No Issues, Judgments, or Resentments
By Steve Beckow
Posted January 20, 2022
This is about setting ourselves free, is it not?
If we want to set our world free from the deep state and every other external obstacle to Nova Earth, then I think we have to set ourselves free first. As within, so without.
Set ourselves free from what? From three of our own creations, I believe: Issues, judgments, and resentments. I’m pretty sure that would bring about a quiet mind.
Issues are disagreements that we foment within ourselves and then project onto others and the environment. (1)
I have a very large number of issues, which I see every time I walk into a supermarket or drug store. Why are you just standing there, blocking the aisle? Why are you counting out coins while the rest of us are waiting to pay? How come this costs this here and that there? A great deal of it is about entitlement.
These issues are a large contributor to my unrest, anxiety, fear, etc. They busy the mind.
Judgments are evaluations I’ve reached about a person, but, unlike discernment, they come from the survival-oriented ego, not the higher regions of the Self. Judgments are my way of binding the future.
Watch out for that shifty character. Protect yourself from this devious guy. I commit myself to future action based upon the early warning system of my judgments.
Some clues about their origins in survivalism are that they’re framed in us-against-them terms, see things as
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