Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Stupid Is As Stupid Does – Forrest Gump

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Stupid Is As Stupid Does 
– Forrest Gump

SEPTEMBER 13, 2016

Karen Hades is at it again with gross stupidity and disinformation.

In her latest interview she is telling everyone that the original Bretton Woods Agreement has now expired and that all the gold that was put on deposit in the Global Collateral Accounts is now the property of the People of the World – due to the Statute of Limitations being 50 years with no claims against these deposits.

Hades claimed that Marcos, being a lawyer, arranged the agreement as such and that the gold came from Jose Rizal, a Philippine Ambassador to the Vatican; who is supposedly related to the old Queen of England.

Let’s get a bit of history correct to begin with.

Marcos was never M1 but he did negotiate with the Asian Elders to finance the reconstruction and world development after WW2 as detailed in the Bretton Woods Agreement.

The Elders individually placed gold on deposit with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and they are the legal individual OWNERS of these accounts and deposits – but have been repeatedly denied access to their accounts, or use thereof, since the time of their initial deposits (WHICH IS GROSS FRAUD).

These original depositors are clearly identified in official records held by the BIS and the Elder’s Depositors (now also with Neil Keenan).

At no time whatsoever have the OWNER Depositors ever relinquished their claims to their assets on deposit, but have repeatedly tried to secure them for proper use for the benefit of mankind as originally intended.

There never has been an issue of abandonment of claim and any possibility of invoking a Statute of Limitations on said accounts.

Any attempt to do so is fraudulent and a gross theft which is the current foundation of legal suits that Neil Keenan is preparing against all those involved, past and present: Ms Karen Hades included.

In its simplicity, if you put your money in a bank, you expect the bank to return your deposit on your demand.

If the bank refuses to give you your money back, it is theft and a fraudulent act punishable by LAW.

Karen clearly understands THE RULE OF LAW. She just doesn’t seem to understand that it applies to HER and the UN / IMF in trying to steal the Global Collateral Accounts for themselves. 

Who were the Depositors and OWNERS of these accounts in the BIS?

It is estimated that 80% of the original Depositors were from the Asian Elders (Golden Dragon Family) and the remainder from Western Royalty and Rothschild banker elites.



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