Financially / Economically – Piece By Piece, Step By Step, We Are Closing In On What Makes The Cabal Tick Tock, Tick Tock…



Have you ever played a sport where you had someone on the ropes and were about ready to put things away when you gave them a slight second to catch their breath, only to find there is so much more behind their second wind where you abruptly lose your steam?

This is where we now precariously find ourselves in the Western Hemisphere as world events heat up far above and beyond the status quo.

There is no question the Cabal is on the ropes, but they are still attempting to work their way out of their current predicament.

They have their people continually moving surreptitiously with desperate hopes of finding  ways out of the very swamps they so cleverly (or so they thought) created for themselves.

It is our job to finish them off once and for all! No second chances, as there have already been too many chances.

Just imagine how viciously cold and calculating they’ve been to what they consider our weaknesses: They mistake kindness and compassion for weakness, and they expect their own who still continue to live among us to assure them of safe passage.

Do we allow them such privileges when we know full well their utter lack of humanity and insane greed on the planet as well as their ongoing genocide?  Or do we strip them naked and force them to stand before We The People and receive their long overdue justice?

In 1965 the song Eve of Destruction was published, and while this song applied to the East at the time, it seemed even then that the shoe should have been put on the other foot… that of the heavily corrupt West.

Now, however, today the once “invincible” Cabal is stuck mightily between a rock and a hard place so such a song really does apply to those who’ve stolen for so long with impunity from the East as well as by any means from other world inhabitants.

Long-suffering victims of the Cabal, too numerous to mention, can look back into history and see how destructive and sociopathic the Cabal has been and how it continues to wreck havoc even up, to this present day.

The members of the Cabal consider everything on the planet to be their own, including humanity (as Hillary so coldly described some of us as the “deplorables”). Tragically, everywhere you look you see their criminal markings and colossal interference.

It is not time for us to relent or stop to rest, but, rather we must continue to move strongly united and  courageously forward, never giving them a chance to breathe while we strip them of their arrogance and blatant criminality.

We must also immediately and forthrightly lend assistance and support to people such as USA President Donald Trump, Hungarian President Janos Ader, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping,  and the newly elected South Korean President Moon, a good man and no relation to that Cabal piece of crap known as Ban Ki-moon.

Many  hands are needed in our diligent quest to take down what we’ve come to know as the “New World Order”.  At times it may be hard to distinguish “who is who”, but the leaders listed above are a good solid team, fighting fire with fire and winning at doing so despite the lies and subterfuge of the MSM.

At times, the disparate political affairs on the world stage may confuse you, but give it a chance and you might find the swamp’s being drained just as promised.

President Trump is by far smarter and much more clever than those in opposition to him. He is still wisely purveying his territory and is definitely ready to take the gloves off for this historic, formidable battle on behalf of We The People.

So when this President does take effective and expedient action, these enemies of humanity had best get their “traveling” shoes on and find a new place to live; that is, if they aren’t already caught in the nets of justice.

They are where they are now due to their complicit entrenchment and nefarious activities as members of the so-called Shadow Government.

Foolishly, they thought they were safe hiding within the US, but those days are done and gone forever! They’ve hid like cowards, because they’ve never had any real cajones.

They’ve fought like “Tinkerbells”, because that is their intrinsic nature. They are the stinking, rotting remains of the Old Roman Republic where pedophilia and child abuse were common, and women were mistreated and used just for procreation and nothing more, many of whom died in childbirth.



Treasonous papers are already being drawn up as we speak, and, of course “the man” (Obama), called Tinkerbell in Europe and Russia, is the “sweetheart” who along with his fellow cronies are behind most all of the criminality.

It is rather funny to see the team they put together filled with pedophiles, other sexual deviants, and false-hope heroes such as John Kerry, John McCain, and many others whose claim to fame has been built upon a preponderance of lies and their often hidden, high crimes against the people.

These sick, nasty scoundrels have now been made fully aware of being placed on immediate notice that they are solely on borrowed time from here on until justice is done!

Many more are suddenly scrambling to look for places to live outside the US, despite their unheeded hopes that Trump and his administration will forgive them.

Of course, there can be no forgiveness in our new kind of aware and responsible government which is thankfully, at last, one for the people.

Despite the Cabal’s unrelenting attacks against our President and his team, We The People had best keep aware with our eyes wide open, because some still brazenly walk among us, believing they are above the Law and, thus, immune from prosecution.

The Cabal, Khazarians, Globalists, etc. are in desperate form at the moment, but they are still fighting back with everything they can muster.

With a few wins they could be right back in the game with more dark financing to take a solid shot at our President and destroy our country in the process. This must not be allowed to happen, so allow me now to close a few metaphorical doors on them.

The French and German Elections are just such examples of how the Cabal will cleverly attempt to keep their fingers on the power buttons (and their hands in the “golden cookie jar” of worldwide funds).

In the race in Germany there is the incumbent Angela Merkel who literally has been tearing Germany apart with her own meddling hands on behalf of her compadres in the New World Order.  Her German constituents mean nothing to her so long as she achieves the desired results that the One World Government demands.

Should you walk down any German Street, you will clearly see the damage Merkel has done to her country and its people. Does it matter to her or her cronies?

No, not at all!  In fact, it seems tragically comical that being the Globalist she is, she ironically finds her opponent in this election, Martin Schulz, to be equally driven in destroying the German people and nation. This is Agenda 21 at its best (or its worst) for sure.

Unfortunately, the good and proud German people have to pick their poison in choosing which of their compromised candidates will lead their nation as committed, ardent Globalists – Angela Merkel or Martin Schulz, the former Parliament President of the European Union.

Writing in a third uncompromised candidate would save yourselves and your country, although this is not going to happen. With either of the two Globalists mentioned you will slide into a deeper European Union pot of mounting crap where you will no longer really be safe in your daily lives.

In France it didn’t matter that an unknown Macron ran against Marine Le Pen, because the Cabal had placed enough migrants and others with “voting rights” in order to topple their French citizenry. Yes, France went down and an unknown won.

“Tinkerbell” Obama and other Globalists came in to support Macron and with heaps of money and a non-French base they stole the country from the French on behalf of their quest for the New World Order and to eliminate the European people with their Agenda 21.

Soon all of Europe will be in the same boat if they have their war. People, stay strong! There are ways to take them down, and I know the way.

We have further battles going on throughout the world, including embattled President Trump taking on the entire “Deep State Establishment”. In retrospect, a huge mistake was made by letting Trump into the “hen house” of corruption, as he is very foxy indeed!

The “Deep State Establishment” are blowing their not-so-hidden agendas with their numerous, failing attempts to undermine Trump’s Presidency. Soon they will be paying heavily for it, as they are doing their best to conceal everything good about Trump and paint him and his staff with broad strokes of lies of corruption.

Of course, these efforts will fail, as many everyday American people are waking up and are clearly seeing through the maze of deception by the opposing forces.

President Trump has wisely and effectively split both parties now with even prominent Democratic financiers/directors vowing to support him, his policies, and his government.