Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Orderliness and Spontaneity Archangel Zadkiel By Joan Walker

Orderliness and Spontaneity
Archangel Zadkiel
By Joan Walker

Jim: Zadkiel, where is the interface between orderliness and spontaneity?

That spark of creation when all of a sudden two things come into your awareness and you know “Aha, yes I can.” That creative moment? How does orderliness and spontaneity interface in such a way that there are no random, accidental pieces added into the creation that would interfere?

Zadkiel: It is within the stillness. There is an active fertility that is present within that stillness. It allows for an unlimited space to exist. And it is within that space where there is spontaneity. There is a spark that is ignited in the creative process; but it is within that Still Point. The Still Point, is necessary in order to access and activate the creative process consciously.

You cannot approach this with the rational mind. The rational mind wants to make the Still Point very still, where there is no movement. In reality, there is a type of movement, but not in the way that you normally would think from your rational mind.

Jim: I find myself re-assembling pieces as I sit here with you.

Zadkiel: Yes. It opens up a vastness that is very pregnant with possibilities. It is a space which would be very beneficial for you to cultivate, because it is a very vast space. ...+

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