Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Earth Integration
By Judith Kusel

I was made aware last evening of the immensely powerful energies being released by the full merger of the Old Earth and New Earth’s Crystal Pyramids and Crystalline Energy Fields, as well as the Spines of the Earth and all her sacred energetic sites.

This is amplified by the Cosmic Energies streaming in, and thus all is being lifted into the higher dimensional states of the 7th and 9th, while the 5th dimenional New Earth is in escalated ascension back into the 7th.

What this means is that we already are fully in the New Earth, as the Old Earth disintegrate and what does not disintegrate is being incorporated into the New Earth, through a merger, and thus transmuted into the much higher dimensional energetic state.

We will start feeling this on all levels now, as our new crystalline bodies are going through the very same and thus we will often feel as if we are in the middle of an intense spinning cycle...
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