Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mike Quinsey -- SaLuSa 22-December-2008

SaLuSa 22-December-2008

Already you are commenting on how quickly this year has gone, and indeed you are sensing that it is going twice as fast. If nothing else, it is a sign that you are moving out of the old paradigm, and creating a new one that will move you onto the path of Ascension. Everything is vibrating at a faster rate and as it continues to do so, it has the effect of breaking down the old lower vibration. It has put the dark and Light energies face to face, and only that which can exist in the higher realms can continue to go forward. It means that the cleansing is well underway, and the more you can detach from the old ties, the quicker you will benefit from the uplifting energies.

Everyone has the same opportunity as this cycle reaches its end, but it is more than simply a matter of choice. The idea of Ascension may sound attractive but unless you have already been moving in that direction, it suggests that you are unprepared for it. You are sovereign Beings who have been given a unique and wonderful opportunity to start another journey, that leads back to the higher realms. The Creator has not disowned you, and has planned this time of upliftment as your release from the dark energies. It has been a tremendous cycle of experience, that has propelled you forward quicker than you could have done elsewhere. You must progress all of the time as nothing stands still, but in the higher realms it is much slower.

The Earth has effectively been a school of learning, that has given you invaluable experience of Spirit in Matter. It has also allowed you to exercise your freewill to do so in any manner of your choosing. The most difficult challenge has come from believing that you are separated from God, and forgetting who you really are. Consequently you have often lived lives blindly and unaware of your spiritual Self, and immutable link to God. Darkness has surrounded your soul, and suppressed your Light until you have identified with the lower energies. Now you are in a very different period of time as the Light has returned to Earth. It will continue to increase exponentially, until it joins up with the incoming energies that are being beamed to you.

The task of returning to the Light is not one that you are expected to achieve single-handed. Although it is possible for an individual soul to ascend at any given time. The difference now is that you are benefiting because of the Divine decree that this Universe shall lift up, and enter a new area in the Cosmos. Even so as you now understand, no one is forced to move into the higher realms if they feel that they are not yet ready to do so. It may mean cutting yourself off from the many links formed with other souls, but in reality there is no separation at all. Those Dear Ones who ascend will always be connected with all other souls, and in remembering them they will link with their essence wherever they are. Allow for each to follow their chosen path of evolution, knowing that there will always be a coming together as you achieve a more expanded consciousness. As you make your way into the realms of Light you will become more aware of the Oneness of All That Is.

What you are doing by electing to follow the path of Ascension is to acknowledge that you are a Light Being, and that your true home is in the higher dimensions. It is where you came from, and where you are always destined to return. They are dimensions where by pure thought you are the Creators of whatever you desire, and where you find perfection in their manifestation. Already in the present time you are beginning to find that your powers are returning to you, and it becomes more important that you are aware of what you are putting your energy into. Hitherto, you have created through your mass consciousness, and it has determined the nature of your experiences. Now it is starting to become a more individual one, where you are attracting to yourself exactly where you place your energy.

For eons of time Man has been the warrior and has fought for everything that he has wanted. Fear has promoted an attitude of defiance and belligerence, and overshadowed the gentleness of the Light that has been subdued. It has not been helped by the influence of those outer dark forces that have enslaved Man; although these no longer continue have the power to enforce their agenda upon him. Now you are able to release yourselves from the dark influences, as they are weakened by the growing Light energies that are bringing back balance. You are so near to the realisation that you are taking back your sovereignty, and before long you will see positive signs of these changes. The Lighted Ones who have come to Earth for this very reason, will soon emerge amongst you and will speak in such a way that you will know that they come in Love and Light.

In the midst of the continuing chaos the dark still try to hold onto their waning power. However, it is time for them to be replaced by souls who are in alignment with the new path that is opening up. They come to show others the way and what is possible if you follow the Light, and move with love in your heart for all other life. See in others their Light and encourage them to identify with it, and realise that they are great and powerful Beings. You have been kept down for so long you have forgotten who you really are, and your potential to create your own path of evolution. Now you have the advantage of finding the truth about yourselves and Humanity. A whole new vista is opening to reveal your true ability to determine your own future, and not be enslaved to what the dark forces have thrust upon you for millennia of time.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is fully understanding of your present predicament upon Earth. At the first convenient opportunity we shall announce our intention to come out openly to meet you. There is a protocol that we will observe, but have no doubt at all that we will be well received. As you get more deeply affected by the changes taking place, we see a window of opportunity opening up that will allow us to bring you the answers to your predicament. You cannot wait years to re-establish a working plan that will return stability to you. We shall offer you a quick response to overcome your problems, and lift you higher than any previous time in this present cycle. Be ready consciously to greet us and enjoy the prospect of meeting your Brothers and Sisters from Space, as we are truly your family.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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