Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Fulford ~ New energy technology moving ahead even as financial chaos deepens

New energy technology moving ahead even as financial chaos deepens

Last week saw major cabal set-backs in the financial war together with several big moves on the energy front.
On the financial front, former World Bank lawyer Karen Hudes and lawyer Winston Shrout tried to sue the World Bank into returning 1000 tons of gold deposited with it by the government of Japan, according to CIA and Japanese government sources (Ms. Hudes did not answer an e-mail asking for confirmation of this). However, the US Treasury Department, the de facto controllers of the World Bank, refused, saying the gold Japan had deposited with the World Bank was stolen from the dragon family, the sources said.
In any case, the dragon family has not gotten its gold back either, so the fact remains the United States corporate government has stolen all the gold it held in trust for the planet and is bankrupt. The only rational option for the United States is now to bankrupt the corporate government, nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and start issuing greenbacks. The cabal, of course, will use all its power to prevent that from happening so continued financial turbulence is inevitable until the whole structure collapses (more about that below).
On the energy front things are looking much better: it has now become clear that the suppressed energy technology genie is out of the bottle. A major Japanese manufacturer contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say they were going ahead with the production of Tesla Quantum Energy Generators. The WDS has still not been able to test such a device though.
On a different front, a major Japanese government research organization has started, in conjunction with the Pentagon, to manufacture a one meter by two meter sized nuclear reactor that uses so-called spent nuclear fuel rods and is capable of generating 50,000 megawatts (enough for a city), according to a senior researcher. The devices will be built on US military bases to prevent cabal interference, he said. The US Navy will start by using them in submarines and battleships, he said.

This move coincides with the announcement of a successful attempt by the US navy to create aviation and rocket fuel out of sea-water using electricity generated by a nuclear power plant.
It also turns out that Tokyo Gas has already begun marketing fuel cells that provide houses with both heating and electricity. The official Tokyo Gas website says these fuel cells run on natural gas but Japanese government sources say the electricity is generated by extracting hydrogen from water.
The other big move in the energy sector was the announcement by newly elected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that every household in India will have solar power by 2019. Modi, who is banned from entering the US by the cabal, is definitely not going to go along with the cabal on many other issues, not just solar power.
If India can do it, so can the rest of the world. If the US had a real government, most US houses could also be solar powered within 5 years. No matter what though, with both China and India now going full speed ahead with solar power, the oil and gas industries can no longer keep the price of solar panels artificially high.
The oil and gas industry also saw some big changes come to light last week. The biggest was the announcement by the US Energy Information Administration that US shale oil reserves were only about 30% of what was previously talked about.
This means any US talk of replacing Russia as a supplier of gas to Europe is just talk. In this context, Lord Peter Mandelson, described by MI5 as a representative of the Rothschild family, cited US (non-existent) shale oil as part of his backing for a public threat to “freeze Russia out of the global financial system.”
In specific, he threatened that $700 billion worth of Russian corporate external debt would “not be rolled over.” This is pure bluff. According to the MI5 source, the UK has also been vastly exaggerating its shale gas reserves. It is also clear that it is the Rothschilds, not Russia, who are being frozen out.
The $400 billion gas deal Russia announced with China last week means that even if Europe decided to shoot itself in the foot and stop buying Russian gas, Russia has found other customers.
What is really at stake here is Rothschild and cabal control over the Western financial system.
Here the situation is coming to a head over the Ukraine because Russia is asking for the Ukraine to start paying for its Russian gas with cash starting in June. Ukraine does not have the money. There is talk of the IMF providing Ukraine with the money but the IMF, a cabal construct, does not have money or gold either. Ukraine’s new president has already said he will talk directly with Russia over this issue without Western input. Nor is he likely to agree to hand over Ukraine’s resources to Western oligarchs.
Other cabal money grabs are also being foiled. The monarchist military coup in Thailand last week means the attempt by the cabal to steal the gold belonging to the Thai royal family as well as the Persian gold stored in Thailand via rogue CIA manipulated “redshirts” has been stopped.
We also found out last week what US corporate president Obama was up to when he visited Japan earlier this month. According to Japanese government sources, he tried to steal most of the money that had been set aside for the reconstruction of Fukushima.
A Chinese government source confirmed this and said the Americans (cabal) had offered to sell most of the real estate in Fukushima, as well as energy production facilities there, to Chinese companies. The Chinese were also offered a chance to buy some Japanese media conglomerates, he said. With allies like that, Japan does not need enemies.
Obama also tried once again to cash the fake Kennedy bonds while in Asia, this time through the South Koreans, the Chinese source said.
This is the context in which the attempt by Karen Hudes to get Japanese gold out of the World Bank took place.
We have also heard from MI6 sources in Asia that US Vice President Biden has been secretly offering to sell Hawaii to the Chinese in an attempt to keep the US corporate government solvent.
Speaking about Hawaii, so-called Hawaiian born President Obama was in Afghanistan this weekend where he made a speech where he kept to the fiction that the 911 attacks originated in Afghanistan. Are there actually still people out there who believe that? The fact he refers to the 911 lie is proof that he is complicit in that attack.
What is it going to take to get the US military to march into Washington and arrest these crooks? Why are they still allowed to carry out terror attacks and lie to the world? We are hearing, once again, that things are coming to a head. Let us make it so.
Things are coming to a head in Europe too. The EU elections last week showed anti-EU parties winning in the UK, France, Denmark, Greece and elsewhere. This reflects widespread dissatisfaction with the Bilderberger/Nazi EU project. The Germans, who have been subsidizing most of these countries, may decide to link forces with Russia in an effort to get their idea of a unified Europe back on track.
The Germans have already refused to go along with cabal attempts to use the manufactured crisis in the Ukraine to isolate Russia. They may now take things one step forward and join with the BRICS nations to isolate the Nazi regimes in the US, the UK and other Western countries.
The White Dragon plan is unfolding according to schedule. The end of cabal rule is a mathematical certainty.

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Comment by Besimi on June 4, 2014 at 12:56am

Benjamin Fulford Geopolitical Update for June 2, 2014

Benjamin Fulford Geopolitical Update for June 2, 2014

9c486-benjamfulford-blue-newBenjamin Fulford June 2, 2014: Pope Francis pushes for one world religion as Western elite hits the panic button

During his recent trip to the Middle East, Pope Francis was able to get agreement from Muslim and Jewish authorities for a unified monotheism but was unable to convince the Orthodox Christians, according to P2 Freemason sources.

As the Pope visited the Middle East, the head of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge was in the Philippines where he tried to cash six bonds, including the one pictured here:

These 15 quadrillion dollar bonds are supposed to be backed by “King Solomon’s tunnel of gold,” according to the P2.

The White Dragon Society suggested to the P2 that they start by bringing just one kilo of gold to generate cash to bring over more kilos of this mythical gold. The WDS also suggested the Orthodox Christians might be more open minded about unity when the mass murder stops in places like Syria, the Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

The push for a one world religion comes as a series of public and private pronouncements by Western elites makes it clear that there is panic in the ranks of the Nazi/Zionist leadership.

As this report was going to press, King Juan Carlos of Spain announced he was abdicating his throne, thus joining the King of Belgium, the Queen of the Netherlands, and pope maledict in quitting recently.

Last week Prince “want to be reincarnated as a killer virus” Charles said: “we can choose to act now before it is finally too late, using all of the power and influence that each of you can bring to bear to create an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society,” he said in a speech to 200 business leaders, including the IMF’s Christine Lagarde and CEOs of many major multinational corporations. Charles said the elite had an 18 month window to act, presumably meaning until the end of US president Obama’s term.

Sources at the Pentagon and the CIA however, think that Obama will be impeached long before his term ends.

The CIA says that last week agency white hats stopped an Obama plan to use mass casualty terror attacks in Las Vegas, Texas and Washington D.C. as an excuse to start martial law. “Fourteen of those involved on Obama’s side (terrorists) were killed very quietly,” a senior CIA source said. Impeachment proceedings against Obama have now started, he said.

The resignation of Veteran Affairs head Eric Shinseki removed a major Obama ally in the Pentagon and that “as of this point, there is no evidence Obama has any backing at all,” a senior Pentagon source said.

It also turns out, according to a Japanese government source, that Obama was only able to scrounge up $9 billion on his recent begging trip to Japan.

Obama this week will be visiting Europe this week for a G7 meeting that was originally supposed to have been a G8 held in Russia. Then it was decided to use the Ukrainian psy-ops as an excuse to cancel the Russian G8 summit and have a European G7 summit instead. Now it turns out Russian President Vladimir Putin will be invited too, but, technically, not as part of the G8 but to celebrate the 70Th anniversary of D-day.

The Western elites have been having a lot of such urgent meetings recently, and have more urgent meetings scheduled, presumably to find a way to stave off revolution. The Bilderberg meeting held over last weekend in Denmark was thoroughly leaked to the press in what seems to be an attempt by the Bilderbergers to appear more open.

This attempt to appear open because, as an MI5 source put it “The mask is slipping and it is now becoming obvious that the political process in Brussels is only a facade to distract the sheeple whilst the Comission (Commisariat) leads the bureaucracy in imposing collective policy.”

“The importance of the EU project for the cabal was to enable Europe to become a currency block which is a big step to facilitating a one world electronic credit system,” he added.

However, voters in both in the UK and France now overwhelmingly support parties that oppose this process.

Marine Le Pen of France’s victorious Front National has vowed to take France out of the Euro and break up EU power.

And here is what Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Telegraph had to say about the victory of the UK Independence Party in the recent European election:

“If Europe’s policy elites could not quite believe it before, they must now know beyond much doubt that they have lost Britain. This island is no longer part of the European project in any meaningful sense.”

In the UK there is also now a big move to remove the Nazi/Zionist influence centered around former Prime Minister Tony Blair, former MI6 head Sir John Scarlett and Chief Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremey Heywood.

These people are trying their hardest to suppress from the public the murders and lies they used to trick the UK into participating in the illegal genocidal attack on Iraq. They are all linked to George Bush Seniors’ Nazi faction. Removing Heywood would probably break the dam and allow arrests in the UK and very damaging information about George Bush Jr. and Sr. to come out in the UK media. Both Scarlett and Heywood used to work for Morgan Stanley, a Bush front.

The novelist Robert Harris, a friend of Tony Blair’s who knew him before he became Prime Minister, said that after he got power: “I was stunned to see this automaton-like, remote figure who seemed to come from another planet,” Harris recalled.

This was very interesting for me to read because I knew both Naoto Kan and Shinzo Abe before they became Prime Ministers in Japan and the same thing happened to them. They became like robots who were not acting in accordance with their own free will but rather by remote control.

This is M-K Ultra, or Mind Kontrol Ultra, the Nazi mind control technique at work on world leaders. They are hit with a combination of extreme terror and extreme bribes and forced to act according to orders. The Nazi/Zionists themselves say they take their orders from an alien entity known as the “black sun” that “lives in the gamma rays.” I did not say it, they did.

In any case, the impeding fall of the Nazi/Zionists in the UK and the US means Germany, where support for the EU is strongest, will have to look to Russia, instead of to France and the UK, if it wants to continue big European integration projects. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel and Russia’s Putin have known each other for a long time, speak each other’s languages and are working towards some big deal, according to WDS sources in Russia.

This is closely connected to the Russian gas bill deadline to the Ukraine. The Ukraine cannot pay, the IMF has offered to pay but apparently has no money, the Americans can’t pay so, something has to give. It could well be that Germany will join the Russian/Chinese BRICS alliance.

These big public changes in power and big meetings like Bilderberg, the G7 and others are accompanied by lots of activity in the esoteric part of the financial system.

Last week, in addition to the Vatican bank bonds above and the fake Kennedy bonds mentioned earlier, a group approached the WDS saying, with refreshing honesty, that, “we do not have any gold but we do have a dollar printing machines, is there anything we can do with that?” The approach came via a South Korean group to a communist Chinese government representative in Tokyo.

The Swiss-Indo group also tried again last week to cash historical bonds while, like the P2, telling stories of vast hoards of gold, but not offering any proof.

Emperor Akihito and Prime Minister Abe of Japan are also trying to cash big bonds, according to a Dragon family representative.

The Chinese, for their part, have also made a big move by ordering all their banks to remove US made computers because they have back doors that allow US agencies like the NSA to steal Chinese money.

The WDS has suggested that in order to break the deadlock at the highest ranks of finance, that an entirely new agency, with vast funds at its disposal, be created to plan how to create an ideal planet. It will be run in transparently and humanity as a whole will participate in deciding how to use the agency’s money for the greater good.


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Comment by Besimi on May 27, 2014 at 1:07am

Our Journey our rebirth on 21~03~2013

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Comment by Besimi on May 27, 2014 at 1:04am

Jesus Through John

Your choice is greatly honored and appreciated by all in the spirit...

Jesus(1) through John Smallman

 Your choice is greatly honored and appreciated by all in the spiritual realms

You are most dearly loved. Focus on that when you go to your quiet inner space to meditate, and don't judge or, worse still, condemn yourself for your perceived lack of ability or value. It's an utterly wrong and invalid perception that your ego encourages you to believe is true in order to keep you in doubt and fear. You are on Earth at this point in your evolution – humanity's awakening process – with a very specific and essential purpose.
You chose to take part because you knew that you could be of very great assistance, and your choice is greatly honored and appreciated by all in the spiritual realms where we have full knowledge and understanding of what is required of and offered by all our brothers and sisters presently incarnate on Earth. Every one of you is highly honored and respected for your choice to be human at this point, and our love for you all knows no bounds. We thank you.
Waiting for this divinely planned stellar event – humanity's awakening – is often very tiring and worrying for you as it brings to the fore your own personal doubts about your belief in God and Heaven, as, from time to time, you get drawn down into the darkness of the illusion, where it seems most real. “Is a belief in God, a Source of all that exists, a supreme and divine Intelligence an adult version of a child's belief in Father Christmas,” you sometimes ask yourselves when you are feeling particularly low?
I can assure that it most definitely is not! Children have a more recent memory of the divine realms, and so a belief in Father Christmas makes total sense to them. Then, as they grow older and their innocent beliefs are shattered, it becomes apparent that in this illusory world there is no magic, and they discard their innocent belief in Father Christmas.
But of course most of them – like most of the adult population – come to believe it to be a real world of hard knocks and hard work with quite a lot of pain and suffering, occasionally interspersed with moments of pleasure; but definitely a very real and not an illusory world. The pain, when it occurs, is far too intense for that. It is seemingly far too real for most people to see and accept that in fact it is illusory.
Even those who have a strong faith in God's Love for them still buy into the belief in a real world of untold pain and suffering, instead of realizing and understanding that a loving God – who truly is the Source of all that exists – could not and would not create such a harsh environment for his children to inhabit, and then judge and punish them for their “sins” and inadequacies while enveloped within it. They buy into the age-old and totally invalid belief that He demands their good behavior, and then watches over them constantly, making copious notes of their sins and other failings to ensure that in the end they are adequately punished for those failings, before, perhaps, being welcomed into Heaven – probably as second class citizens!
But that belief arises out of the separation that you chose to experience by being born into bodies with severely limited abilities. And when, as a result, you found yourselves apparently alone, abandoned, and struggling to survive in a very hostile world, you invented a superior being, a god – in fact an idol! – to replace your Father, Whom you had forgotten and whom you then spent eons trying to appease in the hope of being rescued from the sorry but unreal state in which you found yourselves.
All your earthly cultures and nations have invented and built sets of ruling hierarchies, supposedly guided and directed by god, into which a select few – those born into “aristocratic” or “noble” families, or those of very high intelligence and with a total lack of moral integrity – are invited as members. On joining the ranks of the vehemently corrupt they are then more fully instructed in the use of dishonorable rhetoric, manipulation, deceit, force, punishment, and guilt in order to maintain control over “the little people,” the populations that they claim to be protecting.
And, as you can see, it has worked very well. Over the eons these ruling hierarchies have engaged in regular wars against each other to increase their power and influence by attempting to destroy each other. They have used their own populations, those whom they are claiming to defend and protect and who have been trained from a very early age to distrust people who are different from them in color, race, or religious beliefs, to fight and suffer for a supposed noble cause – protecting their “noble bosses” from the unwarranted and insane attacks of the “barbarians” – in wars against any culture those self-elected bosses choose to demonize or engage in war with.
This behavior will no longer be permitted as more and more of the “ordinary” people, the “little” people – who in fact are beings of enormous power and Light – become aware of how badly they have been misled and lied to by those whom they believed had their best interests at heart. This growing awareness is leading to a complete collapse in support for the various political systems that are supposed to maintain order and safety for the nations of the world. Your whistle-blowers are deserving of the highest honors for the courage they have demonstrated in bringing to your attention the deceit and corruption that has been endemic in high places for far too long.
The power of the wealthy and influential can no longer be maintained. Your political systems and organizations are finally being seen for what they truly are – clubs and associations for the rich and powerful, enabling them to control humanity. They have constantly used, misled, and ill-treated you, while pretending to maintain order to ensure your safety. They have enslaved you in menial occupations that sapped your energy and creative abilities and set you one against another, because the organizations and corporate structures which employed you and to which you “belonged” always seem to be engaged in ongoing conflicts with other similarly powerful organizations, so your loyalty and support was always required.
At the highest levels, as you are becoming increasingly aware, there is no conflict. There are just a few wealthy individuals (the .001%) who gamble incessantly in the financial markets for their delight and amusement in endless testosterone driven games of “rock-paper-scissors.” When they lose, as some of them have to, you pay and you suffer, while those losers very quickly regain what they had never really lost!
As you move towards your awakening into your natural and fully conscious state, refrain from judging or condemning those who have cheated, bullied, tortured, and enslaved you.
Remember that the more viciously you experience a perceived attack the greater the pain that the attacker has denied and repressed within himself. In fact his suffering is greater than yours!
God, our Source, is infinitely loving because He is Love. Nothing exists that is not within God, the eternal and creative field of Love. Everything that exists is therefore created from Love, and consequently its eternal nature is Love. Those who appear to be evil are just very confused, they are sick with confusion and they need to be healed so that they can awaken, just like everyone else. God does not discard, condemn, or destroy, because all that He creates is perfect. And there is nothing else! Love heals, and you chose to incarnate to embrace Love and bring It and demonstrate It to those who have forgotten It.
This does not mean that you need to go out and proselytize or courageously point out people's apparent errors, mistakes, or sins. No, just be loving, fully loving in every moment, in every situation, and by doing so extend the healing that God's Love offers to all of His children, without exception, to every soul with whom you interact. Just by constantly holding the intent to be always loving, regardless of the circumstances, or the situations in which you find yourselves you are effectively and very efficaciously healing the world. That is why you chose to incarnate at this point in Earth's history, it is the task that you knowingly, willingly, and most compassionately undertook to bring humanity to its awakening. And although many of you remain seemingly unaware of the work you are doing, and of the fantastic results that you are achieving, nevertheless, keep on intending to hold your Light on high, and intend that It meld and integrate with the Light that everyone else on Earth at this time is also holding on high, sharing and extending.
What you are doing is amazing! Do not let your doubts or low moods unduly upset you, the energies of the dark are being dissolved through you, just as you intended when you made the decision to incarnate as humans and assist so ably in its awakening process. When you made the decision you knew that the dark would envelop you from time to time, but you also knew that with the Power of God's Grace flowing constantly through the Light that each of you is carrying it would dissolve, and that is what is happening at an ever faster pace. Accept our congratulations for the wonders that you are achieving, and seek our love and our assistance daily when you go within to experience the Peace that is God, knowing that we are always there for you, holding you in a loving embrace.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | May 26, 2014  | URL:
(1) RN: Also known as Isa (Islam), Esu, Emmanuel, Sananda, etc, (Espiritualty) and Yeshua or Jeshua (Jewish religion).

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