Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Perhaps I see nothing at all, for I am nothing at all and everything

Perhaps you dream it all
perhaps no one will listen
perhaps you are alone
perhaps things will be ok
perhaps things will be better
perhaps you will feel better

where is this perhaps?

when is this perhaps?

how will you know when perhaps turns into happening?

Let go already will you

let go of your control or lack there of

let go of fear

let go of doubt

let your heart and mind wander into a place that is unbelieveble and real

then you will see that there is no right, no wrong, only is

there is no separation, no division, only is

let go of this notion that something is wrong, or something went wrong, for even the word mistake is perhaps mistaken for everything has purpose and those things we call mistakes are actually lessons. Lessons you can either take or not take, to not take it would be to miss the lesson before you. (miss-take)

There is nothing else for today.

Love to you always - Goodbye

brandyrox and friends.

Views: 45


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Comment by brandy rox on April 8, 2010 at 8:05pm
thanks trudy, you are so sweet :)
and thank you for your eloquent words
love to you, friend
Comment by Trudy on April 8, 2010 at 7:42pm
Great Marvellous Words Brandyrox, your Light is shining bright my dear :)))

Every bad event in your life is an opportunity to raise your vibration. Keep smiling back to a cranky face... see it as a challenge for your inner growth to complete your awareness for unconditional love ...

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