Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

NESARA: National Economic Security And Reformation Act

 “United we stand”


This will be an in between article. The whole weekend NESARA was nagging on my mind, maybe something is coming. It also feels like it is a pressing matter even though Nessara program is been known for quite some time. I just briefly going to touch this subject, so that you would be inspired too read what NESARA is about. I also heard about it but never really got into it what it really meant. So what follows is a brief summary.


If we look around the world, the economic system is failing big time for the ordinary people. There have been many cry outs and still ongoing ones to change all of this.


Were does NESARA fits in this ongoing story. It was due to be implemented on 11 September 2001 but you all know what happened then. But don’t respond with anger towards them but respond with energies of mercy and compassion. We all have lessons to learn. If we would react in anger, make sure it is a righteous anger and stand up and say “NO MORE”….


NESARA: National Economic Security And Reformation Act


To spiritual grow we must first take care of or basics need. Only then we can raise or consciousness to a higher level and live in harmony and peace with each other.


See Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs :

Take action and read what NESARA is all about. Because I did…



(My blog:

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