Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Hi everyone, my name is Ivan Cloud O'Rourke I was born on October 29th 2004 in Calverton NY.
Home birth, Mamma, Babbo (my parents), Janet, Nana, Charlene work really hard for me to come to this Planet.I was born Au'Natural....No drugs,Thank you Mamma.I was aware of nature from my birth along the Peconic River.The Birds came and tweeted and whistled away as I ENTERED THIS WORLD.My Father named me some 20 years before he had me.He always knew he would have a son and I was he,.As I was being born Hurricane Ivan was recorded as the longest lasting Hurricane in U.S. History.It ended and I arrived.Synchronicity from the start. At the age of three my parents and sister were able to see my love for Mother Earth and my connection with this dwindling planet.I used to have dreams of blue people,but very noble people.They were special in all my dreams.Now in 2010 The Navi' from James Cameron's film Avatar I see another sign of my purpose in this life.You see The Navi' are blue and quite like those I had dreamed about.They are spiritual people.Lovers of all life. Navi' is Ivan backwards..Hmmmmmm recently I was having some negative outside influences at school.I expressed my heart to my parents.In turn they have chosen to home school me.I'm much happier now.It's amazing when parents listen to our feelings,and then act upon them.I've recently had a dilemma.I was awakened by the sound of my Mamma and Babbo watching a movie.It had been evident before but that night I came to an absolute conclusion.The energy from the television is not a good one.It has caused me headaches and I know many other children feel the same.After watching it we feel restless and in a trancelike state.That, people, is not good,it makes me feel bad.I hope you all join me in my quest to rid ourselves of this negative.We will supply many outlets for you to help us.We also will offer many opportunities to join me in my goal.To rid Mother Earth of one of many things that is preventing our development as children,and as a society.Please Help me.I thank you for your time and hopefully your future efforts.Together we can rock the boat.Just don't leave me to do it alone without you guys.The power of a collective thought can not be matched by any and all the naysayers we may face.


This is my son's words edited by me of course please come join and support his cause by adding info, videos and whatever you want to share with us about the subject.
We are thinking about having a party on Earth day to get rid of our TV and invite people to join and do the same. our go is to reach as many people as possible and to spread the word World wide and maybe have people do the same in different parts of the world.
Thank you all Brothers and Sisters...

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Comment by Besimi on February 7, 2010 at 11:40pm

Clever Son and Great Soul ,that He truly is indeed.
So much love to your family Crystal ,Namaste.
- I tried his website,but it didn't open for some reason.
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on February 7, 2010 at 4:27pm
Than you Alc for joining Ivan's network he's getting very exited about this...You are a lovely being Alc
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on February 7, 2010 at 4:25pm
Alc your point on the tires is valid. I still like the idea of that kind of structure they are very well built and very well self sustained. I wish all the material would be organic but another part of me is ok with it since at least they have been used for shelter and not for vehicles.

Hi Patricia when I move to New Mexico I will invite you over my house for a Vacation with your kids and then you can tell what you think maybe join in the community.
Comment by Alc on February 7, 2010 at 1:26pm
I don't know what Crystal mean but i was interested in this but after i change my mind or at least tyres change with hey or something.
Comment by Alc on February 7, 2010 at 11:39am
I am thinking (if ever manifest) to build house from hey it is also cheap, good isolation, and strong material even if on first thought one may think huh it can burn easely it is not the case.
Also is clean energy I was looking also Ship houses and is great to recycle old tyres but all energy what they collected on cars and for which purpose they were used ... I am not sure to use this. u know subtile energy is needed to be cleaned before.
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on February 7, 2010 at 9:53am
Thank you Alc! We are thinking about moving to New Mexico and buy an earth Ship Home to be completely off the grid. That's our goal too and farm our own food. Please check his ning. come and support him on this rally...
Love & Light
Comment by Alc on February 7, 2010 at 4:01am
Thanx for words of your son. Ivan is great soul definetly. I also was struggeling to stop with TV and actually i trew out about 3-4 years ago and I feel happy about it just one year ago I stop to read newspapers too and this make me free, my desire is to make my house independant energetically and plant enough vegetables to live only from this (but I guess this is far from now)
this is also grat movie (was posted here few weeks ago)

love love love to all

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