Only Peace PersistsBy Steve Beckow I saw the Self at Xenia on Sept. 18, 2018, a large part of the experience was feeling its purity and innocence. (1)
I was so relieved. I’m not sure what else I expected to find, but to actually experience the quality of my essential nature and to find it to be so inspiringly clean was affirming and confidence-building.
In my essential form we are pure and innocent. Our common intention is to unveil that pure and innocent Self, not to burden it with fresh layers of resistance and revenge, “You did it” and “I gotcha.”
You realize the implications of this experience: In the Middle Ages I could be burnt at the stake for what I’m about to say.
The church doctrine of original sin is not correct. We are in truth originally innocent and pure.
Everything that follows from this incorrect teaching of the church is ill-founded and itself inaccurate.
As I write these words, I find myself saying, “Doctrinal errors pale before sexual abuse among the clergy.” And, in Canada, it pales before the murder of the abused and a massive cover-up for decades. Who cares about ideas in the face of murder? ...+
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