Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

On the Path to Freedom By SANANDA Through James McConnell

On the Path to Freedom
Through James McConnell

Know that this connection to the Christ Consciousness grid allows you to have freedom of health within your body. Perfect health within your body, because it is connected to this grid. The more that you know that, the more that you realize that, the more that you remember that, the more you will find healing within your body. Because it is this connection remembered once again will allow for the openings of all of the meridians within your body, letting energy flow freely through your body. You are beginning more and more to activate that life force within your body and life force within the etheric form, the Kundalini energy shall rise once again.”)

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue the process.

The program that we began some time ago with each and every one of you, both within this group on this call, but even far before this, lifetimes before this, bringing you all together once again as lost souls coming together, as gathering my flock together again. For that is what you are. You all belong to me. To me as Sananda, as Yeshua. You are my flock. You are the ones that I tend to...+

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