Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

hi guys didnt really know where to put this but these are more song lyrics for the song "life is only for love" Asha. may not be interested but i thought id put them up along with the song on my playlist as they are so so beautiful. This musician is absolutely brilliant (in my mind) beyond belief and resonates with my soul totally.

love to here what any of you think about it

my love to you all xxx

Life is only for love (1998)
(Also on High Planes Music in a-simplified version)

I've loved you in the heavens
And in the underworld below
We've come so far together
We've still so far to go
This life is meant for loving
Keep this always near your heart
We've still to find each other
And we've never been apart

Life is
Only for love
And time is
Only that we may find

When I look into your golden heart
I see you never choose to hide
And I half remember another life
And I remember the child inside
In the moment that I first saw you
Then I found my kindred soul
And it's taken me half of forever
To feel I might be coming home

If I could express the inexpressible
Be less certain, I'd have more faith
If I could finally paint my masterpiece
If I could just gaze upon your face
If I could really tell my truth
If I could really sing my song
I'd know that lovers don't finally meet somewhere
They're in each other all along

I so want to know you
Know who you are
The jewels in your darkness
The signs in your stars
You and I my love
We've come a long way
On a road far less travelled
On the wheels of our fate

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Comment by Greg Barrett on May 27, 2009 at 3:13pm
Excellent lyrics. Yep. God is love. ... Thanks for posting this.
Comment by Truthseeker09 on March 23, 2009 at 9:00pm
...Wow!...The male singer has a very calming voice, and the female's voice is truly angelic! The lyrics are very poetic as well (thx for posting!)... a truly BEAUTIFUL Song!!
Comment by Andromeda on February 26, 2009 at 11:53pm
thanks Ian, have you listened to the song???

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