Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Next Step on the Journey of Souls

By Jenny Schiltz

Posted on February 17, 2023



We can all feel it; massive change is here. However, the true evidence is not found in the latest drama/distraction, but rather it is found by looking at what’s going on within.
In a recent blog, I shared that the spin within the body, within the cellular structure, has changed direction. This would create a centrifugal force that would push our wounding, unresolved issues (even physical ones), and limiting programming to the surface.
Each is becoming aware of the deep well of emotions underneath. Spirit understands that, for...


Tags: cellular structure, centrifugal force, distractions, dramas, emotions, going within, jenny schiltz, journey of souls, make shifts, massive change, next step, spin within

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