Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

My Strange Experience and Epiphany at Denver Airport

My Strange Experience and Epiphany at Denver Airport

My Strange Experience and Epiphany at Denver Airport

I was apprehensive about going to Denver Airport because of all the talk and speculation with respect to it being built by the NWO clan. Believe me when I tell you that I was praying and saying my Kodoish Mantra every minute on that plane, upon touchdown and upon walking the massive airport. I had mixed feelings about whether I wanted to run into that crazy, in-your-face, NWO propaganda mural. But, when the plane landed, I was more concerned about getting my shuttle to the hotel and making it on time to the conference that I was attending.

       The shuttle didn’t arrive on time. I was there waiting and waiting with heavy carry-ons by the baggage claim, pickup area. And I had plenty of time  plenty of time  to observe and feel that airport out. Actually, I had a whole hour to get a “sense” for the airport. And it wasn’t good. It wasn’t pleasant. There is definitely something there. Even if you don’t see it with your physical eyes because it’s covert, or underground, there is something that is of a very sinister and evil quality that lurks there.

       So, I began calling in the Host of Light. Yes, indeed they came immediately, as they always do, by the droves. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth, I said, under my breath – over and over and over – unceasingly. I watched as the Host of Light inundated the entire airport – and all the surrounding areas with Light. I could now not only sense it, as I had sensed the thick blanket of evil before, I could actually see it with my eyes. It was a huge influx and outpouring of Light from the Illumined Realms. It was smoking out that which had anchored itself there and had claimed its territory. I sensed a huge shift. I didn’t stop the calling or the Mantra. I continued this “pounding” of Light Forces and Light Infusion for a whole hour, until I was finally picked up by the mysteriously late shuttle.

       When the shuttle came and I boarded, I was upset because I was an hour late to my conference. I kept bringing it up to the driver, how I had called to be picked up right when the plane had landed and how terribly late I was because of the delay. And as I was complaining, I passed the famous Blue Mustang statue which sits right at the airport entrance. This thing has red glowing, evil eyes… Yes, it could be crystal or some red glass or other material that makes it glow like this. But, when you connect all the things that are placed on that airport as symbols, as anchors of negative, sinister energy and intent, this Red-eyed horse was more icing on the cake…

       Then I realized that the whole hour that I was delayed was to my advantage in intending the Light to be poured – flooded – into the airport and all the underground caves, bunkers and hiding places meant for the use of these nefarious ones. And although I didn’t see the famous mural, I felt its presence. There is definitely something in that airport – at least I experienced it first hand, and it was no longer a conspiracy theory for me… I can sniff out evil, like a dog can sniff out rot. I was there, and it wasn’t going to go unaddressed!

       To make a long story short, I spent a wonderful two days at my conference. I was very productive and engaged in what I was doing. And the day arrived when I had to return to that eerie airport. On the way back to the airport, I asked the shuttle driver what the story was with the Blue Mustang… He tells me that when the sculptor, Luis Jimenez was putting the final touches on the statue, the massive head of the horse fell off – yes, fell off – and killed him. So, the sculptor’s father finished the project. But, after that the horse’s eyes glowed red and people thought it was due to the killing. Huh???? Did I just hear that? I said, to the guy “There’s something evil here, isn’t there?” He goes, “Yep”…

       I was dropped off at the terminal and I began my Mantra all over again – a second doze of the Light-Infusion. I got into the gate and waited my turn to go in the plane. I flew Southwest Airlines, which means there are no assigned seats – it’s first come, first serve. I was number 31. I felt I had a good chance of getting the seat position I wanted – towards the front of the plane and on the aisle. But, as I board the plane, I notice that the entire front area is taken. I’m disappointed. By being towards the front, I could exit the plane sooner, once it lands.

       So, I keep walking past people that are already seated, and finally find a row of three empty chairs where I decide to call home for the next two hours. I notice that there is a rolled-up poster in the middle seat. I find that odd and figure that someone must be sitting there and reserved that spot. I think about moving to a row further back because I prefer not to have to sit with someone next to me. Plane seats are not comfortable and they’re so narrow. I was hoping to get more elbow room, so that I could do some writing; but moving would mean I would leave the plane later than sooner…

       I decide on the row with the three empty seats and the poster,  and I sit. After a while and after a lot of people boarded, a woman approaches from the back of the plane and stands next to me. She says that she needs to get in. So, I get up and let her in. She removes the poster from the seat, puts it in the overhead compartment and plops herself next to me – not by the empty window seat. So, I’m thinking “what the heck…?” I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t scoot down to the window seat, which was more comfortable for her and for me. I’m also thinking that maybe she’s waiting for someone. I’m guessing that it’s going to be a long, boring ride. I wasn’t inspired to get any work done, especially when feeling a bit crowded; so there would be nothing left for me to do but go to sleep.

       We wait another fifteen minutes for last minute boarding. In the meantime, I’m trying to get some work done and the lady next to me is reading over some paperwork. She still doesn’t move over; and none of the people that are coming in late – and there are a whole bunch – pick the empty seat!

       When the last person boards, the plane pushes back and heads towards the runway. When it reaches the runway, it starts to speed up. In the meantime, the lady next to me is looking out the window closest to her and then towards the other window that is in the opposite row. I have no idea what she is looking at. I begin to look at the window next to her and only see runway and of course the airport.  There is a few minutes of this and then she turns to me and says, “What do you think about this airport?”  I almost fall out of my chair and would have if I didn’t have my seat-belt on!

       I think for one moment – analyzing the question, the questioner and my potential answer. I say “Interesting question – what makes you ask this and why are you asking me?”

       “I was wondering if you’ve heard anything…”

       I let out a soft laugh, realizing it’s going to be an interesting conversation and ride. “It’s funny you ask this,” I say. “I happen to host a radio show exposing all of these things.”

       She opens up and starts telling me about the fact that she knows that they had built another airport, the same size and she doesn’t understand why. She mentions that the fences with the barbed wires are facing in, as opposed to out. So, I say “Yes, this is to keep the people in – like a prison.”

“Yes,” she says.

       So, this opens up the floodgates for an amazing two hour conversation on the New World Order, Denver, FEMA, Chemtrails, GMOs, disempowerment, The Matrix, Ascended Masters, The Keys of Enoch and the Timeline we’re in. The lovely woman is writing a book to help Christians understand these things…. And she feels disempowered and not able to connect to the Higher Realms, because she feels her pineal gland has been calcified by too much Fluoride. She says to me that when she was younger, she was able connect to Source and have amazing and profound spiritual experiences and now she can’t. She hits a ceiling and can’t get any further.

       I listened to her story and I thanked the Host of Light, for they had their signature all over this “coincidental” encounter… I knew that we were placed together for a very important reason, and my job was to provide her with very specific information that would help her understand why she wasn’t connecting to Source and to provide her with the tools she would need to be able to do so – information that is contained in the book I’m releasing in the winter. This is timely, empowering information for people just like her who are in embodiment now, in order to be of service, and are not able to because they can’t even help themselves! How can anyone help raise the consciousness of humanity or be the change – à la “We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for” – when we can’t even cure our own colds or stop the interference and drama in our lives? So, my current mission is to address that, and I do so in the book. My first “client” or captive audience was this woman. What were the chances of that? None – no chance – all preplanned, pre-ordained, pre-orchestrated.

       As, I walk down the corridor, carrying my two heavy carry-ons, and I say goodbye to Donna, I have a big smile on my face. Yes, there is evil out there, really bad, ugly stuff that seems really ominous. And we can’t even begin to tackle it because we’re so overwhelmed with our own “hell” which is really gigantic to us at times. How the heck are we going to be the “Change we’ve been waiting for…” when we can’t change our own circumstances? I am smiling because I see how the Host of Light works every day and in every way how beautifully elegant they work. 

      It is so evident to me how they arranged this encounter and the why – I needed to know that the information I was bringing forth was necessary and useful to many. There are many of us who are in Service to the Light that need to have these Tools of Empowerment, but more than that, we need to know why we are not effective, even though we’re on the Spiritual Path and have been for many years. I had been feeling very discouraged after writing the book because I felt that no one would want this information or they would feel that they were superior to it. I felt that many would take offense to the candor in it and to the straight- to-the-point and no-nonsense nature of the information. I was wrong, so wrong! There was at least one person that could use this information  and she had been sitting right next to me, touching my elbow.

       Donna, the woman next to me on the plane, had been speaking to me about the very issues that I address on the site and on the Shattering The Matrix radio show. And I realized that there are so many like her out there… She needed to get the scoop as to why she couldn’t tap to the Higher Realms, to Source; and she needed to get the tools to become Empowered and to be in the Flow of Divine Protection and Divine Inspiration  under the wing of The Divine Forces. She was missing that piece, big time!

       The Host of Light arranged that both of us meet in a very strange place – on a Southwest Airlines plane, in a runway in Denver Airport. She healed me from doubting myself, from my uncertainty and lack of confidence; and I helped her get back on track. How great is that? How great is The Light and those Beings in service to The Light? They are so tuned into what we need, making us more Effective and of Greater Service to humanity. By helping us step into our Power again, we can begin functioning from Strength and Efficiency, working towards restoring the Original Blueprint of Prime Creator to this planet.

     There are many of you who are ready to step up your game as well, who are truly here to help in the transformation of this world and who feel you are being “royally messed with” by the Dark Forces because your life is just not working. The  information I provide in my book will give you not only the Clear Understanding of what is transpiring, but also the road map and the tools to allow you to finally step into your Divine Power and Authority.

       I know that Donna has a very specific mission, a big and important mission; and it was being prevented from manifesting. Not anymore! Now she knows what was messing with her and what she needs to do to get the message out so that she can empower others as well. This concept is like putting on your oxygen mask first, so that you can then place the mask on others. We first have to come from strength, in order to be effective in being of service. If we can’t breathe or are struggling with our own mask, we can’t be much use to anyone else…

       If you resonate with this and you would like to know when the book is released, you can email me at: and I’ll put you on the mailing list. You can also join my new Blog site at:, where specific blogs on this topic will be posted and where you can subscribe to receive updates on the book’s launch date.

       The Light will “Shatter” all the negative and nefarious forces on this plane of existence – but it’s a group effort. It takes all of us!  The more of us that are on board and willing to become empowered to help, the quicker this process will be.

       How badly do you want Transformation? I am in all the way and have made myself available to be of service! If you are not in Ego and willing to become totally aware of the tactics used by the Dark Forces against you, to hold you back from reclaiming your Mastery, I encourage you to read the information in the book. Awareness is Power!

       Most of us who serve the Light have been provided with a lot of disinformation on purpose. The agenda is to keep us scattered, in discord, separated and to keep us from stepping into our Power and reclaiming our Mastery. I wonder why? Is it time to know? Is it time to do something about it? 

The time is now to Shatter the Matrix!

       You can write to me and let me know that you want to be on the mailing list or go on my Word Press page and sign up by going to the About Tab. I’ll let you know when the book becomes available. And then, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work… because nothing will happen unless we’re involved!

Ari Kopel

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Comment by Besimi on August 5, 2014 at 2:51am

Archaeologists Discover 5000 Year Old Egyptian Artifacts That Came From Space

This may be old news to some, but for many it wont be. A study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science in December of 2013 found that the earliest known (according to the study) iron artifacts that date back to circa 3200 BC, from two burials in northern Egypt were made from meteoritic iron, and shaped by careful hammering of the metal.(1) After hammering pieces into thin sheets before being rolled into tubes, the nine beads that were found were originally strung into a necklace with other materials like gold and gemstones. This discovery reveals the value of these materials in ancient times. It also reveals that in the fourth millennium BC, metal workers had mastered the smithing of meteoritic iron, well before what was previously thought.

The beads were excavated in 1911, found in a cemetery, and are believed to be the earliest known iron artifacts. A total of nine beads were retrieved, and the necklace beads were found in their original order.  Since both tombs securely date back  to Naqada, 3400-3100 BC, the beads predate the emergence of iron smelting by nearly 2000 years, and other known meteoritic iron artefacts by 500 years or more.

Professor Thilo Rehren from Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar was the lead author of the paper. They used x-ray methods to determine whether the 5,000 year old beads were actually meteoric iron, and not magnetite, which can often be mistaken to be corroded iron due to similar properties.

“The really exciting outcome of this research is that we were for the first time able to demonstrate conclusively that there are typical trace elements such as cobalt and germanium present in the beads, at levels that only occur in meteoritic iron. We are also excited to be able to see the internal structure of the beads, revealing how they were rolled and hammered into form. This is very different technology from the usual stone bead drilling, and shows quite an advanced understanding of how the metal smiths worked this rather difficult material” – Professor Rehren

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Egypt, but the fact that they made cosmic jewelery is pretty cool. We don’t often reflect on just how advanced civilizations were in these times. Even today, how the pyramids were built, the mathematical precision and the astronomical alignments that correlate with them are astonishing. If we wanted to do something like that today, even with all of our technology, it would still be almost impossible to recreate. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that these ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we are. I find it quite amusing that they knew that the Earth was round, before we even believed it to be flat!

Ancient Egyptians were fascinated with the sky, and according to Joyce Tyldesley, who co-authored a study on the same findings that was published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science, “the sky was very important to the ancient Egyptians, something that falls from the sky is going to be considered as a gift from the gods.” (2)

While we are on the topic of meteorites, just a year earlier a group of scientists claimed with certainty that tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in late December 2012, are proof of extraterrestrial life. The paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology by Chandra Wickramasinghe, the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom. The study was conducted alongside researchers at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University and from the Medical Research Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Obviously, the study is surrounded by much controversy, you can read more about that and view the study here.

Earlier this year, a group of scientists claimed with certainty that tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in late December 2012, are proof of extraterrestrial life. A paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology (1)(3) by Chandra Wickramasinghe. Wickramasinghe is the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K. The study was conducted alongside researchers at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University and from the Medical Research Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. – See more at:




Comment by Besimi on August 5, 2014 at 2:48am

Tora Bora Tunnels And Other Mad Zionist Psyops

Zen Gardner ~ Tora Bora Tunnels And Other Mad Zionist Psyops

“Realizing these types of truths can be devastating and leave you feeling helpless and alone. Don’t let it. We are many, and our ranks are growing by the minute. Hungry sincere souls are watching anxiously and looking for resolution in some form to spare the dear people of Palestine. But most of all, hearts long for a virtual splitting of the veil, a massive awakening where we can all bask in the light of truth together as these dark machinations are exposed and thereby destroyed.” Z Gardner" alt="BinLadensMountainFortress" width="590" height="659" scale="0" />

We’ve seen these tricks before and the images they conjure for the unwary.  Not only are these supposed “massive tunnel networks” they’re screaming about “secret and hidden”, but like stories about the big ogre we only hear about but never see, these fake “intelligence reports” can paint any illusory monster they want with their bombardment of misinformation and propaganda.

Where did we hear about this “tunnel” scheme before? Oh yeah, the massive underground bunkers in Afghanistan. With this and other false allegations they bombed the hell out of that innocent country in order to find the Osama bin Ogre. Of course he was hidden in his plush tunnel network from whence he masterminded and bamboozled, by cell phone no less, the entire western megalomilitary machine. And of course these massive, heavily armed, elaborate and sophisticated hideouts were never found, nor

were any weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. But who needs proof once you’ve got the excuse and the war is under way?

You don’t need to provide any evidence in today’s “mediotic” world, just a big enough microphone, as in the Zionist controlled mass-hysteria media. Just look at this nonsense propaganda being passed on as reliable information that clearly indicates and attempts to justify their “need” to bomb Gaza until it’s one massive crater to “really get the job done” in order to destroy this “massive tunnel system” located under every inch of “terrorist” Gaza." alt="BinLadensMountainFortress_Found" />

Found! With photo op! Part of Bin Laden’s massive labyrinth of evil, as publicized by the mainstain media after the 9/11 “retaliation”.

Here’s the crass, lying and insanely murderous Zionist propaganda now melting mass media manipulated muppet minds:

Israel surprised by Hamas tunnel network

Israeli military intelligence is facing criticism for failing to comprehend the network of tunnels and other underground facilities built by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

“We’ll see when the war was over,” Mr. Pollak said in an interview, “but it is clear that the underground tunnel complex was far more extensive than Israeli military intelligence understood.”

Information that Israel Defense Forces reportedly obtained from captured Hamas fighters revealed that the group was planning to use several Gaza tunnels that extend under Israeli territory for a major attack timed with the beginning of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, on Sept. 24.

The plan called for Hamas fighters to surface from the tunnels in Israel and kill as many people as possible. The plot was first reported by the Israeli newspaper Maariv.

Israel’s military operation against Hamas in Gaza has gone on longer than expected because of the discovery of the extensive tunnel network, which is estimated to have cost as much as $2 billion to construct. (Source)

So, You Wanna Go Looking in Caves and Tunnels, Do You?

The 9/11 hoax was perhaps the biggest open display of outright trauma based mind control ever perpetrated on humanity. The bigger and badder the better, as in Pearl Harbor, the sinkings of the Maine and Lucitania, the Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing and way back to the King David Zionist terrorist hotel blasting that set the stage for what was to come, openly and proudly admitted by gloating Zionist perpetrators.

Aaron Russo, a true hero of our time, was laughingly told they’d be “looking in caves” for invented terrorists following 9/11 by a very well placed insider, a Rockefeller. Go to 3 minutes in if you’d like to cut to that point. The whole video is mindblowingly good.

They apparently like the caves and tunnels meme to hide their fake enemies in. After all, you’ll never see them, only imagine them. And that feeds the entrained program.

Comment by Besimi on August 5, 2014 at 2:25am

The Code....from " Intenders Of The Highest Good "...10 Intentions For The Better World...

The Code
10 Intentions for a Better World
To have The Code work in your life, say it once a day
The First Intent - Support Life
I refrain from opposing or harming anyone. I allow others to have their own experiences. I see life in all things and honor it as if it were my own.
I support life.
The Second Intent - Seek Truth
I follow my inner compass and discard any beliefs
that are no longer serving me. I go to the source. I seek truth.
The Third Intent - Set Your Course
I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life. I set my course.
The Fourth Intent - Simplify
I let go so there is room for something better to come in. I intend that I am guided, guarded, protected, and lined up with the Highest Good at all times.
I trust and remain open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources.
I simplify.
The Fifth Intent - Stay Positive
I see good, say good, and do good. I accept the gifts from all of my experiences. I am living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.
The Sixth Intent - Synchronize
After intending and surrendering, I take action by following the opportunities that are presented to me. I am in the flow where Great Mystery and Miracles abide, fulfilling my desires and doing what I came here to do. I synchronize.
The Seventh Intent - Serve Others
I practice love in action. I always have enough to spare and enough to share.
I am available to help those who need it. I serve others.
The Eighth Intent - Shine Your Light
I am a magnificent being, awakening to my highest potential. I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light.
The Ninth Intent - Share Your Vision
I create my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it.
I share my vision.
The Tenth Intent - Synergize
I see Humanity as One. I enjoy gathering with light-hearted people regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal Itself.
We synergize.
Tony Burroughs
The Intenders of the Highest Good 


Comment by Dr. Sohini Shukla. 18 hours ago

Comment by Besimi on August 5, 2014 at 2:13am

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