The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
We are not just imagining a better future for humanity; we are also able to see a better now moment than most of you are. That ability that we have to see the better now moment there on planet Earth is also a choice that we are making. We are choosing to focus at all times on the positives, the baby steps forward that you have taken in a given moment, and we are never deluding ourselves when we do so. It is always up to you which aspect of the now moment you choose to focus upon, and that choice makes an enormous difference in the course of your life.
Now, most people are not taking their emotions very seriously, and because they don’t take their emotions seriously enough, they are suppressing them. Those suppressed emotions become energy blockages. Those energy blockages put out a vibration to the universe, and those pessimistic thoughts come to you as thought forms. They come into your conscious awareness, and in that moment, you do have a choice. You can agree with the pessimistic thought, or you can dismiss it. This is the beauty of meditation, because in meditation you learn how to dismiss all thoughts. ...+
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