The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
A very fond hello to You, Beloved!
As we see You beginning to stir and engage more fully with your manifested creations after your big solstice birth day, we wish to share a very important word with You. A life-changing word in truth… MOMENTUM.
Whatever You focus your attention on, You give MOMENTUM to. Your focus is like a laser, directing your frequencies in a very concentrated way INTO whatever they are focused on. That is quite simple to understand, is it not? You do it all the “time!” All day long, You choose your focus of attention before You engage with it. That is how You organize your daily “reality” and manifest it into being. That is also how You amplify a particular focus of attention, and when You focus on it long enough to gather MOMENTUM, You eventually experience it as a full-blown manifestation in your “reality.”
As You see, MOMENTUM is a very powerful force! Like a river flowing ever more rapidly downstream, it can become a waterfall… and waterfalls are not easily stopped. Your own frequencies are just as powerful… more powerful, actually, but the metaphor makes it’s point.
OUR point is to strongly suggest that You focus your attention into amplifying MOMENTUM very consciously from NOW on! As You continue to integrate the energies You were gifted with for your big solstice birth day, You will well understand why. We would prefer that You discovered that by USING the gifts rather than by default, and so we will share the ones that have the most immediate effect on how You use MOMENTUM.
The first is a “clean slate,” which is putting it very simplistically. To use one of your human colloquialisms, “the baggage” You were still carrying up until the solstice has finally come loose. That was preparation for the gift that followed… your “frequency upgrade.” Your frequencies are higher, lighter, and more powerful. You’ll be happier than ever being happy, and less comfortable than ever when out of alignment. Since your frequencies are also more POWERFUL, however, if You insist on the discomfort of “holding onto your old baggage,” You certainly CAN.
The reason we most especially wish to point that out NOW is because of the old belief that humans on your planet still hold that focusing on “problems” is a good idea! Such a good idea that they will think about a “problem” until it has so much MOMENTUM that they can barely think about anything else. Such a good idea that they look for others to talk about the “problem” with, and gather into groups focused on the “problem,” and go on your internet to learn even more about the “problem.” With all of that focus and all of your POWER, You certainly will create a very BIG “problem” to focus on.
Understand that a consistently focused thought for less than a minute will generate more thoughts of the same frequency, and then more and more. If focused on long enough (which is not very long, anymore), these co-amplifying thoughts will coalesce with other similar thoughts in your human collective. And then… You are in a waterfall of your own making.
Please keep that in mind, Beloved! You have a “clean slate,” and your frequencies are higher and lighter and more powerful than ever. What waterfalls do YOU want to generate NOW?
And NOW… and NOW… and NOW… and NOW…. and NOW… and….
Always and All Ways, we love You! Can You feel how much MOMENTUM is in our love for You, Beloved? Enough to easily keep You in orbit around your Helios.
— the celestial team
To schedule a private session with Judith and the celestial team by Skype, phone, or in person, please email
Thanks to each of you who chooses to generate the MOMENTUM to keep this website going with your reciprocal energy exchange by pressing the “donate” tab in the right sidebar. The amount is not important– if offered from your heart, it generates, believe me! Much love to you. Namaste!
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