Operation OncotomyPart 1From 3D To 4D And 5DBy Levhttps://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/07/operation-oncotomy-1.htmlOn July 9, 2022 at 02:34 PM CET, new info was conveyed concerning the Giorgia Guidestones’ demolition three days earlier (see – Disclosure News, News Burst, July 8, 2022, and The Thresher July 8, 2022).
Recall. The four main plates were oriented according to the annual cycle of the Sun’s movement across the sky.
In the central column at eye level there was a via hole oriented to the north – through it at any time of the year one could see the North Star – as well as a slot made in accordance with the position of the Sun during the solstices and equinoxes.
A 7/8-inch hole in the upper roof slab was oriented so that the sunlight penetrating through it at noon fell on the central stone, indicating the day of the year.
The megalithic structure was located in an area known as the Granite Capital of the World, given to it because of the huge deposits of this mineral. The monument itself was located on top of a flat hill. The first two commandments accurately indicated those who created it and why.
But it was all on the surface. On the Subtle Plane, this object was the localization point of the global egregore of Black Archons and their Dark Hierarchy...+
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