Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Our Canoe From 3D To 4D And 5D By Lev

Our Canoe
From 3D To 4D And 5D
By Lev

For now, it’s 90 % of predetermined to make a Transition. But the rest of the total population also has a chance, awakening and starting their inner work. Everything is still strictly individual.

For several millennia of the past Kali Yuga, our planet was ruled by alien civilizations. For them, the Galactic winter (following the Splintered terms) on Earth is the most relish, the sugar era, a heavenly space for evil activities to decompose people and harvest low-frequency crops. This is the era of involution and separation of energies.

The life expectancy of people decreased – up to a maximum of 100 years. There is a general economic and spiritual degradation; people show the most terrible and disgusting qualities. Their courage, intelligence and strength are weakening. Their behavior is controlled by anger, envy and ambition. Men become deceitful and observe only the appearance of love and morality.

Ultimately, the loss of Spiritual values and the oblivion of human duty turn against the bearers of Evil, hatred and vice. Rulers are no longer can keep people in obedience, to protect them from inside and outside. Evil and violence fill the whole world, destroying it completely...+

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