Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

New Direction, Old Skill Life Tapestry Creations Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

New Direction, Old Skill
Life Tapestry Creations
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

You likely feel uncertain. Such is no different than was often true the first few days of a new 3D job – an initial feeling of joy that shifted to confusion and distrust of your capabilities. A feeling that persisted until you realized the assigned tasks were within your capabilities.

So it is now. You tiptoe into your new being only to panic with feelings of not being good enough, skilled enough, or spiritually attuned enough to be all you wanted to be before entering the earth in this lifetime.

You forget you are no longer one 3D segment of your totality but instead a more complete being that includes skills from past, present, and future lives. But because you have not needed those new skills, you have yet to introduce them to your new world.

Do you suppose that the bicycle builders, Wilbur and Orville Wright, knew they would change the transportation world? They were not the first to experiment with airplanes, but the skill set they used created something beyond their dreams. So it is for you...+

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