Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Our Monad Part 3
From 3D To 4D And 5D
By Lev, disclosurenews

If we are all multidimensional cosmic beings, then where is our home world, for each of us and our Monads?

As Disclosure News narrated in Part 1 (see – Our Monad, DNI, 11 May 2022), on a Subtle Plane, the Monad looks like a sphere from which many multicolored threads are spread out into space. Each thread is a ray of attention, a manifestation body, an incarnation in one of the countless worlds, dimensions and timelines.

Yes, we are multidimensional, but 3D man cannot accommodate our cosmic consciousness. Therefore, we, as a Monad, divide our consciousness into aspects of attention, and one of them is the experience here on the three-dimensional Earth.

Does this initial “home” exist at all?

Our “home world” is located where the attention of our Monad, in this case, our 3D personality is concentrated.

As consciousness develops, it forms gravitational centers into which attention is drawn according to its vibrations.

In other words, we live where we like, or we just decided to get some experience/complete the task of our Monad, one of the aspects of which we are. And every aspect, like every child, chooses a home and occupation to their liking.+++

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