The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
I’ll tell you what happened to me yesterday. I work in a sports centre and while leaving the gym to go home I observed someone in a very expensive car throw an empty plastic bottle out of his window. I shouted out of my car window “that’s right just throw it out of your window PRICK!”. He subsequently stopped outside and challenged me.
“You don’t just swear at people, you ask them to pick it up”, he said. “You are an adult, you shouldn’t need to be told”, I retorted.
So he went in to the centre and reported me. The duty officer approached me the next day and told me that a complaint had been made against me, the guy said I called him a Fucking Prick (I’m sure I just said Prick). The duty officer is a good friend of mine and he threw the complaint in the bin after the guy had left, perhaps not the right thing to do, but I appreciated the gesture.
My feelings on the matter are that I share this environment with this arsehole and anyone who shows blatant disrespect for our environment does not deserve my respect. I have the right and the obligation to call people out when they behave like that (although maybe I shouldn’t loose my temper and swear at them).
The morel of this story is . . . well anybody care to add a moral?
Was I in the wrong?
Or do we have the right to speak our truth as we see it?
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM STANDING UP AND APPLAUDING LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought I was the only one who did stuff like that!!!! Bit of a will get in fights doing this....speaking from experience. Almost got tossed in jail not too long ago. THANK YOU!!!!! More people should have your courage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However there are times when the truth does not need to be spoken, as it may cause more harm than good, but we do have the necessary cognitive skills to judge that.
I agree, Kal'Narred. Sometimes, however, it's inevitable we step on other people's toes, even though we mean well. Been told off often for standing up for what I feel is right, never have the intention of hurting other people. Yet, want to speak both from the heart and by choosing my words carefully....
Thank you guys. I think the moral is; speak your truth. However there are times when the truth does not need to be spoken, as it may cause more harm than good, but we do have the necessary cognitive skills to judge that.
Also some humans may turn violent, that doesn't concern me personally, I'm big enough and ugly enough to look after myself (and for most people to think twice before they start something), but I'd hate for my words to inspire someone to do something that will get them hurt.
What I will say is that when you stand up for what you feel is right (without pride or arrogance), then you feel a power there. And when it is against overwhelming odds then that power is unimaginably greater.
Just remember that you all have Guardian Angels, and when you trust them complicity, you will be ok.
Kal'Narred, you were in the right! Period.
You know what P, I don't see having a fiery temper a weakness anymore. as long as you do no unprovoked harm or harm any innocents, then it is total raw passion. It's not born out of pride or arrogance; it's born out of nature and concern. We all share this biosphere, but only a few of us realise how fragile it is, so lets fight for it.
Btw thank you for your words of support
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