Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Embodiment – Jeshua; Pamela Kribbe.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 36 seconds ago

Message from Jeshua*
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe

unknown artist

Pamela channels JeshuaDear friends, I am very pleased to be with you and to
have my energy commingle with yours.

You are radiant beings of light and you have no idea of the strength and
beauty that you demonstrate daily in your life. Even though the outlook is
dark at times, and sometimes you feel exhausted from trying to move forward
in your life, you are ever courageous. You need to be aware of the
incredible courage and power that you demonstrate day after day. You
continually bring more and mor... more »

Waking Up From Religion ~ Nanice Ellis

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 36 seconds ago
Waking Up From ReligionBy Nanice Ellis Posted September 22, 2016
by Colaborama

Often our religious beliefs are handed down to us by family and culture,
and by the time we are old enough to consciously choose, it’s too late
because we are already brainwashed with pre-ordained beliefs that seem to
be set in stone.

Ideally, the true purpose of any religion should be to facilitate a direct
connection with the “Divine,” and to support spiritual awakening.
Unfortunately, few, if any religions, fulfill this purpose. If they did,
many more of us would be awake by now, or at least intima... more »

Libranox, Chaos Knocks, Plutonox ~ Astrology

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 36 seconds ago
Libranox, Chaos Knocks, Plutonox
Since most of the Huge Reboot events are still unfolding, it’s a decent map
for our next three and twelve months. We can consider each Equinox and
Solstice chart to be Strong for the following three months, and to remain
in the background for the nine months after that.

In terms of “planning your day” (22 September, that is), the Equinox occurs
just after 7am PDT, but the Big Deal of the day will be around half-past
noon PDT, when the Moon crosses a very Stationary dwarf planet Chaos – Unlimited
Potential. That shou... more »

Andrew Bartzis – Animal Allies – Spirit Healers, Dreamtime Guardian...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 36 seconds ago
Animal Allies Spirit Healers, Dreamtime Guardians and Voices For The Animal
Hive Universe. By Andrew Bartzis Sep 21 2016
Note: Mind-blowing information from Andrew Bartzis, Galactic HIstorian on
our brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom, on their purpose as
companion spirit’s and the healing/teaching/protection they bring to our
lives. In-joy! {~A~}


Animals have played a big part in the lives of people as far back as there
are records, no doubt long before that. As the short clip included from
Michael Tsarion illustrates, Andrew shares re... more »

USS: DAPL is Just the Beginning — Federal Bill Seeks Largest Native...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 36 seconds ago
DAPL is Just the Beginning. Federal Bill Seeks Largest Native American Land
Grab in 100 Years Matt Agorist, *The Free Thought Project* September 22,
[image: american]

Three years ago, Utah Congressmen Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz came up
with a proposal called the Utah Public Lands Initiative. This proposal
would turn more than a quarter of the Ute Tribe’s land into oil and
drilling zones.

Now, after pining away for three years, the initiative has transformed into
HR5780 and will be pushed through the US House of Representatives in just a
few weeks.

This government grab of ... more »

Pivot to Asia: Ongoing U.S. Militarization of Pacific an Alarming T...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 36 seconds ago
Pivot to Asia: Ongoing U.S. Militarization of Pacific an Alarming Trend By Makia
Freeman, *Wake Up World* September 22, 2016
The Pivot to Asia, which is really the US militarization of the Pacific
Ocean in preparation for war with China and Russia, is a highly disturbing
trend. Not so much attention has been paid to it, yet it is an arena which
will determine the future balance of world power.

While most eyes are on Syria, Yemen, the European migrant crisis, and other
trouble in the Middle East, the US is continuing a massive and
unprecedented buildup all throughout the Pacific – th... more »

What Everyone Is Missing About Immigration and the Refugee Crisis ~...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
What Everyone Is Missing About Immigration and the Refugee Crisis By Shaun
Bradley, *Anti Media* September 22, 2016
[image: immigration-refugee]

*(**ANTIMEDIA**)* Since the Syrian refugee crisis began and terrorist
attacks became the norm throughout the Western world, there has been a
drastic change in the immigration debate.

The rise of Donald Trump in America has galvanized the mindset of fear that
took over following the San Bernardino and Orlando shootings. Europe has
also struggled to adapt as governments declare perpetual states of emergency
and the popularity of nationalist... more »

Prepare For The Equinox September 22, 2016 – One Of The Best Transf...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
Prepare For The Equinox September 22, 2016
One Of The Best Transformation Thresholds Of The Year
via *newsununity, Thanks to*
September 22, 2016

Equinox arriving Thursday is occurring during a powerful window of time.

Humanity has been doing lots of status-quo reviews, and most likely you
have had your own on a very personal level.

The Mercury Retrograde, ending Wednesday, has been an excellent time to
reassess your life circumstance and decide what you would want to keep or
discard going forward.

If you’re not familiar with the planets and astrology, a cycle like Mercu... more »

Cedella Marley: Do What Matters Most to You ~ Positive Vibrations

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
Do What Matters Most to You Positive Vibrations by Cedella Marley, *A Nice
Time*September 22, 2016
[image: Cedella-Marley-copyright-Peter-Dean-Rickards]

Do what matters the most to you today. When you act on things that fulfill
you spiritually, you live with a more meaningful, positive purpose.

Look at every moment as an opportunity for greatness and share your inner
light with those who surround you.

*One love…*



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... more »

France to Become First Country to Ban Disposable Plastic Cups and P...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
France to Become First Country to Ban Disposable Plastic Cups and Plate. By
Anna Scanlon, *Natural Society*September 22, 2016
[image: plastic-cups-red-solo-banned-france-735-350]

In an effort to help curb some of the strains that disposable plastic puts
on landfills, France is set to become the first country to ban all
disposable cutlery products. By 2020, any disposable cutlery items will be
required to be made from 50% biologically-sourced materials. By 2025, the
cutlery will have to be made of 60% biologically sourced materials that can
be composted at home. [1]

Plastic material... more »

Lightworker and Activist: Where’s the Divide? ~ Steve Beckow

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
Lightworker and Activist: Where’s the Divide? By Steve Beckow, *Golden Age
of Gaia* September 22, 2016
[image: lightworkers-009]

How do lightworkers and social activists divide their labor?

We tend not to do both. Why is that?

I can only speak for myself. We none of us can do it all. We do tend to
divide down into specialized efforts. I don’t see how it could be any other

For me, the division is around what must be done immediately and what,
longer term.

The social activist and whistleblower work, act, and react to threats in
the here and now, to protect our security, financi... more »

World Peace Meditation, Sept. 24, 2016, 4PM PT

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
World Peace Meditation, Sept. 24, 2016, 4PM PTThanks to Golden Age of GaiaSeptember
22, 2016
One group is using World Peace Day today to organize a global meditation on
Sept. 24, 2016, at 4 PM PT.

Actually numerous groups are also hosting global peace meditations, the
light from all of which collects together and, Matthew Ward tells, makes
the world shine. Thanks to Micki.

See the longer video on their site:

- Uplift :



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5 Hacks To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills Within Minutes ~ Dan...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
5 Hacks To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills Within Minutes By Dan Fries, *Collective
Evolution* September 22, 2016
[image: public-speaking-759x450]

You’re sitting in a crowded room for a seminar on an interesting topic that
could potentially help you change your life for the better. You’re really
excited to learn so you sit back, relax, and wait expectantly. The speaker
is called on stage.

The speaker is sweating and stammering. He’s having a hard time explaining.
You can’t understand the topic anymore, and you notice that the rest of the
audience looks confused as well.

When... more »

A Vision for Conscience ~ Alignment Project

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
*A Vision for Conscience **The Vision Alignment Project*
We see a world where we have all realized that what we think, say, and do
has an effect on everyone and everything else; where those of us who
previously caused harm to another, supported people or institutions who
harmed others, or brought destruction to the land, fully see that what we
have done has affected the world around us.

We see a world where we no longer distance ourselves from the feelings of
those we've hurt, or the Nature we've uncaringly disrupted, and in doing
so, our consciences have awakened. Now we know to ne... more »

History of Country borders – now the questions is; do we need borders?

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
History of Country borders – now the questions is; do we need borders?
Posted September 21, 2016 by Danell Glade
[image: world-map]

Watch as 1000 years of European borders change (timelapse map)

- Tribes.


*This map has some good graphics in it, even if it not totally accurate.
Man-made borders. “Borders come and go, taking lives and creating wealth
for some, poverty for most. What matters is the unity of humanity as a
whole. That’s the most beautiful idea, so much so, it doesn’t fit in any
map! It will... more »

The Taking Down of the Chimera the Root of All Evil ~ Part 2

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
The Taking Down of the Chimera the Root of All Evil ~ Part 2
Posed September 21, 2016 by Therese Zumi Sumner

ALF Cabaniss military base in the shape of Chi Rho, the symbol of
Constantine the Great, the Archon who created the Christian cult

On July 30th 2016 in the ‘Terms of Surrender Update’ we were given some
more details about the various factions of the cabal and their background /


Among other things we learned that *“The Jesuits, the Archons and the
Chimera all come from negative races from ... more »

Let’s power a new generation. . . . Van Jones on Oil

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 1 hour ago
Let’s power a new generation. . . . Van Jones on Oil
Posted September 20, 2016 by Danell Glade
[image: pipeline]

and it’s not oil


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*Discernment** is recommended.*

*All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers
responsibility. *

*No religious or politic... more »

Example of “preparing humanity for the future”. 1981

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 2 hours ago
Example of “preparing humanity for the future”. 1981
Posted September 20, 2016
by Danell Glade

[image: nwo]


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*Discernment** is recommended.*

*All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers
responsibility. *

*No religious or political belief is defended here.*... more »

PM Justin Trudeau has officially recognized Canada’s historical abu...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 2 hours ago

PM Justin Trudeau has officially recognized Canada’s historical abuses
toward aboriginals . . .
Posted September 20, 2016 by Danell Glade

[image: canadaschool]

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has officially recognized Canada’s historical
abuses toward aboriginals, and he is now calling on the pope to apologize


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Negative To Positive. ~ The Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 2 hours ago
Negative To Positive.The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing
Instructor/Practitioner September 22, 2016 [image: images-1]

In your modern world, so many of you have successfully used your
communication tools as a distraction to keep from feeling. If you feel
sad, watch a funny video. If you feel angry, play an aggressive video
game. If you are upset, talk to another person about anything *other *than
what you are truly feeling.

Instead of hiding from or masking them, it is important for you to fully
embrace your emotions in whatever form they come to yo... more »

Self-governance. ~Thought Adjuster; Oscar.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 2 hours ago
Self-governance.*Teacher: Thought Adjuster.*Message received by Oscar. Alabama,
USA, July 24, 2012.

*Thought Adjuster:* “The use of compassion must always be subjected to the
direction of spirit and the use of intelligence. Compassion is not the
solving of other people’s problems or depriving them of the opportunity to
grow and make courageous decisions that stimulate their spiritual growth.
On this world, governments and other organizations often confuse loving
service provided to others with indiscriminate fulfillment of other
people’s needs. The danger in this is that those who ... more »

Ascending Earth Update ~ Ailia Mira.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 2 hours ago

Ascending Earth Update by Ailia MiraSeptember 21, 2016

Hey Beautiful,

I'm in the VOID.


Do you feel it? The Void is that experience when you find yourself in a
space where it may feel like nothing is happening. It can be frustrating if
you resist it, wanting everything to start moving and shaking. Or if you
don't recognize it.

The way to be with the void is to let go. Hang, and soften. Enjoy.

The Void is a natural part of upgrading and changing. As you continue to
evolve, you'll experience the void again and again. Given the profound
shifts many of us have felt happening... more »

A Desire for More Meaning ~ Angel Wisdom; Sharon Taphorn.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 4 hours ago
Moving On A Desire for More MeaningAngel Wisdom with Sharon TaphornSeptember
22, 2016

Take the time to rest, rejuvenate, and prepare for this next stage as you
are ready to make some major life changes and move on to something more
meaningful to you and your life. A realization that things are not what
they should be for you has signaled a desire to move in the direction of
your purpose. Remember to have patience and do not worry, just relax and
allow it to unfold without the challenges of forcing things to happen. This
has be brought about by your newborn willingness to be more ... more »

Interdimensional Life Review (Adolescence) - WEEK 2 ~ The Arcturian...

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 4 hours ago
WEEK 2 Interdimensional Life Review (Adolescence) Message from The
Arcturian*s* Through Suzanne Lie. September 22, 2016

Remembering Your Adolescent

Take a long slow deep breath and allow your body to relax as you go back,
back, back in your age until the time when you first became an adolescent.
Remember the moment that defined the fact to you that “I am now a teenager.
I am now an adolescent.”

Now as you think of that time again put yourself into the situation by
looking down at your feet and seeing what ... more »

Montague Keen 2016-09-19 ~ Veronica Keen.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 21 hours ago
Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen.September 19, 2016
As the corrupt struggle to hold on to power on Earth, the evidence of their
struggle becomes more evident every day. Those who have ruled with a rod of
iron, every aspect of your lives, can now be seen as the criminals they
actually are. Now, they fear for their own survival. This was never part of
their Grand Plan. You know that they cannot survive on Earth without your
assistance. The moment you withdraw that assistance, all your problems will
cease at once. Their crimes against humanity will have to be answered f...
more »

Sheldan Nidle 2016-09-20 ~ Galactic Federation.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 21 hours ago
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic
Federation.4 Ben, 16 Zip, 13 Caban (Sep, 20 2016)

Since we first arrived en masse at the end of your 20th century, we have
learned in detail how your world works. We have allied ourselves with your
Ascended Masters and their numerous Earth allies. In addition, we have had
extensive planning sessions with our Agarthan cousins. All our meetings,
along with our lengthy scientific study flights and accompanying
record-keeping, have prepared us for what is currently taking place on your
planet’s surface. Surf... more »

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