineal Gland open we can begin to recognize and embody the vibration of inner luminosity.

Inner luminosity is the core vibration of our own being and can be perceived as rainbow or golden energy that streams through our consciousness. In time, we recognize this as our true nature and thus it becomes grounded into our being. We still exist within the body, but we know the body is a physical vehicle and not our deepest nature. It is this inner luminosity that exists beyond time and space, is immortal, is all knowing and knows no fear. When we recognize that we are this Light, we can draw more of it in from the higher dimensions, this light heals us, opens up our being to love and appreciation for all that is – and raises the vibration of our being to allow regular conscious astral travel into other dimensions.

Anyone with a fully functioning Pineal Gland will be able to develop visionary abilities, travel to other dimensions, activate their Merkabah Vehicle, meet higher-dimensional beings, time travel, dream in amazing ways and accomplish all kinds of other spiritual feats as described inKeys to Immortality and in the video below:-

You Tube Video – Travelling into other Dimensions

Pineal Gland Detoxification and Pineal Decalcification facilitates the awakening of dormant multi-dimensional consciousness in humans. It is a vital step on the road to healing if we wish to perceive the other dimensions that surround us and travel there with the astral body.

A calcified Pineal Gland is akin to a piece of stone as opposed to a functioning and living organ capable of functioning as a spiritual transmitter for higher-dimensional communication. Decalcification will happen naturally given the right conditions – although it can be assisted further with proper nutrition.

1. Avoid Tap Water. Tap Water is a major life destroying poison and should be treated as such. Calcification of the Pineal Gland occurs through the effects of fluoride – which is a highly toxic industrial waste product, which in its undiluted form can burn holes in concrete. It is added to tap water under the guise of preventing tooth decay and this lie is understood when one looks at the effects of volcanic ash (containing high levels of fluoride) on animals. Skeletal degradation and dental erosion is commonplace. Fluoride is also a neurological toxin and its intake can cause confusion, mental fogginess and deterioration of the neural pathways. It renders one submissive, as one loses one’s clarity and mental acuity to the power of fluoride toxicity.

Fluoride is also highly carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Fluoride - A Life Destroying Toxin

In that state of confusion, it is then very easy for other people or institutions with dubious agendas to control the individual, as they will not have the will-power to resist or even the clarity to realize they are being controlled. Fluoride also hides in toothpastes and dental flosses. It is important to realize that a healthy diet free from refined sugars and high in alkalizing foods creates the optimum conditions for dental health – rendering fluoridation totally unnecessary. Fluoride is challenging to remove from tap water and this toxin can also enter the skin through shower water making filtration absolutely necessary. It is also crucial to avoid drinking tap water and ingesting fluoride through the use of conventional dental products.

Ingesting microscopic amounts of tap water can dampen ones spiritual faculties for days at a time!

Naturally you want to be drinking from spring water. Be sure to check the pH of the water with a pH testing kit – anything under 6 is far too acidic. Between 6.5 – 7.0 is perfect. Be aware that some bottled water can have a pH as low as 5. Drinking such acidic water is devastating to long term health.

Plastic bottles are also extremely toxic, especially when the plastic is not clear or the bottle is left in the sun.

I use Nalgene bottles for hiking and other outdoor use.

2. Remove the mercury fillings from one’s teeth safely by going to an established mercury-free dentist. They must use a cut and section approach to removal, use a dental dam and use a special ventilator during the procedure. Hot drilling of mercury fillings can do more harm than good. Any ordinary dentist will have no hesitation to ‘hot drill’ the mercury and poison you further with the releasing of large amounts of mercury vapors (which are also released in hot weather and every time you drink hot fluids).

Standard mercury fillings. These are highly toxic.

If you filling looks metallic – it is mercury and highly toxic. Do the full mercury detoxing protocols and nourish the body with super-foods as outlined in my Pineal Detoxing E-Book. Mercury from amalgam fillings leaches into the body, poisoning the Pineal Gland and putting a serious dampener on one’s ability to travel multi-dimensionally.

Mercury is also found in almost all vaccinations in the form of methyl-mercury (Thimersal) which binds to the brain and is then very difficult to detox (albeit not impossible). Be aware that taking medical vaccinations can cause irreparable damage to you or your child.

Anyone with mercury toxicity may want to consider juicing fresh cilantro daily.


3.Avoid Chlorine. Chlorine is also a Pineal Gland Toxin also found in tap water and in siwmming pools. Each time you bath in a chlorinated swimming pool or take a shower, chlorine enters the skin through the pores and moves through the bloodstream. It then causes further calcification of the Pineal Gland.

Install a shower filter

The aforementioned toxins are the main things to avoid – the Pineal Gland Toxic Triangle as pictured below. It is essential to avoid all three of these toxins at all costs and avoid ingesting even the smallest amounts of any of them. After avoiding further ingestion – one must then proceed to detox the body of all three.

The Pineal Gland Toxic Triangle

4. Adopt the raw vegan diet. The raw vegan diet is full of nutrients and antioxidants as well as free of the other kinds of toxins (pesticides, additives, artificial sweeteners and the like) that also contribute to Pineal Gland toxicity. The perfect diet for the Pineal Gland is one that contains plenty of green juice and/or green plants in their raw natural states. Chlorophyll cleanses blood – pushing toxins out of cells to be expelled by the body.

Consume wheatgrass and spirulina daily.

Raw food salads

Karma aside – eating meat and dairy floods the system with heavy duty bovine, porcine and avian antibiotics, medications, growth enhancing hormones and all kinds of other substances incompatible with physical and spiritual health. Many of these medications are laced with mercury and other toxins harmful to ones DNA.

5. Sort out the karma It is not sufficient to decalcify the Pineal Gland and ignore inner emotional cleansing and/or self development. Negative karma can ‘metaphysically calcify‘ a Pineal Gland and have the same effect as the Toxic Triangle. If after doing the detoxification – one is still not able to access the higher planes – one can look to unresolved karma as the blockage.

Important Note:- The Pineal Gland is the 6th chakra and lies above the throat chakra. The throat chakra represents truth, integrity and living the wisdom of the heart.

Thus a strong life in ethics is essential before considering opening the Pineal Gland.

An ethical life involves being free from the tendency to cheat, control, manipulate or steal in all forms (both subtle and overt). It also calls for sexual and emotional responsibility and naturally the freedom from the karma of eating the flesh of animals. Opening the Pineal Gland without a proper grounding in ethics and emotional stability can cause extreme lower astral interferences that can be detrimental to health and well-being.

Thus activating the Pineal Gland and exploring the other worlds must always be done in the context of living a strong and grounded spiritual life. Outside of spiritual context Pineal Gland Activation will just invoke fear, confusion, lower astral interference and the potential for severe karmic healing crisis. Opening the Pineal Gland for ‘kicks’ or from a state of karmic impurity is unwise and not recommended. Those who undergo the Pineal Gland Cleansing Protocols take full responsibility of the state of their lives. The full process for spiritual awakening and integration is detailed in Keys to Immortality and includes full instruction for clearing attachments to lower astral entities.


Contains extracts from Keys to Immortality by Free Spirit. Please quote the following if you wish to share the blog. Reproduced with the permission of Free Spirit – author of Keys to Immortality of

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Further Reading on the Pineal Gland – Books by Free Spirit

The Books of Free Spirit The Star Being Messages.

The Books of Free Spirit The Star Being Messages.

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Comment by Besimi on August 18, 2014 at 5:45pm

An Open Letter to All Meditation Groups on the Planet

An Open Letter to All Meditation Groups on the Planet

Time has come for us on the surface of the planet to reach a new degree of unity and cooperation, regardless of our personal differences, to assist the planet in its transformation. Therefore the Light forces are issuing a call to all meditation groups on the planet to join together and create a powerful field of positive energy.

The idea is to have a worldwide meditation once a week at the same moment, where all groups and individuals can do their own meditation in their own way. If we are all meditating at the same moment, a very powerful coherent resonance field is created that can really start transforming our collective reality. Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help transforming human lives worldwide:
There have been many meditation initiatives lately:
Imagine the power of all those meditation initiatives combined together, regularly, once a week! 
The only thing we need to do is to set the right time and start inviting meditation groups to join the initiative!
You can start sending this to all meditation groups that you know!
I would suggest Saturday or Sunday around 8 pm GMT for the timing, as this time frame is the most suitable for most time zones on the planet. Weekly planetary meditations need to happen at the same moment in time every week for all participants to gain cyclic momentum and to reach the critical mass for the planetary transformation. If you have any suggestions for the right timing, send them to .
If your meditation group would like to join the initiative, send your suggestion for the timing and the estimated number of weekly participants to .
Updates about the Weekly Planetary Meditation:

Comment by Besimi on August 17, 2014 at 12:56am

What is waking up?  How do I know if I am awake?

If you are familiar with our site and sites like it you may have heard this term “Waking up”.  We hear about all the signs and symptoms of waking up but do we know what it is to actually BE awake?

Lets start with defining what we are talking about and then we will go into what it means on a spiritual level.

If you type “Define Awake” into Google you should see something similar to the picture below.


Lets see how these definitions help us narrow down what we mean when we say waking up or to be awake spiritually.

1. Stop sleeping; awake from sleepawaken1

What does it mean to be spiritually asleep?  If you have watched the Spirit Science series or are familiar with the procession of the will see that we have been asleep as a planet for a very long time.  What this means is that our level of awareness about the connections all around us has declined to a point where we feel separate from everyone and everything around us.

2. Cause (Someone) to Wake from Sleep

Waking up spiritually, in its more basic terms would be to recognize with your whole being your connection to everyone and everything around you.  This is often referred to as the mystical experience as described by Alan Watts.

3. Regain Consciousness

Regaining consciousness is to remember that we have always been connected with the oneness of the universe.  This is important because it can help us recognize how the mistreatment of others is no different then cutting off your left hand or to poke out one of your eyes.

awaken 3

4. To become AWARE of; come to the realization of

There are many levels of awareness that come with waking up and ultimately being awake.

  • Some people are born awake and remain awake during their lives. This is very rare but not unheard of.  It is theorized that if a child is nurtured with awareness it will be more aware and able to to stay awake.
  • Catalysts such as events can also cause an awakening within a person.  Powerful transformation doesn’t have to be painful but for some it does come with a lot of pain.  Some people speed up their awakening process when they experience a powerful trauma or are diagnosed with a terminal illness.

awaken 25. Make or become Active again

This is one of the most powerful insights for recognizing an awakened soul that has not only woken up but has been able to maintain the vibration of being awake.  It is action.  What do they DO now that they are awake?  What are the fruits of their labors?   Once a soul realizes that everything is connected, as above so below, they must decide what their work or impact on existence is going to be.

As you strive to learn more and gain in levels of awareness I strongly urge you to set up a powerful support structure of people who love you and are seeking the same thing that you are.  Waking up is a powerful experience that will change everything about who you are and how you feel about things.  It is important to have people around you that are supportive and nurturing to your growth.

Although waking up is one of the most beautiful and powerful things a soul can go through it can also bring a lot of frustration.  Frustration with the boxes that society exists within and feeling the connections to the suffering of others here on earth can be overwhelming.  If you are engaged in waking up or seeking someones assistance in this process please make sure there is a plan or support structure in place to help you deal with the new vibrations that you will remember your connected to.

We are working very hard to create programs to assist all with the awakening process.  We are also striving to co-create a better world for everyone.  Help us by sharing your awareness and encourage others to remember that we are all connected.

We love you and thank you for reading,


Spirit Team

Views: 31

Comment by Besimi on August 16, 2014 at 12:53am

Colors vibrate at different frequencies. Our energy, as human-beings, also vibrates - what level we vibrate at, says a lot about the state of our mind, body and soul. We can go up and down vibrations, depending on how at peace we are with ourselves and what lessons we need to embrace.

Look at the candles below. Which one are you most attracted to? The candle you pick is the one that most closely matches the frequency you are currently vibrating on (like attracts like).

Spiritual Vibration Test


Karina Says: The color of the moon, this white candle reflects lunar energy. It means your soul is vibrating on a high level, it has a purity and sense of purpose. You came into this life to do something significant, and you have been granted spiritual gifts to empower your progress. Your intuition is advanced, to the point of being highly psychic (medium-ship even). You instinctively know when your behavior is not worthy of you - that is because you are an advanced soul whose job it is to lead by example. Others will follow you when you accept you are meant to lead - you are supposed to be the driving force that makes things happen (at work or in the community). But first you must ignite the lunar energy within you, if you struggle to do so, meditate at night to make your connection (just for 5 minutes, close your eyes and visualize a white light and hold that thought). Traditionally in Wicca (witchcraft), lunar energy is used to put some serious power behind spells, so you have a powerful Light within.
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are also trying to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).


Karina Says: Purple is the colour of Jupiter, which is the planet of expansion. By choosing this candle your vibration is rising to a positive frequency, and in so doing will attract luck and abundance. People will start to enter your life and talk to you of new possibilities, you must listen and act on their words, they are sent in guidance. The frequency you are entering will make you more aware of injustices in the world - you may feel angry when you see others being treated unfairly, and you will feel the need to act in some way. Justice, generosity and spirituality are the key messages with this frequency. The more you vibrate purple, the more you will spend time righting wrongs (no matter how small). You are acting out your purpose in doing so (and in response for your selfless acts the Universe responds with abundance).
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are also to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).


Karina Says: Red is the color of passion and courage. By choosing this candle you are preparing either for love or war ... your spirit is vibrating and waiting for action and advancement. Sometimes in life we must be brave to push forward with life, to stretch ourselves for spiritual growth. This is one of those moments my dear friend! Some of you need to do battle, to be brave and let go of what (or who) no longer works for you. This will leave space, a sort of cosmic vacuum which the Universe will fill with new opportunities. Others of you are ready for love. For some that means embracing a future with a new partner, it may also mean welcoming a new love into your life - a child, an animal or even a new job, study or hobby. The key is passion, to feel inspired and alive by the love you feel for someone or something. In Wicca, red candles are used to attract true love (be that a person or area of passion). A life without passion is a life half-lived.
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are also to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).


Karina Says: Yellow is used to represent Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication. By choosing this candle your vibration is moving to an 'intellectual' level. Your mind wants to learn, to study ... to absorb new things. Yellow is associated with movement and new beginnings. No matter what age you are, you are urged to keep learning - that is how your spirit grows and your vibration continues to rise to the next level. If you chose this candle it is a sign you currently have one foot on Earth, and one in the spiritual realm. This means you feel the connection of the spirit world around you in your daily life (some of you are more advanced in this awareness than others). You are guided, by the yellow vibration, to study or read about subjects that allow you to make a difference - that may be to teach, heal, look after animals, tend nature, counsel ..... It is never too late to learn, as long as there is breath in your body. Absorb the power of this vibration and expand.
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).


Karina Says: Green is associated with the heart chakra, it is symbolic of feeling whole, healthy and emotionally balanced. By choosing this candle your vibration is reaching out to the Universe, to attract balance into your life. Green is associated with nature, fertility and growth. This is a time of earthly abundance, to live more simply and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. It is only when you truly appreciate what you have (the lesson of this vibration) can you move onto a higher frequency. From time to time, we all lose our way in this often challenging world, and we return to this frequency to regain our balance. It is like going back to the womb for renewal. It is where the birth of new and exciting ideas originate. It is a creative time - for some it literally means babies, for others it means eating healthy, taking care of your body, 'me time' - or indulging in simple creative expression - cooking, gardening, crafts, writing ...
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).


Karina Says: Your vibration is rising to an enlightened level. Blue is associated with water, and consequently healing, psychic abilities, dreams and developing intuition. It is linked to the mystical planet Neptune which rules psychics and healers. If you are not ready to 'rise' with your vibration you are likely to experience mood swings, highs and lows with a few weepy moments (for no reason at all). Your sixth sense is being activated, and it can be confusing to those who are not aware they are intuitively gifted. Embrace the energy shift around you - trust your instincts, trust the signs you are receiving ... they are leading you to a New World Order in which you are to play a lead role. Accept you are gifted and move forward with it.
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).


Karina Says: Contrary to popular belief, black is not the colour of 'evil', but the colour of self-protection and introspection (looking inward). We need to know ourselves before we can advance in this earthly world. We need to know what we want before we can go after it. By choosing this candle your vibration is saying 'stop and think'. In Wicca black candles are used to summon the Goddess Hecate because she illuminates the path ahead. This is a powerful time because that inner voice (your soul) has all the answers you crave - your life purpose, knowledge on relationships and much more. It's already within you, so use the power of this black vibration to go within and retrieve the answers you seek. This means spending some quality time alone, go for a walk in nature, sit in a cafe and watch the world go by, daydream ... be aware of the thoughts that pop into your head out of the blue when you 'zone out' of your daily life. That is your inner voice. Be prepared for a few surprises! But also be prepared to follow the guidance.
Ps: If you were also attracted to another candle, it means you are to embrace the energy of that candle (the lessons).

Candle vibrations

Comment by Besimi on August 16, 2014 at 12:47am

Rosicrucians' Secret Knowledge Of Extraterrestrial Visitations

Secret documents hidden in the library of the Rosicrucians reveal humans' mysterious past and the inevitable future of the human race.

What was the function of the pyramids? How and why was Atlantis destroyed? Who are the guardians of the secret wisdom?

Were did our creators come from?

Let us open these ancient gates and look into the past and future...

As our readers already know from our previous articles, after the destruction of Atlantis the Shining Ones a group of highly advanced extraterrestrials beings who were our creators and later became worshiped as gods, were scattered over all continents.

The Shining Ones continued their mission and assisted and guided humans in their development. They shared their knowledge and taught man agriculture, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and everything that was needed for our survival as a species.

The Shining Ones were a superior race and much of what they could accomplish seemed like "magic" to our ancestors. However, these alien beings were no magicians. On the contrary, many of them were skilled scientific technicians. The scientific and technological knowledge of the Shining Ones was and still is beyond our comprehension.


This remarkable alien civilization was fully aware of the danger of revealing all of its knowledge to the humans who were considered a less developed species.
Therefore, the Shining Ones' secret knowledge was passed on but only to a group of carefully chosen individuals, like pagan priests and initiates of the secret wisdom.
It was their duty to guard and preserve the wisdom of the Shining Ones and so they did…

The secret knowledge of the Shining Ones survived until today, but the teachings of the gods are not easily accessible to any ordinary person. This extraordinary and extremely valuable knowledge has been written down and is locked behind closed doors that are very difficult to open.

The Vatican library is not the only place that is full of secrets. There are also some secret societies that possess unique knowledge of our planet's history.

Today, I would like to write a little about the secret knowledge of the Rosicrucians, a society of mystics, formed in late mediaeval Germany.

According to secret documents in the library of the Rosicrucians, the Greek philosopher Plato (427 or 428 - 347 B.C) was a depositary of the Atlantean tradition and his account is genuine.
Part of the teachings of the Rosicrucians have been revealed to the order's members by the French Grand Master Raymond Bernard (1923-2006).

According to Raymond Bernard "Atlantis was a highly civilized continent with means of transmission and transportation compared with which ours are nothing. In its time, it was the heart of the world.

"Colonized" people received knowledge in keeping with their capacities.

In particularly "open" countries, a direct relationship was established by the College of Sages, that is, the highest initiates of the time, guardians of the secret wisdom, and this relationship was marked by a pyramidal temple in the image of the supreme pyramid where the College had its seat in Atlantis, and where its knowledge was preserved.

Only one pyramid, however, has reproduced the supreme pyramid , and even then in a different "measure"; what is known as the Pyramid of Cheops. It perpetuates in the face of the world the totality of Atlantean wisdom, whereas others reveal only part of it.

In the rather near future, "discoveries" beneficial to mankind will put an end to many arguments.

The Atlanteans knew the nature and power of certain cosmic forces, particularly telluric currents, and carefully applied them to agriculture and the harmonious maintenance of the overall balance of these currents, to avoid all geological catastrophes that it was within man's power to avert.
The pyramids also fulfilled this function because of the duly studied locations in which they were built. Elsewhere, points of protection were sufficient. This was the case, for example, with dolmens and menhirs. They precisely marked places of conjoined forces and focalized universal energy, where efficacious ceremonies could be held.
It was the same with megaliths, many of which can still be seen all over the world in estates, fields, and even cities; but their sole function was to amplify cosmic energy and improve harvests.
It can be considered, moreover, that all these secondary elements were attached, from the standpoint of energy, to the supreme pyramid. The entire earth thus constituted a kind of efficient receptacle for the whole of cosmic forces…

When the supreme pyramid had been unfavorably altered as the result of ignorant and ambitious intrigues, the planetary catastrophe that engulfed Atlantis transformed the surface of the earth and became engraved in the folk imagination under the inaccurate name of the Deluge.

In the basis of the teachings of authentic African secret societies, a particle of the Atlantean wisdom has been preserved.

At the time of the catastrophe, the supreme sages took refuge in Egypt. They had safeguarded the scientific and technical knowledge that made Atlantis a continent whose civilization has never been equaled, not even in our time…

The sages did not reconstitute the Empire, because of what happened and because this in accordance with the universal plan.
It is the whole world that is called upon to become the New Atlantis… The human will is always free. Once again, and for the last time, mankind will face an ultimate choice from which will result either an era of extraordinary civilization or the end, not of a continent this time, but of the world.

This time of choice is approaching. It will be marked b the reappearance of Atlantis, the resurgence of the vanished continent before the astonished human race.

The Sages have guided our development. The have given men the discoveries that were suggested to him, as soon as he was able to understand, receive, and use each of them without danger; they have delivered, in the strictest sense of the word, the scientific and technical knowledge acquired by the Atlanteans and preserved by them and their successors…

The knowledge of the Atlanteans came from another galaxy and was brought by those who became the first rulers of Atlantis. Some of these extraterrestrials returned to their home, others remained on earth to carry out a mission, all of the world's civilizations come from this second group." (Bernard Raymond - L'empire Invisible)

In other words, the creators of humanity were extraterrestrials and can we all consider ourselves children of the stars…

Written by Ellen Lloyd -

Author of "Voices from Legendary Times: We are a bridge between past and future."

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