Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"Operation Deepsleep"


A solar eclipse will occur on the 11th of July 2010, precisely 19 years after the 7 minute totality of 1991, when the Illuminati came up with the plan to destroy America.

The plan of Lucifer is to deploy the HAARP beam to heat the water molecules above the Gulf, raising a low pressure air pocket up into the stratosphere. The low pressure will be a sign that they will cause a quake intended to target the sea bed under the Deepwater Horizon spill.

At the same time a West Australian deep earth sonar test will be deployed, in conjunction with HAARP this will cause a giant quake, similar to the quake caused by the Illuminati owned company that deployed the sonar activity during the days leading up to the Haiti quake.

At the end of June 2010 the West Australian government granted a license to the same Illuminati Company to resume sonar 'exploration'.

This will be used again in conjunction with HAARP causing a quake under the Gulf intended to split open the ocean floor releasing the explosive gas 'bubble' that has been building up under the Gulf of Mexico, estimated to be approaching 100 miles across and a height of six hundred feet.

This intended quake will split the sea floor releasing the 100,000 pounds per square inch pressure causing massive effervescence and cavitations of the sea water.

The enormous amount of gas venting into the sea, will raise to the surface over the area estimated to be 30 miles wide creating a gas cloud that will rise into the atmosphere where the gas will combine with the air then the oxygen gas mix will be ignited by the burn off, causing a gigantic blast resulting in a shock wave of unimaginable velocity.

It is timed to occur between the late evening of the 11th and the early morning of the 12th the target detonation is 4:17 AM. This is planned to occur when most people will be asleep in the region.

"Operation Deepsleep" is aimed at creating a gas explosion that will have appeared to be an act of God, the bible prophecies have been manipulated to appear to be the work of the angels, when in fact it is the demonic influence upon men in positions of authority.

They intend to cause the vast explosion; thousands of times more powerful than the world's largest hydrogen bomb. The blast is also intended to cause a tsunami wave that will wipe out the region for hundreds of miles inland followed by a release of deadly gas.

Prior to the detonation, Chemtrails will be dumped over the target area�s during the morning of the 12th July 2010, aircraft will fly over the cities and towns to spray chemtrails to disable the sleeping masses, not to cause death but to disable the people so they will be awake yet helpless to move unable to escape from burning homes that are demolished or still standing.

All UN vehicles will have been either abandoned or pulled back along with the armed forces, militia and then after the carnage, will be deployed to gather the dead taking the bodies in the FEMA coffins to trains where they will be shipped intact to FEMA Camps and the crematoriums.



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Comment by Free Spirit on July 10, 2010 at 4:13pm
I don't see this going according to plan lightworkers are on top of things now and no matter what they try now it will backfire in there face not all people in the south are stupid as they think several have awakened and there is more everyday. we are joining with other lightworkers and there is power in numbers so lets rock and roll. Love,Light & Blessings To All
Comment by simpleman on July 10, 2010 at 4:10pm
Pay attention to the animals, they know. Watch their actions, look for changes is behavior and not just pets, but all animals. They are our friends and if we treat them with respect, we can learn much. Look for strange behavior with your pets too. Animals can detect earth quakes days befor they happen.
Comment by Vaddix on July 10, 2010 at 12:55pm
guess i have one day left to live. I'm in the blast radius. cant really see this happening though. Ive read too many predictions on the internet to believe just one.
Well if i dont reply back tomorrow, Its been a good ride.
Comment by nonya on July 10, 2010 at 12:04pm
"I do see many of us together in one place after its all over and we are laughing and smiling with gratitude and astonishment"

SIMPLEMAN i see this too
Comment by simpleman on July 10, 2010 at 11:03am
Well, if this does come to pass, then Im ready and I love all you guys and thank you for being my friends, we will see each other again. If this is fails, then I will see you later. I do believe they are capable of doing some so sinister like this, but there are greater forces working against them. I do not believe they will allow this to take place.

( I do see many of us together in one place after its all over and we are laughing and smiling with gratitude and astonishment)
Comment by Ullan on July 10, 2010 at 8:56am
Just one more attempt to make you live in fear. Ignore it, this will not come to pass.
Comment by Simmy on July 10, 2010 at 8:36am
I choose not to believe in this.
Comment by Trudy on July 10, 2010 at 6:32am
The dark ones are capable of anything. But whether also they succeed in pushing through the bad effect is still the question! Personally I believe that it is not going to happen. The power of the dark ones is waning, the end is in sight. Of course this dark labile are convinced that they reach the finish line... but we know better ... they will fall into the hole they have dug themselves ... but this is not without a struggle, in our union to the Light, we gonna be hard put to the test...
Stay in your Light is my best advice :)))
In Lak'ech
Comment by JEN on July 10, 2010 at 6:14am
Heavens, I hope not! I live at ground zero!
Comment by Gerd Ambranovic on July 10, 2010 at 5:34am
haha this won't happen believe me :)

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