Saviors Of Earth

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Comment by CHRISTINA on April 17, 2019 at 12:35pm

April 16, 2019

(Things have come a long way since Henry Ford made this statement 
about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion almost 100 years ago)
Occult Attack - Ten Examples 
Society is spared the knowledge that it is under constant attack by the Cabalist central banking cartel. Sounds crazy but this is the most important information out there. The Notre Dame Cathedral fire is but the latest in a long list that will continue to grow. 
The list below is not meant to be detailed or exhaustive but to simply provide a template with which to see history and current events. 
The Satanist (Cabalist) central bankers are extending their credit monopoly into a monopoly over everything. They are dispossessing humanity and establishing a world Communist police state.
The Cabalist bankers use Organized Jewry (Zionism) and Masonic shabbos goyim as their instruments. Intelligence agencies do the dirty work. 
We suffer from cognitive dissonance. "Everything is fine; nothing to see here," their media tell us. Those who disagree are smeared as "bigots," ignored, banned or lose their job. Welcome to 1984. 
 Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason.
 John Harington 1561-1612
It's very simple. We can choose God or Satan. If we choose God, the earth will be heaven. If we choose Satan, it will be a hell. 
Cabalist Judaism is Satanism; Satanism is Communism. It is a death cult that enslaves and exploits its members, including Jews. 
"Enslavement" sounds abstract. This is what it looks like in living color. 
1. Immigration & Migration -  To re-engineer humanity as servants, the Protocols state, "we will destroy every collective force but our own." (16-4) The four legs of human identity (collective force) are race, religion, nation and family.  Migration undermines two of these directly, race and nation, and the other two indirectly. They are a form of gerrymandering to ensure people of European descent become a minority and are disenfranchised. 
2.  Vaccinations, Chemtrails, Fluoride and Soy. They are inoculating us with diseases, making us comatose and feminizing males.  In general, a satanic cult such as Western society has become, controls and exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick. Western society is obsessed with sickness which is a bigger industry than war.
3. Control of information and discourse - Media and higher education now are mind control instruments.  Political correctness & censorship punish thought crimes.- Non-Conformity leads to loss of employment.
Gaslighting - political widgets can say anything and be taken seriously. As with 9-11 plane disappearing into Pentagon, the goal is to make us question reality.  
4. False flag terror is used to confiscate guns (Christchurch) and to justify war (9-11) or civil strife (Notre Dame)  
5. Satanism, occultism, violence and sexual depravity in the entertainment industry. Major stars are all Satan worshippers.
Their success isn't based on talent alone. They have sold their souls to the devil. Increasingly our culture and entertainment reflect that of a satanic cult.
7.  Mass surveillance using CCTV, Internet and smart devices.
8. Attack on marriage and family by erasing traditional heterosexual values using pornography, sexual liberation, gender dysphoria, homosexuality and transgenderism. 
9. Income inequality. The "one per cent"     In France, Yellow Vests are in the streets because they can't make ends meet.
10. Attack on white men and the promotion of miscegenation. Undermining all races but especially people of European descent. This is an ad from the Saturday paper seeking a Journeyman Electrician starting at $71K. They give preferences to anything that isn't a white male: They "encourage candidates to indicate on their application if they are a woman, Aboriginal person, a person with a disability, or member of a visible minority." Whatever happened to hiring on the basis of merit and not discriminating against anyone?
In conclusion, the only way out of this morass is to nationalize central banks and disavow debt created out of nothing. Or for the Masonic Jewish leaders to have a change of heart, and become the benefactors of humanity instead of its deranged cruel jailers. 
White people need a national home. This mural removed because it wasn't diverse.
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Pedro said (April 17, 2019):

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