Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"Operation Deepsleep"


A solar eclipse will occur on the 11th of July 2010, precisely 19 years after the 7 minute totality of 1991, when the Illuminati came up with the plan to destroy America.

The plan of Lucifer is to deploy the HAARP beam to heat the water molecules above the Gulf, raising a low pressure air pocket up into the stratosphere. The low pressure will be a sign that they will cause a quake intended to target the sea bed under the Deepwater Horizon spill.

At the same time a West Australian deep earth sonar test will be deployed, in conjunction with HAARP this will cause a giant quake, similar to the quake caused by the Illuminati owned company that deployed the sonar activity during the days leading up to the Haiti quake.

At the end of June 2010 the West Australian government granted a license to the same Illuminati Company to resume sonar 'exploration'.

This will be used again in conjunction with HAARP causing a quake under the Gulf intended to split open the ocean floor releasing the explosive gas 'bubble' that has been building up under the Gulf of Mexico, estimated to be approaching 100 miles across and a height of six hundred feet.

This intended quake will split the sea floor releasing the 100,000 pounds per square inch pressure causing massive effervescence and cavitations of the sea water.

The enormous amount of gas venting into the sea, will raise to the surface over the area estimated to be 30 miles wide creating a gas cloud that will rise into the atmosphere where the gas will combine with the air then the oxygen gas mix will be ignited by the burn off, causing a gigantic blast resulting in a shock wave of unimaginable velocity.

It is timed to occur between the late evening of the 11th and the early morning of the 12th the target detonation is 4:17 AM. This is planned to occur when most people will be asleep in the region.

"Operation Deepsleep" is aimed at creating a gas explosion that will have appeared to be an act of God, the bible prophecies have been manipulated to appear to be the work of the angels, when in fact it is the demonic influence upon men in positions of authority.

They intend to cause the vast explosion; thousands of times more powerful than the world's largest hydrogen bomb. The blast is also intended to cause a tsunami wave that will wipe out the region for hundreds of miles inland followed by a release of deadly gas.

Prior to the detonation, Chemtrails will be dumped over the target area�s during the morning of the 12th July 2010, aircraft will fly over the cities and towns to spray chemtrails to disable the sleeping masses, not to cause death but to disable the people so they will be awake yet helpless to move unable to escape from burning homes that are demolished or still standing.

All UN vehicles will have been either abandoned or pulled back along with the armed forces, militia and then after the carnage, will be deployed to gather the dead taking the bodies in the FEMA coffins to trains where they will be shipped intact to FEMA Camps and the crematoriums.



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Comment by Tetragrammaton on July 12, 2010 at 6:43pm
Mr Moet I don't think its really about believing anything... i think its about having an open mind and accepting things as possibilities. i believe in taking in as much info as possible and gaining different perspectives.. THEN going within and deciding what is right in my own mind and soul. Its good to have the info out there either way.. if one believes its disinformation that is fine as well but at least it was put forth, and brought to peoples attention just in case.
Comment by Mr.Moet on July 12, 2010 at 6:32pm
you people will believe anything..quick the fear game..nothing like this is going to happen....
Comment by Vaddix on July 12, 2010 at 5:39pm
well i guess it didnt happen guys
Comment by Besimi on July 12, 2010 at 2:08am
“It is not my wish to punish the Queen or those of her family, I understand the power of Lucifer, but Lucifer was finished on May 15th 2010 at 3:16 PM Castlemaine time Victoria Australia. All who repent and come forward declaring to the world I have forgiven them will be pardoned. If not they will face the Grim Reapers .
Well ! very interesting videos,from this guy Brian L G Marshall. in this link
Comment by Besimi on July 12, 2010 at 1:24am
Is He Jesus incarnation in flesh ? ...and than,who is that other Jesus ,that is being chanelled,all this time by channellers ???.
.... :):):) Glad to know we have so many Jesuses !!!!!. .......Discernment advised.

Brian L G Marshall.

A former law enforcement and national intelligence source who maintains connections inside the White House confirmed the White House and the President are aware of Queen Elizabeth's plan to step down some time mid summer. This was apparently the reason why President Obama left an executive meeting with British Petroleum after just twenty minutes on Wednesday. The President is alleged to be terrified.

The Queen has apparently informed her family that she intends to step down after British and United States intelligence officials notified her that an Australian man known as Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall is unable to be "disappeared."

Marshall who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ is apparently well known by intelligence officials world wide, who have attempted to conceal his identity from the public for decades.

The Queen was notified that attempts to assassinate Marshall over many years were un-successful. The source says, "Marshall just wouldn't die," even after allegedly being poisoned with enough cyanide to kill a horse. "The f-ing guy really is immortal," claimed the source.

Marshall has allegedly been trying to inform people for years that the world is controlled by Satanists, led by the Rothschild family, which is alleged by former Illuminati Satanist John Todd to be on the "Council of Three" the highest order of Illuminati witchcraft that channels and communicates directly with the devil, Lucifer.
Comment by Besimi on July 12, 2010 at 12:50am

Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall does claim to be Jesus Yahweh. If a H A A R P catestrophic event were to take place, wouldn't Jesus Christ reach out to save us? Why does Brian Golightly know about a H A A R P event before one may strike? Other prophetic voices have been crying out about events that are about to hit the fan, this summer.

If you were made aware ahead of time about the End of the World, would you do anything different? If Brian Golightly says it then does that make it so? We have seen other solar eclipses, in our lives. Why is July 11 any different?

Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall

Sat, Jul 3, 2010
Subject: July 11 – Armageddon Day?

Another of this guy : Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall

******Queen Elizabeth Steps Down – Jesus Has the Right to Rule – What If This Were True?
Benjamin Fulford

Date: Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:26 PM
Subject: Whose Right It Is to Rule and Reign

Queen Elizabeth II, will make a public statement in the coming weeks, announcing her decision to step down from the Throne of England.

Found Benjamin Fulford's Comments Page

BEN!!!! This was on the web today!!!!! Please confirm this!
Message Body:

It is reported by those close to her, that Queen Elizabeth II, will make a public statement in the coming weeks, announcing her decision to step down from the Throne of England. Sources say her decision comes after learning that THE ONE WHOSE RIGHT IT IS TO RULE AND REIGN has made His presence known to her. It is reported that she is in receipt of a Declaration and Notice of Claim to the Throne of England from Australian born Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.

Apparently the Queen’s advisors have confirmed to her that Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall is the direct genetic descendant of the King of Judah, King David through the Royal bloodline of his parents Daphne Golightly and Reginald Marshall.

Sources say the Queen is excited because The Declaration and Notice of Claim to the Throne contains also the evidence of Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall being the returned Lord Jesus Christ and therefore the inheritor of the Throne of David which is the Throne of England today..

It is well known and documented that the Queen was educated from a small child by her father George VI that should the Christ return during her reign; she was immediately upon her being notified of His presence, to step down from the Throne turning it over to Him. She is well aware that all monarchs of England have been custodians of the Throne for the Lord Jesus Christ, they awaiting His return to the earth.

The Queen is reported to be relieved that He is finally here. She has admitted the years have taken their toll and her ownership of British Petroleum which is responsible for the oil rig disaster threatening to kill all human and animal life on the earth is too much for her conscience to bear. She has confided as a mother, that she is concerned for the welfare of the people of the nations she rules and confesses that the only way to avert the death of millions of people, is for the Lord Jesus Christ to ascend to His Throne and take control of the situation. The Queen has already been informed of His plan to fix the spill in a very short time.

Leaked documents confirm that Her Majesty has instructed her advisors and public relations people to organize the television and radio broadcasting networks as well as the newspaper publishing houses of every nation and tongue to televise and publish her announcement. She wants the people to learn simultaneously of the good news of the Second Coming of their long awaited Lord and Savior. It is her Majesty’s desire that every eye should see and behold the Christ who gave His Life for all mankind when He was crucified in Jerusalem on April 3rd, 33AD and resurrected on April 5th 33AD. The Queen has seen the evidence for herself that the face in the Shroud of Turin belongs to Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall.
The Queen who is also familiar with biblical prophecy has been overheard and quoted as saying, “I thought He would never get here and I want to ask Him what took Him so long?”

The public announcement will be made in the weeks leading up to July 17th 2010, the Armageddon according to sources.
Comment by Vaddix on July 12, 2010 at 12:14am
link to live feed of bp's rovers. So just to hush your worries.
Comment by nonya on July 11, 2010 at 10:19pm
Thanks for sharing that SIMPLEMAN, Duley noted!!
Comment by simpleman on July 11, 2010 at 9:02pm
Im not trying to cause fear, but I feel I need to share another thing comes to mind and that is my grandfather's visions that he has been having for the past 3 months. This is something he is not use to. He's never had visions before but only one other time when he was ill and in the hospital. He had his gall bladder removed. The doctors expected him to die and he nearly did, but he is strong willed and recovered. When he was in the hospital he had visions of seeing and hearing the anhinga, he said its also called a water turkey, he saw three bucks with large antlers they nearly ran him over. The three deer were being chased by two tigers. (There are no tigers here accept in zoos.) And also he saw a older woman but couldnt see her face and a woolly face man, face covered in hair. (I looked up the water turkey , these birds i have never seen where we live)

I dont think he knows these visions are meaningful, he's in his 90s, been totally blind for about 10 years and still old school, you know. He has never said anything about the visions to me personally and I heard about them through my mother. I mentioned earlier in another blog about his visions hes been getting the past 3 months about trees on fire. I dont like to admit that the visions of trees everywhere on fire could be related to this oil spill gas explosion in the gulf.

I went to see him today. Its like he has been waiting to tell me about the visions and we have never talked about that before. He said he saw trees every where on fire and he could see water through the trees and flooding. Today was the first I have heard of him seeing water behind the trees. This is conformation for me. There were other family members there in the room, so i think thats why he was brief about the visions. Doctors tell him its hallucinations but i get the feeling that deep down this shouldnt be ignored and I think he knows that too
Comment by nonya on July 10, 2010 at 5:56pm
FREE and PT I would like to be as optimistic as you but at the same time I have conflicting feelings. I want this game to end and if it takes the hand of the divine to slam on the table and shake shit up a bit, I am all for it. There are still so many asleep. As I have stated many times, it is going to take nothing short of a catastrophy for everyone to be on board. Sorry to say.

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