The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
In light of Alfred’s recent article Alfred Lambremont Webre: Creating a Positive Future: Time Science S..., I’m republishing this article. Apparently, since the cabal is operating on a ‘duality’ timeline, the new positive timeline is ‘messing’ with the cabal’s plans for us :)
If you don’t have time to watch the second video, by all means take a moment to read the interesting transcript below it. I’ve read this info before, but apparently the knowledge is really getting out there now :) ~J
Published on Sep 10, 2014
Kling & Webre Panel: Positive Timeline deconstructs Israel’s use of 2014-15 Tetra Lunar Eclipses & Saturn-Moon Matrix?…
VANCOUVER, BC – In an ExopoliticsTV panel, hermeneutics expert and author Peter Kling and futurist and author Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the impact of a 2012 shift onto a positive timeline upon the predicted events of the 2014-15 Tetra Lunar Eclipses with particular focus on Israel, the lunar calendar and the Saturn Moon Matrix. The historical record shows that the negative Zionist force behind Israel used Tetra Lunar Eclipses to engage in objective acts of genocide, perhaps in coordination with the negative Extraterrestrial forces that operate the Saturn-Moon mind control matrix, using our Earth Moon as a mind control broadcast station to enforce a duality consciousness Matrix on humanity that keeps humanity is a perpetual state of war, disease, crime and poverty.
Historical Record – Zionism & Tetra Lunar Eclipses
The actions of Israel in invading and occupying Palestine (1948-Present) under the pretext of a fraudulently acquired 1917 Balfour Declaration have been found to constitute war crimes and genocide by a legally constituted Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal (on which Alfred Lambremont Webre, MEd, JD, has served as Judge).[1]
Each of the significant actions of Israel in committing this ongoing war crimes and genocide have occurred during a Tetra Lunar eclipse or series of lunar eclipses. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar. See:
“1917: There were 7 eclipses in 1917, when WW1 ended and the Balfour Declaration was signed allowing Jews to return to Palestine.
1948: Between 1948 and 1950: There 4 lunar eclipses (Tetras) on feast days when Israel became a nation again.
1967: Between 1967 and 1968: There were 4 lunar eclipses (Tetras) on feast days. 1967 is the war Israel won and when Israel regained control of Jerusalem.
1973: There were 7 eclipses in 1973 which was the year of the Yom Kippur war victory.”[2]
Correlation between actions of Israel & Negative ETs behind Saturn-Moon Matrix
THE NEWS Live: Saturn/Moon Matrix as Mind Control Platform for Earth
The Moon as artificial satellite signal-enhancer of Moon-Saturn mind control Matrix – Mind control matrix for our planet enabling patterns of war, disease, crime, poverty and perpetual incarnation cycle after cycle after cycle.
This is THE NEWS LIVE for November 30, 2012, with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern and 1AM GMT Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterward on archive at ExopoliticsTV.
Our motto is “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.” Let me repeat that. “THE NEWS Live reports the news that the mainstream news is designed to hide.”
Our Headline
Now what’s our headline for this week, November 30, 2012? Our headline is the Moon/Saturn Matrix as a Mind Control Platform for Earth. The moon as an artificial satellite/signal- enhancer of the Moon/Saturn Mind Control Matrix; a Mind Control Matrix for our planet enabling patterns of war, disease, crime, poverty, and a perpetual incarnation cycle after cycle after cycle…
Now, let’s look at the different layers of evidence for this and what we can do about it.
Moon headlines this week
First of all we know that this week, ending November 30, 2012, the Moon was in the headlines again. Let me give you a sample headline: “Atomic Bomb on Moon, U.S. had Secret Plans to Nuke the Moon during the Cold War” media reports said.” (This is from the Huffington Post.) “A story that has surfaced over a decade ago ( [originally] from the UK Telegraph) is making the rounds again this week as some media outlets are reporting that the U.S. considered detonating an atomic bomb on the moon in an effort to intimidate the Soviet Union at the height of the cold war in the 1950’s.” (In 1957 Sputnic was launched – the first satellite into space.) “Military officials abandoned the idea. Physicist, Leonard Reiffel formerly of the U.S. military-backed Armour Research Foundation, and later a deputy director of NASA said, in part because of the danger posed to people on Earth if the mission failed. Scientists were also concerned about contaminating the Moon with radio active material. The first Soviet craft crash-landed on the moon in 1959 followed three years later by the American craft, Ranger 4, reports National Geographic.”
So that the U.S. war machine (we can read the permanent war economy’s war machine), it’s first impulse was to attack the Moon with a nuclear weapon. We don’t know what the state of consciousness was at that time about the Moon being an inhabited body, although we imagine that advanced intelligence had some concept of it as there are reports that trips to Mars from Earth took place as early as 1962; just a few years later than 1957 [when Sputnic was launched]; and just a few years later than the time that this project of nuking the moon was going forward [in the 1950's].
Evidence, Moon is populated.
Now, we have evidence that the Moon is populated on its surface, [and] not only on the inside as if it were a satellite. U.S. astronauts, NASA employees, Soviet scientists, and the National Security Agency (NSA) has confirmed an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.
There are confirmed reports of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon both from U.S. astronauts who have visited the moon, from NASA employees, from Soviet scientists, observers of the NASA moon visits, and from witnessed NSA, (National Security Agency) reports on a Moon base on the far side (dark side) of the moon.
One report states “In a 2006 television documentary, ‘Apollo 11: The Untold Story’, U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin admitted for the first time publicly that astronauts saw UFO’s on the trip to the Moon but they were not allowed to discuss this information on the live audio feed to NASA. He stated that he felt that it would have caused a ‘panic’.” Moreover, “According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA’s broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange.”
(This is during Apollo 11.)
“NASA: What’s there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11…
“Apollo: These ‘Babies’ are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They’re on the Moon watching us!”
This transmission from Apollo 11 back to Mission Control in Houston bypassed the public broadcasting outlets of NASA, but was picked up by radio hams according to NASA employee, Otto Binder.
Moreover, we have the testimony of U.S. Air Force Sargent Karl Wolfe, who was a fellow disclosure witness with myself who described photos [and] documents on extraterrestrial bases on the dark side of the moon that he witnessed at a National Security Agency building in the 1960’s. One report states that “Sargent Wolfe was working with Tactical Air Command at Langley Air Force base in Virginia in 1965. There, he was assigned to the lunar orbital project with the National Security Agency where he met an airman who confided in him that they had discovered bases in the far side of the moon.”
There’s an extensive article on this at You can go to THE NEWS Live article on the Saturn/Moon matrix at and it will give you a link to this article with all of that evidence as to intelligent life on the surface of the Moon.
Earth before the Moon
However, we’re going deeper in this, THE NEWS report. It appears as though the Moon is actually an artificial satellite moved into place, or created in place, as a transmission platform of a matrix control, of a Mind Control Matrix Reality for Earth.
First of all, let’s go and look at Earth civilization records where we can find Earth civilization records which remember an Earth before the Moon. This is the Earth before the Moon was put into place .
Here I’m quoting from archives, which again are referenced at the [THE NEWS Live Saturn/Moon Matrix] article.
“The period when the Earth was moonless is probably the most remote recollection of mankind. Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was without the moon… Aristotle taught that Arcadia in Greece, before being inhabited by the Hellenes had a pocket of Pelasgians and that these aborigines occupied the land already before there was a moon in the sky above the Earth. For this reason they were called Proselenes”
So here we have a tribe whose name was actually given [to them] because they occupied a specific piece of territory before there was a Moon above the Earth.
Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time when “not all the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and Deukalion races came into existence and all the Arcadians lived, of whom it is said they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns before there was a moon.”
Plutarch wrote in The Roman Questions: “There were Arcadians of Evander’s following the so-called pre-lunar people,” (Pre-lunar people).
Similarly Ovid wrote: “The Arcadians are said to have possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and the folk is older than the moon.” (Older than the moon, again!)
Hippolytus refers to a legend that “Arcadia brought forth Pelasgus of greater antiquity than the moon.” (Greater antiquity than the moon…)
Lucian in his astrology says that “the Arcadians affirm in their folly that they are older than the moon.”
Censorinus also alludes to the time in the past when there was no Moon in the sky . Some allusions to the time before there was a Moon can also be found in scriptures.
In Job 25:5, the grandeur of the Lord who “Makes peace in the heights” is praised and the time is mentioned “before [there was] a moon and it did not shine.” (That is in scripture in Job 25:5)
Also in Psalm 72:5 it is said: “Thou wast feared since [the time of] the sun and before [the time of] the moon, a generation of generations.” (That’s in psalms 72:5!) A ‘generation of generations’ means a very long time. Of course, it is of no use to counter this Psalm with the myth of the first chapter of Genesis, a tale brought down from exotic and later sources.
The memory of a world without a Moon lives on in the oral tradition amoung the Indians, that is the Native Americans. The Indians of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Columbia relayed some of their tribal reminiscences to the time before there was a Moon “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens,” say the tribesmen of Chibchas.
So you can see that there is a legitimate multi-cultural (from many, many cultures) from the North American aboriginals – the Native Americans, from the scriptures, from the Roman historians, from the Greek historians on which we count a great deal for our history of the modern era.
That means that our human civilization existed here before the Moon and it was the Ancient Civilization.
Moon is an artificial satellite
What occurred when the moon was brought into being?
Well, there are some theories and they seem to be based on a great deal of research that the moon is, in fact, an artificial satellite — [which is] a platform that is a frequency enhancer of a Mind Control Matrix that is itself a frequency, [and] that creates the virtual reality for humanity that has various functions.
Let’s go first to the authors of a book called WHO BUILT THE MOON? And we’ll just kind of summarize from their own words. This is an interview with Christopher Knight, one of the authors of that book.
[Christopher Knight] “The Moon sits very close to the Earth. It is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known Universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.
“The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.
“The material the Moon is made from, came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.”
(There is some quarrel about that.)“The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.
“Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.”
He continues here: “We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the mass, dimensions and movements of the Earth.However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern. Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.
“It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.”
The questioner said: “Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?”
[Christopher Knight] “It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.
“The work of Alexander Thom, a brilliant professor of engineering from Oxford University, was our starting point. He identified the existence of what he called the Megalithic Yard. This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections, they are baseless.
“Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all time, capacity and weight units in use today. Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.
“Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling. All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.
“Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.
“It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.
“In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial.”
There you have it.
Saturn/Moon Matrix
Let’s go to the great theorists who sometimes get attacked. I think David Icke is a great theorist who has put forth a model for the Saturn/Moon Matrix by looking at the extraterrestrial craft that he calls the Saturn Ring Makers. [He] has identified the Saturn Rings as a communication mechanism for transmitting a Virtual Reality Matrix which is enhanced by the Moon as almost a platform antennae which is directed at Earth. So that, we humans here on Earth are living inside a fake reality – a virtual reality, which kind of dumbs us into this 3D time-space reality – down to two strand DNA. In fact, we were created as twelve strand DNA Lightbeings in the third dimension. First of all, this Virtual Saturn/Moon Matrix enforces the two strand DNA Virtual Reality Matrix. That was first imposed, we know, 280,000 years ago when the Anunnaki ET’s landed at Adams Calendar. [The Anunnaki], using sound technology reduced our 12 strand DNA down to 2 strand DNA thus limiting humanity’s ability to perceive multi-dimensionally and ability to come totally from heart-space; and having us perceive systematically inside a narrow dualistic consciousness band of ‘I win – You lose.’ That’s duality consciousness.
You can go to and google ‘Adams Calendar, the movie’ and it’s a very good documentary that we’ve created on that subject.
Also, the Saturn/Moon Matrix creates the re-incarnation-incarnation-re-incarnation-incarnation cycle after cycle reality. And in fact, there’s some concepts that the ‘incarnation depot’ for Human Souls that are caught inside the virtual reality and are enmeshed in the cycle of crime, disease, war and poverty, is on the dark side of the Moon. You think you go to heaven, but you’re deposited on the dark side of the Moon in this ‘depot for souls’ and then you’re reincarnated into the ‘re-incarnation virtual reality game’ on Earth.
If we look at one of the great spiritual seers, G.I. Gurdieff (1866-1949); he intuitively thought that souls who were in this virtual matrix went to a depot on the far side of the Moon. He intuitively thought that. Gurdieff frequently admonished the thoughtless mechanical behavior of humanity and was fond of saying that ‘We are food for the Moon.’ That was one of Gurdieff’s favorite sayings ‘We are food for the Moon.’
In other words, the Moon acts as a giant electromagnet pulling upon organic soul life on Earth and sucking into itself the soul essence of dying creatures. The Moon is an embryonic planet in that sense and so we can credit Gurdieff and Ouspensky for providing one of the earliest models of the Saturn/Moon Matrix.
Greys and Human Souls
In Exopolitics also, (go to you can see some of the studies that we have reported, especially from New Zealand, where Grey extraterrestrials are in charge of the care of human souls, and matching human souls with new incarnating lives; and of taking on many tasks that Earthly religions normally say ‘oh this is in the Provence of ‘G-d’. Well no, it appears to be in the Provence of Grey extraterrestrials.
There is one case that we reported on extensively where the head of the UFO organisation in New Zealand, in fact, met the Soul of her future son when she was a young child aboard a Grey extraterrestrial craft. Then, when she was married and pregnant with the fetus of her future son [she] was beamed aboard an extraterrestrial craft and there she met the Soul again. The Greys’ came in and there was an enmeshment ceremony where the Soul of her future son was enmeshed with the fetus in her womb. So one has to query where Exopolitics is really a future spiritual science. What is the relationship between the Saturn/Moon Matrix and incarnation, and the role that the Grey ET’s apparently are now taking in the human incarnation cycle of some souls? These are legitimate questions that have to be addressed.
Now you can say this is just theoretical. Theoretical?! Just think of the past ten days. We have had a war in Gaza that was Israel versus the Palestinians on this non-ending tread of violence that goes back to 1948. And, that was really seeded back in the nineteenth century by Satanic Illuminati bloodline bankers [who] conceived of the concept of Israel that would be a perpetual war machine in the middle east; and then that way, WW3 would start as a confrontation of Europe, Israel and the United States between the Arabs. That is in fact what is happening now. We have the war in Syria. We have at any one time about one hundred fifty wars on this planet. We have world public and private debt. We have starvation on this planet. We have war, disease, crime and poverty at an enormous rate and all of this, for example, the entire war industry, and the entire debt industry, and the starvation industry, is created when traced back to one strain of bloodline bankers who created communism, Bulshevism; they control Nazism and funded it. They control hyper-capitalism. They have to be tuned in and in consort with the Satrun/Moon Matrix signals where they, you know, most especially know how to work the Virtual Reality of Duality and really get into it.
And so, although we can bemoan this reality that we incarnate into of duality here on Earth, it is a Virtual Reality. It’s a Virtual Reality, a program — war, disease, crime and poverty. And [it is] programed incarnation after incarnation after incarnation into this, in a machine that is composed up at the Saturn Rings, (possibly through this [David Icke's] model]), but certainly through the Moon. And so this NEWS which we’re releasing today, is a cause — a call to consciousness to people to become conscious as to what’s really causing all of this; that we all become conscious as human souls to what we’re in and become Source oriented so that we can then see what’s the solution.
The solution is to see Exopolitical allies, that is advanced extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional allies who are ethical and who can help us escape out of the Matrix that was imposed upon us without our consent by some higher power which is still operating the Saturn/Moon Matrix.
Thank you for listening and please pass this word on. It is the ultimate source of our liberation in the deepest possible way.
I’m Alfred Lambremont Webre, this is THE NEWS Live.
May you have a wonderful day, night, and week, and Expect a Miracle because Life is Miraculous.
Transcript by DJamil Graham
Copyright, Alfred Lambremont Webre
All rights reserved.
20-25 NOVEMBER 2013
Case No. 3-CHG-2013
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission
Amos Yaron
Case No. 4-CHG-2013
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission
The State of Israel
[2] “The 4 Lunar Eclipses in 2014-2015 (Tetra) ALL on Jewish Feast Days, and the last one for 21st Century…. is Significant”
Move the Moon Movement (MMM): The Saturn-Moon Matrix as an artificial platform and mind control Matrix for Earth
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