(Let this be a sunrise, not a sunset)
I have accomplished what I set out to do.
I now understand what is wrong with the world.
So do many of my readers.
But understanding an illness is only
the first step toward a cure.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
I'm 68. When I evaluate my life, I've made many mistakes which I partly blame on societal influence.
Nonetheless, I take consolation in having been true to myself. For that, I give my life a passing grade, a solid "B".
When I was a child, I was fascinated by history. I could not understand how "adults" had made such a mess of things. Human history was a tragedy for millions. My parents had barely survived World War Two. I resolved to discover the cause of the human malaise.
My mission in life was to write the truth. My heroes were investigative reporters.
When I was 12, I wrote a syndicated "Advice to Parents" column for 40 newspapers and worked as a copyboy and reporter later. I enjoyed the rumble of the printing presses and the smell of ink. The idea that I might reach millions was exhilarating.
I have accomplished what I set out to do. I now understand what is wrong with the world. So do many of my readers. But understanding an illness is only the first step toward a cure. But at least we know why humanity is being sabotaged.
So, if I am an example, just being true to yourself will give life meaning. God has a purpose for each of us. We only need to discover it.
My website is 18-years-old. Having diagnosed the problem, I sometimes think my work is done. I can retire in peace.
In reality, my work is just beginning. Events are proving my diagnosis correct. (I tip my hat to many courageous teachers.) Things are likely to get worse. Trump is colluding in Obama-era mass shooting hoaxes. He is False Opposition.
But more people are waking up. My mission now is "to bear witness to the truth." I need to remind oldtimers, inform newbies and post new information.Teaching requires repetition.
I need to show how current events fit into the template: Western society has been subverted by a long-term satanic conspiracy.
Truth is my religion. The Truth Makes You Free
because God is Truth. To "bear witness" is a kind of worship.
As far as humans are concerned, I believe God is a state of consciousness, a dimension in which spiritual absolutes like Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Peace, Justice, and Love are self-evident. We all crave this state.
I don't have to wade through religious tracts. I measure everything against these spiritual ideals.
I reverse-engineer society to expose the hidden hand. I don't bother with what people say; I look at what they do. For example, if all corporations promote "diversity" it means they are all controlled by the central bankers. This is de facto Communism.
If you are awake, you can see that liberalism, Freemasonry, and Organized Jewry are turning society into a perverse totalitarian police state comparable to a satanic cult. Lying no longer works. They have to suppress the truth in order enslave the population mentally. This is evident in the crackdown on free speech online and at universities. Political correctness originated as a Communist Party term in the 1920's.
This cult is evident in popular cult-ure -- movies, comedy, music - where the stars are Satanists who pump out depravity. US foreign policy seems dedicated to provoking a nuclear war or at least using the threat to beggar the country.
The relentless attack on gender, marriage, family and the white race under the guise of "diversity," "inclusiveness" and "liberation" are organized by the cult.
The Blue States have declared war on the Red States. Their corporations have seceded and spurned the business of 60 million "deplorables." They don't want our money. They want our souls.
The Satanist goal is to supplant God; and deny our soul connection to God, the intended path of human development and growth. They wish to keep us in a state of arrested development akin to a collective adolescence. Society has fallen into a coma from which we may never emerge, a broken record playing for eternity.
God is LOVE. The destiny God has planned for humanity is indescribably wonderful. The Creator has a Plan. We can't just tear it up without suffering the consequences.
We need to feel good about being human again. We need to reject everything that is degrading and focus instead on what is endearing.
The greater part of my life is over. I have enjoyed peace and plenty, and freedom even if I was duped like everyone else. But I despair for the future. The fate of humanity hangs by a thread. A sinister centuries-old conspiracy is nearing fruition.
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