Of Matters Faith and Revelation
The Damascus Scribe
Is The Teacher
Message received by George Barnard
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-better-way-forward.htmlThe Scribe: “I will endeavor to answer the questions from the 11:11 members/readers as well as the comments of the 11:11 receiver of celestial messages, all dealing with the lack of progress regarding the fifth epochal revelation. Such is the case when a new revelation is allowed on a planet, or on a series of planets, that a permanent way of communication is established for a better way forward.
“Whereas the Urantia Papers were by and large adequately transcribed to become a most treasured fountain of spirituality, of learning, of wisdom and a general understanding of your history, by no means did it smooth the way towards a more permanent commission of contact with celestial Teachers and Midwayer/Organizers. Clearly, the Master had given you to understand that you would perform greater miracles than did He — heal others of their ills, yes, and you would communicate with the Father (your Thought Adjuster) as did He so successfully throughout much of His terrestrial days...
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