Perhaps one of the most depressing realities associated with these pedophile rings is that parents often offer up their OWN children in return for money, prestige, power, or just a desire to abuse. The is the testimony of various victims, including that of X1, the first victim to come forth publicly with her tragic story.
Specific information about the victims and their sufferings under this disorder are described. The children's personalities splinter and they suffer from dissociative identity disorder. The victims create another identity, an "alter," to help them deal with the trauma.
These pedophilia networks also produce snuff films where children are actually shown being killed. Allegedly, there are home videos which show such kids being tortured, if not actually murdered.
If any child is so bold as to try to communicate what is happening to her (usually her, although certainly boys are also victims), a fellow prisoner is tortured. X1 specifically detailed this in her testimony to Belgian authorities. In a vicious circle, this torture is often captured on film and shown.
Individuals who wish to expose this evil are up against the disbelief of the average person, who cannot conceive that human beings can commit such despicable, inhuman acts. The occasional reporter who offers video proof is killed as a deterrent.
When X1 testified, she was able to provide many telling indictments of the individuals who had imprisoned her for so long. However, even primary evidence such as this (and more than 5,000 videos which have been discovered) does not mean as much as it should when pitted against a disbelieving public, and corrupt officials who cater to the rich and powerful, rather than protecting the rights of the most innocent and vulnerable members of our society.
An American daycare center was implicated in this pedophile network, so it was an obviously an international, ongoing crime or series of crimes. Even respected military officials were compromised, according to a girl who was shopping and recognized one of her tormentors. Staff at the daycare center had enabled a military officer to abuse the girl.
One of the books which delves into this whole issue is The Franklin Cover-Up which traced this activity right up into the Reagan and Bush White Houses.
The ideological underpinnings of these human tragedies is connected with Satanism which includes child sacrifice. For those interested, at the end of the article are many resources people can access to research further this article's claims.
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