The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
AUGUST 21, 2017
The person known as the “Asian Insider” has just sent us many insights (as perceived by the Family) in terms of ‘the end of the line’, relating to Neil Keenan and Group K following through :
“Kudos to you. Way to go Neil Keenan and Group K!
I know exactly what you are up to, with an awareness shared by no other and you really have the game plan locked down don’t you? All remain sitting and waiting in terms of what you will do next (especially in the Eastern hemisphere) and you do keep everyone wondering.
Well, I believe I can shed light on what you are up to and if my well-informed conclusions are indeed proven to be accurate then I cannot wait to see the results, given that the East is in dire need of your assistance at this time.
Our Family has heard much said in terms of the others who have purported to be working with us during the last two years – but believe me brother, not a word is true. While you were sick we absolutely prayed for you, you are special.
We heard many promises bandied about but even whilst sick, you prevented the West (even when working from your bed) from stealing gold and other cached assets from all throughout Asia.
I am clear about the reason that you continue this fight; and it is because it is your destiny. The Family has queried “The Spirits” many times as to why you continue to push onward despite the sickness and pain you (and even your team) have been through, and the answer is always “destiny”. It is an entrenched, fundamental need for you to complete that which you have instigated.
Indeed, the destinies of your team members are entwined with this effort in the same way. Given the magnitude of this mission, how could they have become involved if this was not the case? They are all tied into one and the same thing and it seems that time is closing in fast on you; and so I wonder when you will close in on them?
Neil Keenan, we are all of us – this entire planet; waiting on you. You decide what happens here with regard to the Collateral Accounts which means this matter affects everything. And yet silence.
Of course you are doing a fantastic job in keeping the Cabal on their toes by publicly making available the “healing computer” and the other advanced technologies that will follow soon.
It is well known (amongst what is still a relatively small number of people) that the “Cabal” have suppressed multitudes of advanced, would-be beneficial technologies for well over a century now. Both yourself, your team, and various associates have achieved more than almost any others in terms of bringing such advancements finally into the public awareness.
And on this count; once out of the bottle, the genie cannot be put back in.
The dark ones now hold sincere (and well justified) worries in terms of their medical/pharmaceutical ‘deathtrap industries’.
As you planned eight years ago with the now soon-to-be-publicly-available free energy system, you have played an important role in beginning the release of formerly suppressed technologies.
Your efforts are dismantling them brother, piece by piece and whilst we enjoy watching this play out; we preferred it much more when you were here in Asia.
The world needs your help (some do not even realize how much the efforts of yourself and your Group K have already contributed to their ongoing existence and wellbeing) but only you know exactly how things are going to happen and you are correctly positioning yourself by remaining silent during these crucial final movements of this epic battle.
“The Swamp”, as President Trumps call it, is the concept of a predicament that also must be addressed here in the East, and it is here where Group K will earn its rewards.
Your last unfortunate incident was nothing to make fun of, however you have relentlessly shown “them” that nothing keeps you down.
You have many friends over here praying for you, and also even in locations such as Fiji and elsewhere – places you would have no idea that you had supporters. We all know you are on the way, and “The Spirits” have made it clear you will be here soon.
Please hurry. Do not forget us in fighting your Western wars. We are sure you love the action over there, but remember there are more than enough battles to be had in other places.
Source: neilkeenan
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