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Pedophile Terrorism is Running Rampant in America

Pedophile Terrorism is Running Rampant in America

By Preston James, Ph.D on September 29, 2016

All Lives Matter ~ Similar to the Pennsylvania Appalachian Belt, the Minnesota Strip feeds kids into the national Sex-Trafficking Network to slake the World's never-ending thirst for angelic-looking Sex Toys

by  Preston James

Minnesota sex trafficking

Sometimes Minnesota nice isn’t as nice as you might think.Right now there is a local and high level cover-up of major sex trafficking of minors in Minnesota.

Some of the young girls are being sold for as little as $200.00 USD. Many have been taken out of state for purposes of prostitution, obvious White Slavery crimes which are federal felonies, kept in bondage with induced drug addictions and serious threats.

About 90% of the sex trafficking that starts in Minnesota is associated with Black Pimps. Political Correctness and recent concern with the George Soros’ secretly-backed “Black Lives Matter” (which is actually led by Intel assets) tends to motivate local LE to want to avoid any energetic investigations.

White USG officials at moderately high to very high levels run the actual deployment of these compromise ops, while the black pimps do most of the procurement.

In past years, when Gary McGaughey was head of Vice at the Minneapolis Police Department, he and Detective Rothstein worked the case now known as the “Minnesota Connection“. Through their efforts, and some honest, standup FBI agents like themselves, they were able to arrest and gain convictions with long jail sentences for 11 of the 12 top human-trafficking pimps in America.

Detective Gary McGaughey had an impeccable record and, after he and Detective Rothstein assembled the case against Hubert Humphrey for taking illegal payments from the Milk Industry, the Secret Shadow Government deployed numerous means that destroyed Detective McGaughey and his family.

This incredible hero died a broken man, never to be honored for his amazing Law Enforcement achievements for the community, or for what a standup, honorable and honest police officer he was. His career was a gift to the whole community of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Do middle class Americans have feet of clay because they are victims of their own self-induced mind-kontrol prison of Political Correctness. Are unwilling to address sex trafficking and the actual causes of blatant urban crime which is always a secret systemic consequence of high level government, LE and Intel corruption?

Do middle class Americans have feet of clay because they are victims of their own self-induced mind-kontrol prison of Political Correctness? Are we unwilling to address Sex-Trafficking and the actual causes of blatant urban crime, which is always a secret systemic consequence of high-level government, LE and Intel corruption?

Detective McGaughey was known for frequently making the following claim about how human compromise operations were accomplished:

“I know enough about vice to know that everybody has a chink in their armor”.

To effectively human compromise someone all Intel has to do is find it and exploit it by providing the proper custom designed temptation.

I am presenting this difficult truth here because, like many in LE, good black people are very frustrated that white America is like a giant with feet of clay that refuses to go after the real criminals at every level, including the black gangs, the black pimps, the white CIA drug traffickers and warmongers within the USG, Intel and the Pentagon.

The majority of middle aged blacks are pro law-and-order, and desire whites to get over their guilt and take on these criminal black pimps that prey on their young girls and boys, as well as they want them to prosecute all the black and white crooks in DC (and there are a lot that need to be prosecuted).

Most adult blacks are just like middle class whites, they want law and order in their communities. Most of the High level pedophile Honey traps are run by this Satanic pedophile network with the help of the Mossad, the CIA and all covered up by the FBI.



Some of the young sex-trafficked victims are used as Intel honey traps to set a snare from which numerous Members of Congressman and high Military and Corporate Officials can be blackmailed and controlled.

Some end up used exclusively in Satanic pedophile networks for Honey Traps used by Intel such as was described in the Book The Franklin Cover Up by Attorney John DeCamp, a personal friend of former CIA Director William Colby who was murdered after he retired.

These Intel related “Honey Trap” human compromise operations are the specialty of the CIA, MI-5&6 and the Mossad.

Naturally the FBI’s top managers at the Washington Field Office (WFO) are charged with keeping all these operations covered up FOREVER by using any means necessary, and this is of course authorized under so-called “national security”.



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