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New Zealand Government planning to Ban Free speech and protests.

New Zealand Government planning to Ban Free speech and protests

David Cameron unveils plans to ban free speech and protest inCourts / Crime / Editors Picks / Law / Legislation / News / UK News by Janine Griffiths  October 7, 2014

free speech

The government has unveiled plans to ban anyone who criticises it from appearing on TV or protesting.

Under the guise of protecting the public from ‘extremism’ the government proposal will allow police to vet the social media activity of “harmful” individuals and curb their right to speak at public events.

The maximum sentence could be up to 10 years in prison for breaking a banning order.

These new plans would also promise greater powers for British police to access internet data.

Targeted individuals will also be barred from certain public spaces and from associating with named people. The plans were unveiled by Theresa May at the Conservative Party Conference and reiterated by David Cameron, in his speech on ‘extremism’.

So who is included under this new definition of extremists? Are we just talking about people who allegedly bomb buildings?

Well, according to David Cameron, the law will target “non-violent conspiracy theorists” who he claims are just as dangerous as the ISIS terrorists and must therefore, be eradicated.

He referenced 9/11 and 7/7 Truthers as examples of the type of extremism that must be dealt in a similar fashion to ISIS.

Such individuals are deemed to be a threat to “the functioning of democracy.”

Furthermore, the Home Office claimed that the government’s “counter-extremism” strategy would encompass “the full spectrum of extremism”.

In other words, you no longer have to be violent or cause harm to another to be declared a terrorist. David Cameron has announced that even those with views that are not accepted by the government will now be deemed extremists.

In addition, police curbing orders would also target those who undertake activities “for the purpose of overthrowing democracy,” a broad definition that could encompass political activists of varying views.

Radical Muslims and far-right organisations would also be classified as terrorists.

As the law currently stands, organisations can only be banned if there is evidence of links to terrorism.

Under the new law, and according to David Cameron’s own definition, anyone who criticises the functioning of the government or the official version of events could be subject to laws which severely restrict their freedom of speech and movement. Theresa May also stressed that you do not necessarily have to have committed a crime to be subject to these new orders.

Announcing these draconian new measures, Mr Cameron added: “The problem that we have had is this distinction of saying we will only go after you if you are an extremist that directly supports violence.”

In addition, those who become the target of government intervention would also be prevented from holding positions of authority in local communities and schools.

Enhanced powers will allow the Charity Commission to close down groups deemed to be fronts for “extremist activity” as a means of tackling funding streams.

The law is part of a series of new measures that effectively ban the right to free speech in this country.

Earlier this year, the Akashic Times reported on how Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) laws targeted individuals who they claim pose a direct threat to VIPs including the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the Royal Family.

 It was given sweeping powers to check more than 10,000 suspects’ files to identify mentally unstable potential “killers and stalkers” with a fixation against public figures.

The team’s psychiatrists and psychologists then have the power to order treatment – including forcibly detaining suspects in secure psychiatric units.

The law targeted activists who were the most vocal about criticising the Royal Family. Activist David Compan was imprisoned without charges in a London mental hospital after he publicly associated himself with the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCC) campaign to hold the Crown of England responsible for crimes against children.

He was only released after eight days of campaigning by the ITCC.

Last year, the Justice and Security Act gave the government sweeping new powers to imprison British citizens without a trial.

 It prevents those accused by the government from seeing the evidence against them, or the witness testimony against them. The individual concerned would also be unable to submit evidence – or even enter the courtroom, if it is deemed to be in the court’s interests. In fact, the court will not even have to inform the person concerned of why they have been taken to court, or even that a trial is taking place.

It could mean that the first a person hears of a case against them, is when the police turn up to take them to jail to begin their sentence.

The government claim that secrecy is necessary for “the interests of national security” and added that protection was needed for witnesses involved in giving evidence against the accused.

This latest move, announced by Cameron, represents yet another goose-step into tyranny by a government determined to shy away from any criticism.

Views: 14

Tags: NewZealandbanfree,speech

Comment by tatooke 4 hours ago

Comment by Carol 4 hours ago

Comment by tatooke 9 hours ago

i will be the second one   watch Nov 24 Carol we will not be silenced ....

Comment by Carol 18 hours ago

I think they are running scared like the other governments of the world. Well. Since I shared the post of facebook, and suggested we protest by stopping work, stopping school and going to congregate in very public places, I guess I am probably lined up to be the first one to go to jail 

Like to see them try! We are a feisty lot in New Zealand and have stopped many harmful bills, so will be VERY interesting to watch how this unfolds.

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Comment by Besimi on November 10, 2014 at 10:58pm

This week, we look at the indigo-colored 6th chakra (at the brow), the home of our imagination and intuition and the place of our most balanced perspective. Commonly known as the “third-eye,” this is our “eye” that sees the most clearly and it’s related to wisdom, psychic energy, spiritual cognition, self-realization, moods and sleep patterns. This means that foods with the natural, sleep-inducing agent, melatonin are good for the 6th chakra. There are three key melatonin-producing foods that we recommend:  Oats, sweet corn and rice. Each one contains between 1,000 and 1,800 picograms (1,000,000 picograms = 1 milligram) of melatonin per gram.

One of the most important characteristics of the third-eye is intuition, so a simple way to make your diet more 6th chakra is to choose your food intuitively. As long as you pick from a field of natural and healthy foods, you can make the best choices by simply listening to your intuition. If that kiwi, sushi or fish dish is calling to you, it’s probably exactly what your body needs.

Stimulants (in moderation!) can be good for the 6th chakra too.  Try delving into a bit of chocolate or healthy forms of caffeine such as green tea or yerba mate. If you choose the chocolate, find fine quality, European or handmade local chocolate, and steer away from the average candy bar which often has hydrogenated oils and preservatives. Be mindful to drink the caffeine in moderation as too much of it can over-stimulate the third-eye or worse yet, the whole nervous system.

One thing you don’t have to drink in moderation, though, is water.  It’s great for both your 6th and 7th chakras. Of course, these days, you need to look at the kind of water you’re drinking. Pure filtered spring water is best – particularly if it has been boosted with higher alkaline levels (8.0 is good). You can buy high alkaline water, or purchase PH drops such as Body Rescue PH Protector Drops and simply add them to your filtered water. The general rule is —  higher chakras respond well to higher alkaline.

Another key food element for the 6th chakra is plate preparation. The brow chakra is all about appreciating beauty. So, create a colorful, appetizing plate, then take out your fine china, crystal glasses, or fine linen napkins and make all your dining experiences a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.

There are some spices that are supportive of the brow energy center as well.  Here’s a list of 6th chakra boosting spices from Deanna M. Minich’s groundbreaking book Chakra Foods for Optimum Health:


–       Allspice, Anise

–       Basil

–       Caraway, Cardamom, Chili Powder, Coriander, Cumin, Curry

–       Dill

–       Fennel, Fenugreek

–       Ginger

–       Horseradish

–       Mint

–       Nutmeg

–       Pepper

–       Sage

–       Turmeric

–       Wasabi

Many of these spices actually do double duty – boosting and balancing some of your other chakras too.  For instance, ginger is great for the 3rd chakra, mint boosts the 5th, and turmeric and curry sweeten the 2nd.

Although it’s not a spice, lecithin deserves a mention here too. Its mild, slightly buttery-flavored granules gently boost your cognitive flow and aid expansive perception — both of which are important to the 6th chakra.

Finally, you can always turn to dark purple (indigo-ish) foods to strengthen your third-eye. They are:

–       Eggplant

–       Figs

–       Lavender Oil and Flowers (e.g., in a herb-de-provence dressing or tea)

–       Purple Cabbage, Raddichio

–       Purple Kale

–       Purple Potatoes

–       Purple Plums

–       Pumpkin Seeds (roasted)

–       Purple Grapes

–       Raisins

–       Walnuts

–       Wild Salmon

A very healthful, versatile Eggplant Dip is our offering this week, adapted from the Herbal D-Tox Cookbook for Cleansing by the masterful Dr. Terry Willard, PH.D.  It’s a rich vegan and dairy-free dish for guests that pairs nicely with a crisp crudité platter, flax crisps or lentil patties. You can also serve this dip on radicchio and shredded purple cabbage, make it a side dish for your scrambled eggs, or create another way to serve it up. Just use your imagination!

However you serve it, take time to dream up a beautiful presentation that appeals to the essence of your 6th chakra.



2 C cooked eggplant, diced (about 3 small-med sized)

2 TBSP grapeseed oil (for sautéing eggplant)

1 C tomato, diced (3 small-med sized ones)

½ C green pepper, diced (1/2 a large one)

½ C red onion, diced (1/2 a small one)

½ C parsley, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, finely minced

1-2 tsp ground cumin

1 TBSP fresh oregano leaves, finely chopped

1 tsp chili powder

2 TBSP lemon juice

1-2 TBSP walnut oil (to dress the dip with when mixing ingredients together)

Sea salt and pepper to taste

A good pinch of cayenne, and

A dreamy attitude!

Sauté the eggplant over medium heat with the grapeseed oil for 10 minutes; then add ½ cup of water to cook it down more.  Steam off the water and sauté another 3-5 minutes until quite soft and set aside to cool.  You can puree the eggplant if you like, or stay with a more textured dip.

Place all remaining prepared ingredients in a mixing bowl, add the eggplant and adjust the seasoning – give it whatever your body thinks it still needs and you’re done.  Enjoy your eggplant!

May all that you do Feed Your Soul

– Alanna and Vicki

Vicki Howie is a the Creator of Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos and the Healing Album “Chakra Love.” Click title to get a free download of her Heart Chakra Song or get a free Chakra Life Cycle Reading here. Alanna Prather is a passionate writer and healer with a vision for consciousness and vibrant living. She loves creating recipes that enhance and delight to develop awareness about the beneficial impact food vibrations have on the human energy system. Follow her on facebook or twitter.

Views: 4

Comment by Besimi on November 10, 2014 at 10:57pm

The Meaning of Namaste: Many Translations, One Universal Intention


Regardless of culture, humans seem to have a universal need to greet one another upon meeting and parting. Bowing in Japan, hand-clapping variations in African countries, and saying hello and shaking hands or hugging in English cultures – are just a few of the most commonly known salutations. While customs and traditions vary, there does seem to one greeting that is becoming more popular worldwide – that of Namaste.

Simplistic Gestures of Universal Oneness

Often used by Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, and other religions, Namaste is also revered within spiritual circles and meditation and yoga classes, and it’s being embraced far beyond its South Asian origins. You’ll often hear it spoken in combination with a slight bow and the Anjali Mudra – the placement of the hands together pulled close to the heart in a fashion similar to a prayer pose.

Use of the Mudra position to the heart and raised to the forehead is most often utilized in North and South India where formal versions of Namaste called Namaskar and Namaskara are common. Along with Namaste, these gestures represent surrendering ego to the spirit – recognizing that the life force within us as individuals is the same as that within everything and everyone.

Finally, a Word We Can All Agree On

Remarkably, the principle interpretations of Namaste have yet to be skewed by ‘new world linguistics’ or portrayed in a negative light. An example is the greeting ‘as-salamu alaykum,’ which is typically translated as ‘May peace be upon you,’ but is highly misinterpreted by fear mongers and those who aren’t ‘in the know’ so to speak. However, Namaste’s meaning is still universally recognized as one of peace, honor, and respect. So what does Namaste mean exactly?

The Meaning of Namaste: It’s a Spiritual Connection

The literal translation of this greeting varies with each language; however, they are all pretty much saying the same thing. In Sanskrit, the word ‘namah’ means bow, ‘as’ means I,, and ‘te’ means you, translating into “I bow to you.” A Hindi friend once explained that Namaskar is translated from ‘namoh’ and ‘sanskar’ translating loosely into English as “I bow to godly/good qualities within you,’ as her culture always tries to see the good in all things.

Some other popular translations and meanings of the word Namaste I hear frequently include:

  • The Divine light in me acknowledges the Divine light in you.
  • The God in me greets and meets the God in you.
  • I honor the spirit in you that is also in me.
  • The Diving wisdom in me recognizes and acknowledges the Divine wisdom in you.

Regardless of the language you speak, the word simply invokes a sense of sharing a spiritual connection and creates a sense and feeling of oneness and balance. Essentially, it’s a way that all humans can connect.

Raising Your Vibrations by Embracing Meaning of Namaste

There’s something about the universal recognition and the spiritual energy that accompanies the essence of Namaste that makes it a truly remarkable greeting. Just speaking the word Namaste – especially along with the Mudra posture – raises the vibrations of your intention to greet someone by honoring of their inner goodness/God/light. The kicker is, you’ll likely find yourself really meaning and accepting these positive thoughts when you say it – even if you aren’t particularly fond of your company at the time!

Embracing the spirit of Namaste can be a powerful manifestation tool, and we love hearing the various interpretations of the meaning of Namaste… What does Namaste mean to you?

About the Author

Stephanie Lucas – As an avid enthusiast of natural health and wellness, I do more than just write about healing stones and eating clay – I use both every single day. Much of what you read comes from hours of research, reading, and actual experience – so I always welcome questions or comments about stones and crystals or the practice of geophagy.

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Comment by Besimi on November 10, 2014 at 10:55pm


brain boost

Best-selling author Steven Kotler recently visited Big Think to discuss the optimization of consciousness through flow states, a key topic in his recently published book, The Rise of Superman. The best way to describe a flow state is to use the example of practically every action movie released since The Matrix. Experiencing flow is similar to being in “bullet time.” Like Keanu Reeves’ Neo (though certainly not on his level), a person in flow obtains the ability to keenly hone their focus on the task at hand so that everything else disappears.

Kotler describes it like this:

“So our sense of self, our sense of self-consciousness, they vanish. Time dilates which means sometimes it slows down. You get that freeze frame effect familiar to any of you who have seen The Matrix or been in a car crash. Sometimes it speeds up and five hours will pass by in like five minutes. And throughout all aspects of performance, mental and physical, go through the roof.”

While this may sound like sci-fi hocus pocus, Kotler explains that beneath a flow state lies “a complicated mass of neurobiology.” There’s a common myth that humans only use about 10% of their brains. If we were to assume this (and we wouldn’t, because it’s bogus), an optimal performance would then mean the brain works harder and faster to achieve 100% efficiency. As Kotler explains, the 10% myth has it all backwards:

“In flow, parts of the brain aren’t becoming more hyperactive, they’re actually slowing down, shutting down. The technical term for this is transient, meaning temporary, hypo frontality. Hypo – H – Y – P – O – it’s the opposite of hyper means to slow down, to shut down, to deactivate. And frontality is the prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain that houses your higher cognitive functions, your sense of morality, your sense of will, your sense of self.”

The prefrontal cortex also calculates time. When we experience transient hypofrontality, we lose the ability to assess past, present, and future. As Kotler explains it, “we’re plunged into what researchers call the deep now.”

So what causes transient hypofrontality? It was once assumed that flow states are an affliction reserved only for schizophrenics and drug addicts, but in the early 2000s a researcher named Aaron Dietrich realized that transient hypofrontality underpins every altered state — from dreaming to mindfulness to psychedelic trips and everything inbetween. Sometimes these altered states involve other parts of the brain shutting down. For example, when the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disconnects, your sense of self-doubt and the brain’s inner critic get silenced. This results in boosted states of confidence and creativity.

Kotler describes it as his mission over the past 15 years to reclaim the study of flow states from “the hippie community” and place it back within the gaze of hard science. While researchers have been studying flow for over 140 years, recent advances in brain imaging technology have led to significant neuroscientific revelations and should lead to many more. Whether or not we’ll be able to develop a “Neo switch” so that bullet time can be all the time… well, I suppose it depends on just how far the rabbit hole goes.

For more about flow states and transient hypofrontality, watch the following clip from Steven Kotler’s

Comment by Besimi on November 10, 2014 at 10:54pm

YELLOW ROSE FOR TEXAS : I hear that things on this planet are about to “kick off”

Freeland .Spirit


I hear that things on this planet are about to “kick off”
I have been researching “things” for over two years now, this is MY take on it ;)
All the info that has swarmed the internet ( who we are, ET’s, awakening,vaccinations, cabal,) the whole lot has been deliberately  put out by the very people who are our enemies (Cabal & their minions). So why have they purposely  disclosed THEMSELVES? well if my intuition serves me, then we are about to be lead into a false sense of security. When global announcements are implemented, certain individuals will be ensuring that ” steps are being taken to put right all the wrong that has been done to humanity” don’t be fooled by this! They will be offering all kinds of “bribes” from NESERA to telling you the Cabal have been defeated! including the financial reset, cures for disease etc. However these are false promises in order to trick us & claim us.

Chaos & confusion is about to occur, people need another pen to run to exactly where the EL want us! Do not get caught up in the rioting, do not believe or trust this false sense of security! Only trust in the ONE, he is coming for us! But Set is also coming for his share of the division too! So all the chaos & rioting will separate us (good from bad) So be safe, stay peaceful, make sure you have essentials (food & water) to tide you over till we are free. Love to each & everyone of us. X

Freeland .Spirit





They used to give us a lot of excuses to why we were seeing those white dots. But, if you stay very relaxed, don’t attempt to focus, the image resolves into a type of ‘tadpole’ with a shield in front of it. The shield is what makes the ‘white’ image you see, and the rest of the critter is hidden behind it.
You could be hearing them prep the line for the ‘phone call’ to you. Matrix style. That’s how the ‘bell’ is heard.

Critters is an appropriate word :) Some sort of living biological here, that we normally ‘dont see’ but because of the change of vibratory rate they are becoming more possible for us to see clearly. Yes, I can see them.
People are hearing all types of sounds, associated with a ‘telephone’ type of device. Although I’ve heard of other wake up calls used, besides a ‘bell,’ it is a type of ‘phone line’. Think “Matrix”. They are working on “Neo’s phone line” to get a clear reception to “pull Neo out”, and back into the ‘real world’.

The Covens built HAARP, but its weaponization use is modeled after the tech used by the enemy. People had the ability to hear, beyond what we are told we can hear now. The faraday cage is problematic in that it also blocks the signal that is sent to retrieve you. These signals use the electromagnetic spectrum, just like radio waves or other ‘wireless’ signal devices. Your brain is like a quartz receiver, for those signals.

People are worried about their electronics. But the truth is all the stuff you wanted, your double knows about. Their mission is to retrieve those things that matter most to you and to translate whatever you needed, dreamed of or wished, to that next level above. Remember, you are getting ‘rewarded’ for your time here. What makes you happy, matters to them. What they do is net the object (or in my case, my plant friends;) and this allows them to pull it through the eye, the same as you go through it. That gives the object, the same type of upgrade and renewal you get. They set you up with your new name, new history, etc., and all that ‘stuff’ is there at your ‘house’ waiting for you. Just like it had always been there!

Ison’s captain added whole parks to his ship :) got a really good laugh at that. But we’ve already made the choices, it is all sealed and ready to go now.
Absolutely. All the pet friends are ‘good’ life. They go up. I did ask, they translate as well. I believe, although I didn’t ask, that all life gets that upgrade. If we get upgraded, it stands to reason the pets are advanced to keep up with our advancement as well. Habitat harmony 101 :)

They know the minute we leap forward, they get the pit. Eve has won Earth though, they forfeited and the Tree of Life is upholding that law of Right.

There is really no way to prepare ourselves, although it is something those Above keep telling us to do.
It is in the moment of that fist step, when the veil lifts, that memory returns. But it is a long or short second later,  above the net,  in the presence of the gate, that the vastness of it all is awe inspiring. This is nothing compared to the presence of The ALL or The One. What we see here, now, is not what we see when our eyes are altered.
They tell us to prepare, because it is a shock when all of the lies are finally pealed away. No matter how I try to tell the story from Above, the translation here is very limited, narrow, and simply doesn’t do justice to the vastness of the full truth. That only occurs when the veil lifts, which is when the subconscious mind merges with the conscious mind. All memory of all lifetimes is retained by the subconscious, until you go through the translation. The Law is nothing of the old may go forward. You are turning over a ‘new leaf’.
I thank you for the journey here, and glad that so many have accepted “The Gift” from Above. The Gift is eternal life in Heaven. Believe it or not :) It is only that the enemy altered our concepts of those words. Once stripped, you understand, it is being renewed into the incorruptible vehicle which is another body again, just upgraded. And we are altering our planets location to a place where no evil is allowed. All good is law’d up. We move Forward, have lives and continue.  Much love to All

Tick Tock



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