Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello friends, this is my first Blog. I wanted to share some memories of my recently departed best friend. A dog of short stature but big heart. He was such a happy guy, he loved to chase the shadow of bugs that would fly by, of course he never caught them but he never gave up trying and would just wag his tail back and forth in the shear joy of the act, and he would do this for hours on end. He also loved to swim. I had to buy him a life jacket because he would swim around for hours if I let him. Before I got him a life jacket he almost drowned, he would rather drown than come to the edge of the pool to get taken out. I guess you could say he was a bit obsessive about the things he loved... But the thing we loved about him was he loved to sing, and sing he could. He loved to sing along with Donny when he played the guitar, and at times his song was so right on in key, in tune, and just sing the sweetest sounds. Then he loved when Neo played the Harmonica, his song was a bit more excited then often getting into a barking frenzy.
He was just a year and a half, a strapping young Jack Russel, a shorty, so rugged, he looked like he was on steroids and a Little bullish. Just beautiful.
He came from a litter of 6, he was the first born, and I delivered him, he was stuck in the canal because his head was so big.
He fathered a litter of 3 of the most beautiful pups I have ever seen, I wish I had kept one now.
Then on that fateful day, September 15th, the day after Neo's birthday, I put the dogs in the car to take Neo to school, I don't know what happened for sure, but half way down the road I ask Neo where is Thayn? He looked and said he's not here, so I turned around and raced back expecting to find him waiting for me but as I approached the driveway I saw his lifeless little body lying in the road, not a scratch on him. At first I thought I ran him over when he jumped out of the window, but there was no evidence of that so I determined that he had either fallen out or jumped and had broken his neck, he died instantly, I was grateful for that as I do not do well with suffering. I loved him so much, I will always miss his cute little self.
I know that there is no separation and that we are all one in spirit. He was a reflection of my playful, blissful side. I will keep that in mind and keep that alive, that he may live on in my heart.

Posted by Rianah Ji at 4:18 AM 0 comments

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Comment by Scootiep on September 22, 2009 at 3:47pm
I have two dogs myself who i love to bits, i can feel your pain i'm so sorry for your loss much love to you R.I.P Thayn
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on September 19, 2009 at 9:24pm
I have a dog too very much like yours, the only difference is, he does not sing. I know how painful it can be to loose a pet. I had gone thru that experience before. Much love to you and the doggy R.I.P.
Comment by tranceman on September 18, 2009 at 9:45pm
my deepest condolences go out to u. it isn't easy to lose a pet that is dear to u. hope u are doing okay.

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