"The British documentary Secret Rulers of the World, which followed Alex during his alleged infiltration of Bohemian Grove, was written and directed by the Jewish Jon Ronson."
Alex Jones Alex and former wife Kelly Rebecca Alex Jones is funded by at least thirty-four Jewish sponsors and advertisers who financially support his radio show and websites.
Alex Jones' radio show is broadcast on Sirius XM Radio. The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew
Eddy Hartenstein. The CEO of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew
Mel Karmazin. The President of Sirius XM Radio is the Jew
Scott Greenstein.
Alex Jones employs a Jewish attorney named Elizabeth Morgan who is also employed by Holly Lev
Bronfman, the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr.
Alex Jones’ cousin
Verna Grayce Chao is employed as a CIA private contractor by Dell (previously by IBM).
Her brother Buckley Hamman was one of the original founders of Infowars in 1995.
Alex Jones has divorced his wife.
Above, we see divorcee Alex Jones with
Lee Ann McAdoo at an Infowars Halloween party.
Twitter page.
Close friends Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones.
Jones' divorce settlement involved a number of sex addiction counselors
"In light of the supposed allegations of former Infowars employees of adultery
[VIII], rumours of gay goings on, Jones' circle of degenerate Hollywood friends, and Jones’ frequent on-air boastings of his sexual prowess (which he chalks up to the herbal supplements he sells, no doubt), perhaps there is something to this...
"Perhaps the affair occurred between Jones and a man.
"Director/screenwriter Richard Linklater, a Texas-based film writer ... chose Jones for his 2006 animated science fiction thriller A Scanner Darkly, featuring Keanu Reeves (the movie, like many in Hollywood, displays Illuminati symbolism).
"In 2001, Linklater featured Jones in his Ethan Hawke movie Waking Life."
Is TV show host Montel Williams correct that Jones is a cocaine-addicted con artist who radicalizes people to commit terrorist acts?
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