Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

"One's Ego Purification vs. Ego Transcendence"

One's Ego Purification vs. Ego Transcendence
There’s a very important difference I’d like to talk about because
without being aware of this,
it may seem like two different paths and ideologies can be in conflict with each other whereas they’re simply choosing to ultimately achieve the same thing,  
fulfillment of the soul and a place of well-being,
but via different methods and teachings.
The Saint is a man who disciplines his ego.
The Sage is a man who rids himself of his ego.

Historical Background
When the Buddha came to the earth and began teaching his Dharma 2500 years ago,
he basically began teaching a pathway to enlightenment.
His eight-fold path leads to the end of human suffering and self-awakening.
Enlightenment is essentially a complete disidentification with the ego,
our idea of a separate self.
As one searches for Truth and begins to look within,
they will often find that there really is no separate self in the first place,
only the idea of one which they can then pretend to be real and thus who I am.
Enlightenment is about letting go of identification with the false self,
with that which you are not.
For those of you familiar with David Hawkins’ map of consciousness,
spiritual awakening corresponds with consciousness level 600,
the initial level of enlightenment.
Now practically speaking, total spiritual awakening can be a pretty challenging task
for people, especially for people back thousands of years ago
who were far less spiritually evolved than people today.
You and I have a bit of a head start compared to people in those days since many of us
are open to and have been exposed to higher level teachings our whole lives.
Yes you can become enlightened this very instant,
but it generally takes a lot of effort to get to that level of surrender.
When Jesus came down, 500 years after Buddha,
he taught people to strive for a different goal which is easier for the masses to reach: Unconditional Love.
We can’t really say to ourselves, “Let’s be enlightened now”
and have it happen just like that,
but we can choose to be unconditionally loving in the moment.
Jesus taught about loving your neighbor as yourself, being a loving person, and so on.
His teachings basically guide people to being the best “me” that they can be.
He encourages people to become the highest and most loving
and compassionate separate self possible,
even though he does mention how we are all Gods and ultimately One.
For those of you familiar with Hawkins’ scale of consciousness,
Unconditional Love calibrates at consciousness level 540,
the highest level attainable before enlightenment at 600.
Again, if you don’t know what the numbers mean, no worries.
What’s important to take away is the idea that Unconditional Love is the highest state that an individual can attain.
Both paths, unconditional love and enlightenment,
are absolutely amazing and deal support the fulfillment of the soul.
It’s not about gaining worldly possessions and attaining worldly power and status,
but about fulfillment of the soul and becoming whole and complete as a being.
If everyone in the world reached the level of Unconditional Love or Enlightenment,
MAN what a place this’d be!!
Both levels are utterly phenomenal.

Ego Purification
What are some common techniques of ego purification used today?

Positive thinking
Choosing to be loving towards yourself and others
Forgiving yourself and others for mistakes and sins
Overcoming fears by choosing to believe more helpful thoughts
Replacing guilt and shame with love and acceptance
Notice that all of these have something in common:
They all seek to improve the mind and better the self, to achieve states of being
that lead to greater success and harmony in the world.
They are all very helpful and constructive tools to assist us
in reaching higher states of being.
Much of our society today is aimed at ego purification.
I want to quickly differentiate this from ego fulfillment, from buying products
to make yourself feel better the way many advertisements encourage us to act,
for example.
That is encouraging us to move away from a feeling of lack.
Here I’m talking about cultivating a sense of inner fulfillment and sharing
that sense of completion and well-being with the world.
It’s like having your heart overflow with unconditional love
and naturally expressing that state of being with the world for the sheer joy
of being in this state, not because you seek to fill an inner void.

Ego Transcendence
What does transcendence mean in the first place?
We toss the word around a lot, but it’s not exactly a common word.
Let’s define transcendence first of all so we’re all on the same page.
Transcendence is about going beyond one’s current level.
It’s like going from first grade to second grade.
You don’t destroy first grade, but you master the lessons it offers
and then move up to the next grade,
having understood the lessons it offered.
You may then set down first grade now that it’s served its purpose,
just like any other toy you’re finished playing with.
When you get your fill of playing with separation and duality consciousness,
as well as the suffering that arises from this state of consciousness,
you’re then ready to truly commit to rising up above the level of egoic consciousness
and towards a more unified state of consciousness.
Instead of replacing one belief with another,
you rise above the level of beliefs entirely into pure knowingness.
Instead of replacing one made-up story with another,
we let go of the stories and search for a Truth that is prior to all stories in the first place.
What are some common techniques used to help us transcend the ego?
Not believing a single thought the mind thinks
Letting go
Dropping judgment and instead allowing things to be the way they are
Letting go of inner resistance
Looking without labeling
Notice that the main point here is that instead of replacing a not-so-helpful belief
with a more helpful belief,
we are choosing to stop making up beliefs in the first place.
We just allow things to be as they are without adding an additional story to it.
The mind is less engaged as a tool to interact with reality.
Yes it is used in certain techniques such as self-inquiry,
but a technique such as self-inquiry is actually used to help the mind unravel itself.
The person performing the self-inquiry comes to find that there is no “me”
to perform the self-inquiry in the first place, a pretty striking realization.
Similarly, the Sedona Method also uses the mind to consciously ask yourself questions,
but the questions lead to the loosening and ultimately the let go
of the mind’s grip upon us,
the self-imposed limitations we place upon ourselves,
and thus lead to freedom and liberation.
While ego purification is about moving away from pain and towards pleasure,
away from bad and towards good, away from fear and towards love,
ego transcendence is about realizing that there is another option:
rising above the level of duality entirely and experiencing that which has no opposite.
Becoming that. Being that.
I am that.
Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
So there’s two main avenues which both are targeted at lessening
or even ending the existence of human suffering.

While they aim to do so through different avenues,
both methods can be supremely helpful to the person who begins
taking advantage of them.
Both ego purification and ego transcendence are valuable
and have their appropriate place,
but here on this site, we focus on ego transcendence.
Which path is more appropriate for you is up to you to choose.
Which path do you prefer and why?

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