Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Operation Oncotomy Part 2 From 3D To 4D And 5D By Lev

Operation Oncotomy
Part 2
From 3D To 4D And 5D
By Lev

The karmic carcinoma of the Local Universe had another source – the genome of its Black Co-Creator. How did it happen?

After this Supreme Hierarch betrayed the Source and turned to the Dark Side, our Local Universe was divided into two opposing camps. The Lights and the Darks began to build their eons and Intelligence forms.

The three-dimensional Earth was part of the Gray eons made by Yaltabaoth, the son of Black Co-Creator and World Mother Sophia. Before the division of the Local Universe, our planet was in the image and likeness of the Pleroma, planned as its lower pole, but as a result of events it lost its mission, task, and objective.

Black Co-Creator injected his substance into the Earth’s core. Feeding on the negativity and karma of humanity, this “seed”, like a cancerous tumor, metastasized, and began to grow on the Subtle Plane.

Over time, it increased to cosmic proportions, hitting the Local Universe, Logos of Galaxies, stars and planets. This substance was of the highest quality, as it consisted of the info-energy of Co-Creator...+

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