Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

By AA MIchael thru Ronna Herman
May 25, 2009, 21:23

Candace: I have placed material on Adamandine particles before. This is the smallest particle in existance, often called the God Particle. It's in the UB under a different name, the Utimaton, I think. You can consciously draw this into your aura/being, and then send them out and about. What the magic if you do this in a busy store during rush hour when people are tired and worn at the end of the day.

Message from Archangel Michael
May 2009 * LM-5-2009

Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, the ascension process is initiated when you become aware that
you are out of harmony with your God-self and our Mother / Father God, which
leads to a desire to make life changes. Thus, a Divine discontent ignites within
as you seek your own highest truth, and the desire to transmute and release past
transgressions begins which, ultimately, includes the process of forgiving all
others as well as yourself.

Maintaining a state of harmlessness is the foundation of the ascension process.
Discord begins from within and is triggered through misqualified thoughts. There
are many levels and stages of ascension: personal earthly ascension, whereby you
gradually balance and harmonize your chakra centers which in turn triggers the
process of clearing your physical vessel and your auric field of discordant
energies. This begins the process of downloading the upper portion of your
MerKaBa to create a star tetrahedron, the MerKaBic field of Light. As you
progress in consciousness and attain a more refined resonance this basic field
of Light will gradually transform into the MerKiVah, which is the Light vessel
of ascension. Thus begins the solar system and galactic ascension process for
humanity. Ultimately, we will experience the universal ascension process
together. This phase of ascension will take place in the far-distant future;
however, we in the higher realms of
existence have had glimpses of this prodigious cosmic event and, we assure you,
it is so magnificently complex and awe-inspiring that it is beyond your present

You, the Star Seeds on Earth at the present time, have a vast, rich and glorious
past, and this critical assignment on planet Earth is only one of the many
important missions you have accepted in your long journey into the great void of
unmanifested space. Many of you answered the call from the far-distant regions
of the Omniverse in order to be a part of this universal experience. Before you
began your decent into density, I promised you that we would reunite when our
universal assignment was complete, and we would go forth together under the
guidance and command of the Supreme Creator to the next glorious task of
carrying out the mandate for the creation of new worlds and star systems,
perhaps, even a new universe.

The Essence of the Supreme Creator resides in your diamond-core God Cell deep
within your Sacred Heart which was placed there before you began your journey
into physicality. The attributes, virtues and qualities of God-consciousness
were stored within the chakra system and a reserve of Adamantine Particles were
also placed within each chakra.

To advance on the spiral of ascension, you must take the Sacred Fire you
personally need to become a self-master; and then you must share your newly
gained wisdom with others in order to proceed to the next level of
en-lighten-ment. This is a universal law, and if you do not share your Light and
your wisdom, the energy flow of God particles will gradually diminish. Pure
motives and intention, a loving attitude and a desire to live your truth as it
has been revealed to you, along with a will to be of service are vital if you
are to traverse the spiral of ascension successfully.

You may advance slowly upon the path of evolution by connecting with and drawing
forth the Sacred Fire from your own God Self; however, you may call upon the
ascended masters, the archangels who are ever ready to assist you or any of the
great Beings of Light you resonate with. Ask them to overlight you with their
qualities, virtues and attributes. This will put you on the path of accelerated
transformation and will help you to attain the necessary Light quotient to move
to the next level of God-consciousness.

Your advancement on the path is carefully monitored by your Higher Self. If the
inner light of awareness shines too brightly too soon, it can be a strain on the
conscious mind and the ego desire body, thereby creating a battle for supremacy.
Whatever energy you draw forth, qualify and direct out into the universe becomes
your sole responsibility and will surely be returned to you some day, either in
a positive or a negative form. This is the law of karmic cause and effect.

Each soul draws forth a quantity of its God-Self essence in proportion to the
life's mission it assumes for a particular incarnation. The choices you make as
a physical entity with free will determines how much of your storehouse of
Sacred essence you will have access to and can benefit from. Remember, the
unconditional love you embody and project contains the formula for igniting the
Sacred Creator Fire within. You must be vigilant in maintaining an energetic
signature/ frequency pattern of the highest resonance in order to assure a
constant flow of the Sacred particles of Creator Light from the higher realms.

Beloveds, we are rapidly clearing the way for you to become Divine messengers,
inspired teachers and initiates of a new way of existence. The Divine Rays which
originated within the heart core of the Supreme Creator are refracted Light of
stupendous power, which has been stepped down and refracted through the prism of
our Father / Mother God's consciousness via the Great Central Suns of this

Humankind has been living in the shadowlands since the sinking of Atlantis.
Humanity gradually forgot the source of their being, thereby sinking deeper into
polarity; and thus the broad spectrum of duality began. You will learn the
lessons of life through experience, suffering or grace. Which will you choose?
You must clear out your emotional storehouse of the past, the old emotional
grudges and self-judgment that lower your self-esteem and empowerment.

Very few souls have been privileged to have access to the wisdom teachings of
ascension which are now being revealed. Before the Earth year 1930, the secret
wisdom teachings were only given to the most spiritually advanced souls by the
ascended masters within the retreats and ashrams around the world. These
teachings were called 'occult wisdom' which means hidden or veiled. Also in1930
a Divine dispensation was granted, which was the first time since the final
sinking of Atlantis that the knowledge of the individual I Am Presence was given
to humanity; and the transforming energies of the Violet Flame were accelerated
in preparation for the forthcoming ascension process of humanity and the Earth.

As you learn to use the universal laws of manifestation, it is of vast
importance that you discipline the mind and clearly define what you wish to
create, for as you assume the mantle of an empowered Self-master, you will more
readily create or become that which you focus on. In the past, your desires,
thoughts and intentions were foggy, unclear and unintentional, and were often
influenced or ruled by the sub-conscious or unconscious mind. The science of the
soul will guide you along the path of soul education and spiritual evolution.
The wisdom teachings of today could be called a passport for ascension. Pure
motives and intention, a loving attitude and a desire to live your truth as it
has been revealed to you, along with a desire to be of service are vital if you
are to traverse the spiral of ascension successfully.

What good is information if you do not use the knowledge to gain wisdom, thereby
assisting you to draw forth more Sacred Fire or God Particles of Creation, the
full-spectrum Metatronic Light which contains stepped-down Supreme Creator
Light, instead of the half-spectrum primal life force substance that has been
available to earthlings since darkness put a cloud over humanity's consciousness
and your life-force was greatly diminished?

True spirituality means adhering to the living truth and is not practiced just
one or two hours a week as in done in most religious ceremonies. It is an
incessant burning desire to be in constant communion with Spirit. Humanity must
move past the shallow waters of orthodox worship into the mystical river of
life. Akashic records are vibrational patterns--positive or negative--which are
stored within the cosmic library which contains the total history of creation.

White fire God cells, called Adamantine Particles, are the essence of your
Being. That is what is referred to in the saying 'You were made in God's image.'
Each of you must learn how to draw forth the Sacred Fire containing Adamantine
Particles of Light necessary for your ascension, and for the ascension of the
Earth as well. The ascension flame must come through the hearts of men and women
like you in order to be accessible and beneficial to the Earth and humanity. The
more Adamantine Particles you draw forth from the cosmic river of life,
activating them with your own precious gift of love and then allowing the major
portion to flow through you out into the world of form, the more your allotment
will increase and the more god-like you will become. Through you, the Light and
power is blended with your earthly essence and stepped-down or transmuted to
acceptable frequencies to be used by humanity and also to be integrated into the
Earth. Through your
efforts, this Divine elixir of life is now available to the animal kingdom in a
greatly modified way, and it will also be used by the devic and elemental
kingdoms to nourish and replenish the nature kingdom. It is important that you
understand, the rays of Creator Light nourish and sustain all Creation. The
Sacred Sites around the Earth were fueled with the cosmic energy within the
great crystalline spires which were implanted in strategic places around the
world when it was first created. You, the Star Seed, are now the living
sentinels of Light who are acting in the capacity of Bearers of the Living

Light Packets which contain advanced information which is sometimes difficult to
decipher are being down-loaded to those who have begun the process of unifying
the Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart. In time, this will become a normal
process; however, for the time being, you must allow yourselves time to turn
inward and contemplate what is being given to you so that you can transform the
knowledge into wisdom and integrate that which rings true to you. You must then
put your newly-found wisdom into action which will gradually enhance your Light
quotient and will add a new vibrational pattern to your Soul Song. Ask yourself
this question before your sleep time: What have I contributed this day to the
human/earthly storehouse of wisdom and loving energy? Living in a state of
harmlessness in the NOW moment is your goal. Remember, with greater gifts comes
greater responsibility.

As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must
constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must
strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the
power of the Sacred Fire within which has lain dormant for many thousands of
years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your
life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator
Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change and you are
supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have
envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a
wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.

Beloveds, these are times of momentous change, and it is a wonderful opportunity
for those like you to shine your Light. Do not let others discourage you. Follow
your heart and allow Spirit to be your guide. We are ever near to inspire and
support you. In you we are well pleased.

I AM Archangel Michael

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the
universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER

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