Mission Forward
By KejRaj (KayRy)
Posted May 8, 2023
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj! The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
The position in which the world finds itself in today is because of the Collective of planet Earth. It is not only due to the lack of love humans have towards one another. It is due to the lack of love humans have for themselves.
The Universe has delivered to you the reality which humanity matched...
Tags: all life, collective, frequency, kejraj, lack of love, mission forward, vibrationally
Posted at: 02:02 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth
By The Galactic Council
Channel: Asara Adams
Posted on May 8, 2023
We are here now. We love you. We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, you are the chosen One.
You are the One that qualified to enter your embodiment on Earth at THIS time.
This is the Time of Ascension EARTH and you have said, “Yes, I’ll come here and bring with me God’s Light and Love to create Heaven on Earth!”
Each one of you had to go through the process of qualifying for this task and that fact that...
Tags: asara adams, divine light, galactic council, heaven on earth, time of ascension
Posted at: 01:31 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Prepare to Work for the Light (Q & A)
Prepare to Work for the Light (Q & A)
By Melchizedek, Haziel, and Jeshua
Channel: Sylvain Didelot
Posted on May 8, 2023
Hello everyone, dear souls of Light. There may be two or three of us talking to you today, right now. I am Jeshua, and I am honored by your presence in this time and space that is yours.
We often describe this moment by saying “in this time and in this space that is yours”. If we speak like this, it is because to join you we change time and we change space. For this, each of us to speak to you leaves a more...
Tags: haziel, jeshua, light, melchizedek, prepare, sylvain didelot, temporal, transition zone
Posted at: 01:15 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Be All In: Unlock Your Full Power
Be All In: Unlock Your Full Power
By Leo Babauta
Posted on May 8, 2023

One of the things that really humbled me in recent years is the realization that I am often only halfway in on anything I do. I’m rarely ever really all in.
For example, I might join a coaching program with the idea of trying it out, but not really sure if I can do it. Then when things start to get hard or overwhelming … I might be looking for the exit door, or hiding so I don’t have to be embarrassed. This is being halfway in, with an eye on the exit.
Another example:...
Tags: be all in, full power, leo babauta, unlock
Posted at: 22:00 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
This is Not a Movie about Someone Else
This is Not a Movie about Someone Else
By Steve Beckow
Posted on May 8, 2023
As an historian, I can’t help but be interested in the defense of the top Covid people in the military tribunals happening at Guantanamo, Guam, Diego Garcia, and other places.
I’m not going to name names. I’m only interested in the general, not the particular.
No one so far is saying “I was just following orders,” as the Nazi leaders did. These people gave the orders.
Their defense is that “It wasn’t me. It was [this other person or organization].”
This defense in the face of hours of videotape and paper...
Tags: change of planetary management, corruption, cover-ups, covid, covid repression, dark plan, depleted uranium, elebration, fake science, fall of the cabal, steve beckow, toxic vaccines
Posted at: 21:51 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The Ether Wheel and Transformation
The Ether Wheel and Transformation
Channel: Kerstin Eriksson
Posted on May 8, 2023
We are Vittra, we are very old. We are older than you.
We think of you as our children. And we love all our children.
We know it is not always easy, because you are developing now.
The time is here now when you are developing almost the most. And how is that connected?
What do I mean?
The powerful solar storms that are happening right now are developing you. But it can also hurt. I mean that when you evolve, the old one comes along a bit.
And if you have things...
Tags: developing, ether wheel, kerstin eriksson, solar storms, transformation, vittra
Posted at: 21:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Breaking the Self-Serving Cycle
Breaking the Self-Serving Cycle
By Steve Beckow
Posted on May 6, 2023
Long. A little technical, maybe complicated. I’m OK if you skip it and go on to the next article.
As living, breathing beings, while in human form (as opposed to angelic form), (1) in my view, we create ourselves.
Some people call what we create a “personality” or an “ego.” (“Ego” means “I.”) I think of it as a constructed self, a product of our own conditioning.
As human beings, we don’t act by stimulus/response. Because we’re cultural animals, (2) we act by stimulus/thought/response. I think of thought...
Tags: ascension as sahaja samadhi, ascension itself, awareness as a path, early childhood, enlightenment, steve beckow, trauma, upset clearing process, vasana, vasanas, vijnana
Posted at: 21:40 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Time to Prepare
Time to Prepare
By Steve Beckow
Posted on May 7, 2023
Credit: allnewspipeline.com
Here we sit, knowing in days or weeks we’ll be listening to news more disturbing and unsettling than anything we’ve ever heard before.
Along with preparing for the Reval and after, I’m also preparing for the shock wave that the Ten Days of Disclosure will bring.
Many of our Hollywood celebrities will fall or have already fallen. Many politicians. Many of the guiding lights behind the Covid pandemic have reportedly already been tribunaled and executed. Royalty, WEF, cardinals – on and on the list goes of people who will fall...
Tags: cardinals, covid pandemic, fallen, reval, royalty, shock waves, steve beckow, ten days of disclosure, time to prepare, wef
Posted at: 21:29 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Earth’s Repaired Grids Mean Humanity Will Be Saved
Earth’s Repaired Grids Mean Humanity Will Be Saved
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
Posted on May 8, 2023
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased with the progress that we see you all making as you continue to ask for what is needed for the collective and then become the conduits for those energies and that information that you know will further the expansion of consciousness within your human collective. There is always going to be a debate about what exactly is needed to turn the tides for humanity so that you can become the beings...
Tags: arcturian council, consciousness within, daniel scranton, debates, expansion, higher realms, humanity will be saved, own experiences, repaired grids
Posted at: 21:16 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The Wizards of Oz
The Wizards of Oz
Life Tapestry Creations
Channel: Brenda Hoffman
Posted on May 8, 2023
Dear Ones,
Let us begin at the beginning, for you are in a new place in new times.
You are thinking and acting differently than before your transition in this lifetime. And the same is true for all who decided to shift beyond 3D. It is a glorious yet somewhat frightening time. You are shifting from the inside out, whereas those remaining steadfastly in 3D are shifting minimally or not at all.
You cannot understand those who remain as they have always been in this lifetime – almost as...
Tags: brenda hoffman, inside out, lifetime, new frightening time, new place, times, wizards of oz
Posted at: 21:04 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Welcome Him into Your Heart
Welcome Him into Your Heart
The Beloved One
Is The Teacher
Message received by Lytske
Posted on May 8, 2023
Urantia. August 7, 2006
The Beloved: “To develop a heart that welcomes the Ruler of a universe, telling Him that He is always welcome to stay and rest a while, is in truth, a reciprocation of the love He has bestowed upon you during your existence.
Slowly you are becoming aware of the fact that He also desires to be welcomed by His children, without being asked for help for one thing or another.
It is a sure sign of growth, even in little children,...
Tags: beloved one, in truth, lower creature self, lytske, progress group, the higher god-self
Posted at: 20:40 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Brandenn Bremmer: Why Did This Talented Child Prodigy Commit Suicide at 14?
Brandenn Bremmer: Why Did This Talented Child Prodigy Commit Suicide at 14?
By Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)
Posted on May 7, 2023
Child prodigies like Brandenn Bremmer are rare. They are astoundingly gifted in certain areas, but because of this, they are taught with much older children.
They can become isolated from their peers, have no friends their age, and be thrust into an adult world before they are mentally equipped. It’s not surprising, therefore, to learn that some child prodigies have problems adapting.
One such talented child was Brandenn Bremmer. He had an IQ of 178, he taught himself to read at 18 months, played the piano...
Tags: ambitions, brandenn bremmer, character, depression, genius people, janey davies, prodigy, suicide, talented child, unexplained mysteries
Posted at: 01:00 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Brandenn Bremmer: Why Did This Talented Child Prodigy Commit Suicide at 14?
Brandenn Bremmer: Why Did This Talented Child Prodigy Commit Suicide at 14?
By Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)
Posted on May 7, 2023
Child prodigies like Brandenn Bremmer are rare. They are astoundingly gifted in certain areas, but because of this, they are taught with much older children.
They can become isolated from their peers, have no friends their age, and be thrust into an adult world before they are mentally equipped. It’s not surprising, therefore, to learn that some child prodigies have problems adapting.
One such talented child was Brandenn Bremmer. He had an IQ of 178, he taught himself to read at 18 months, played the piano...
Tags: ambitions, brandenn bremmer, character, depression, genius people, janey davies, prodigy, suicide, talented child, unexplained mysteries
Posted at: 01:00 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Nocturnal Adventures 2
Nocturnal Adventures
Part II
By Owen Waters
Posted on May 7, 2023

I pointed out that a curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep.
Because our nighttime adventures typically occur in the fourth-density spirit world, which is a more subtle realm than our third-density physical world, our nocturnal activities are more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that occurs during the day.
Because the spirit world is where the population of the afterlife lives, you often meet friends and relatives there who have passed on from the physical world. Nighttime can be a wonderful time of reunion with such...
Tags: fourth-density, more alive, more real, nighttime adventures, nocturnal adventures, owen k waters, owen waters, spirit world
Posted at: 23:56 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
You are Never Far from the Light
You are Never Far from the Light
Message from Archangel Gabriel
Channel: Shanta Gabriel
Posted on May 7, 2023
The Gabriel Message Card for this week...
You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath.
Have you ever started to feel anxious and confused, and then noticed that you were not breathing?
Obviously our breath is a key to staying alive, but it also offers us an avenue for alignment. The yogis say that the Infinite Intelligence lives between our in-breath and out-breath.
Our breath is a powerful tool for becoming more calm, settling our mind and creating an alignment within us...
Tags: archangel gabriel, breath, light, meditative state, never far, shanta gabriel
Posted at: 23:43 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The Great Quantum Transition
By Lev
Posted on May 6, 2023
3D Matrix by millions of emotional and mental threads tenaciously holds us on a leash in its System, continuously programming our thoughts, feelings and deeds. As it is dismantling, the dead grasp weakens, but remains strong enough and still affects our decisions and behavior.
Unpleasant and even tragic events in our lives are often the result of the fact that we ignore the numerous signs and warnings that our Higher Self and Keepers constantly give us from the Subtle Plane to be aware of what is happening. But we do not react,...
Tags: 3d matrix, continuously programming, deeds, emotional threads, feelings, lev, matrix, mental threads, quantum transition, signs, system, thoughts, tragic events
Posted at: 21:25 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Negative Energies and Your Mission on Earth
Negative Energies and Your Mission on Earth
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
Posted on May 7, 2023
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an unusually high tolerance for what you would call negative energies. We can accept them as they are and see them as having so much potential within them. We can utilize any energy whatsoever to serve the greatest and highest good of all, and part of the reason for that is because we do not feel afraid of anything or anyone. It is your fear that gives the negative its power over you. When...
Tags: arcturian council, daniel scranton, greatest, high tolerance, highest good, mission on earth, negative energies, potential within
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