Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mindfully in The Present The Beloved Is the Teacher Received by Lytske

Mindfully in The Present
The Beloved
Is the Teacher
Received by Lytske

The Beloved: “For a moment let us ponder what it would be like to have a patient and loving heart, as there are several attributes belonging to it.

First and foremost, having a loving and patient heart requires a conscious decision to be made by all, because this is not something that is automatically bestowed at birth, unless one is genetically pre-disposed thereto.

Once that conscious decision is made, the hard work of self-discipline begins, for you to be tested and tried as you learn this most difficult lesson.

Mankind is usually bent towards impatience, and tempers can flare up unexpectedly.

These words you may ponder, and flesh out in your mind. For you to be consciously patient and loving, requires for you to live in....+

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