Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Our aim is to prepare you for the immediate period, which is becoming intensified with powerful energies.

Our aim is to prepare you for the immediate period, which is becoming intensified with powerful energies. There is certainly more information about in these times, and it is part of an intense program to enable those who seek the truth to find it.
"Your Guides follow your spiritual evolution, and are charged with helping you find signposts to your pathway. Fear is the weapon of the dark forces, as opposed to love that accompanies those who are of the Light. As you are seeing now, there are many institutions breaking up and failing to survive the Light that is revealing their weaknesses. Those that do not reflect the desire of the people will lose their support unless they are able to accept changes. This is particularly evident in the financial sectors which are rising up again. We know that the old paradigm will no longer work, and with various developments that are taking shape a totally new system will emerge. Our allies are behind the changes and simply wait for the optimum time to surge ahead. That will bring the start of many essential changes to Mankind’s way of living, setting the stage for First Contact. Be of good cheer in spite of the controlled (mainstream) media news, and you will lessen its ability to spread its doom and gloom. If the good news were reported it would speak of Ascension, and the changes that are taking place all through your solar system. It would tell you that your scientists know the Sun is changing, and that in the immediate years there was going to be a massive outpouring of energy. Instead, you are fed a diet of fear, hoping that you will continue to give up what is left of your freedom, and that you will lose heart and offer no resistance. Yet you the people are a tower of strength if you will only come together in a common purpose. The dark fear your enlightenment, as you will draw on your inner strength and oppose them. Indeed, it is happening now and you have already seen such instances in many countries, including the most recent one in China ...."

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Comment by Besimi on July 15, 2009 at 2:12am
''The dark fear your enlightenment, as you will draw on your inner strength and oppose them.''
...............This is good ! ....thanx Jose bro. Namaste.

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