Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Move on Now, Beloveds, Move on Heavenletters Via Gloria Wendroff

Move on Now, Beloveds, Move on
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said (to me):

What is it that you think you are missing from your life today? What is it that you think you need? What obstacle do you feel you face?

Regardless of all that weighs on you, here’s what to do: Imagine that you already have what you think is missing. Whatever it is that you think you need, consider that you have it. Whatever obstacles you see, consider that they are behind you.

Now move on as if all your concerns were already remedied. Yes, as if already remedied. Really, I ask you, what else makes sense? Surely to fear and aggravate is not sensible. When you meet ...
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