Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


a message from The Council of 12
Friday, 17 September, 2010 (posted 18 September, 2010)

It is nearly time for the Equinox and another season of change. These are excellent moments to reflect on what has changed recently, and to set your intention for the changes you want to create in the next cycle.

Right now, with the acceleration of time, it may be more challenging to have a higher perspective on what is really occurring in the world. Weeks and months can go by in a flash. You notice their passing when you glance at a calendar, or when a friend calls to remind you about an impending activity.

There is so much happening, on so many levels, that it may be difficult to keep the bigger picture organized in your mind.

How are you feeling right now? Do you feel movement? Do you feel stuck? Do you notice what has shifted--for the better--since this time last year? Do you realize that there truly are positive changes occurring in every corner of the planet?

In recent times, global attention has gone to crises such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and numerous natural disasters. Crises like these are tragic. There is something positive happening, too. These things have touched people deeply. Since so many people are now learning about world crises in real time, an education is occurring. People are waking up to the suffering of others.

More people are becoming caring. More actions are being taken based on this caring. Increasing numbers of people on every continent are focusing thoughts, prayers, and feelings of caring about the state of the world. Each time this happens, fruitful seeds for positive change are planted.

Creating Peace on Earth

Trust that as you and others your caring and take positive actions based on that caring, that you truly can create peace on Earth.

On many days--as you ponder your challenges and the state of the world--you may question whether things really are progressing. You may wonder whether there has been any point to your struggles aimed at creating a more loving existence. You may even sometimes question whether you can go on.

When you have doubts like this, remember the bigger picture. The imbalances now existing on the Earth did not arrive overnight. They have been building for a very long time. Remedies are needed on a large , applied consistently during these most pivotal years.

Your prayers, conscious living, and actions will indeed make a difference. The bees and other endangered wildlife will be greatly helped by what you and others do over these next several years. Even the simplest actions count!

Seeing Kindness

If you set your intention to notice kindness, you will see it. When your focus is to be kind and to see kindness, you will notice things others may not see. You will see, for example, a young man helping an aged man across a busy street. You will notice the global outpouring of concern and prayers for victims of a natural disaster. These responses will remind you that the force of loving kindness is active.

Human beings really are becoming more caring and more kind. After all, these attributes are not something totally new for humans to learn. These qualities are an integral part of your true divine nature. You simply need to remember them and discover how to apply them in your life.

The Power of Your Mind

Kindness is generated within the mind. Meanness can also be generated there. The many forms of violence you see on Earth will disappear when humanity discovers how to be kind. The choice to be kind is an individual one, made over and over again each day. When you can make this choice, even in the presence of disagreeable people and circumstances, you can generate a field of loving kindness. This field of energy will draw to you experiences of kindness.

You naturally desire a world in which people know how to be kind. You want to live in a place that feels friendly. You want to coexist with others who have respect for life.

The qualities necessary for your enlightenment are further generated each time you are kind. They blossom more each time you smile. They take root in a deeper way each time you realize you are being negative and switch the channel to a more joyful tune. As you connect more with your spiritual self, and embody that in the world, you develop an ability to be kind and loving.

What You Can Do Today

For today, consider one thing you can do to be more kind to yourself, and something you can do for another person. For you personally, it can be as simple as getting a good night's sleep or walking with your dog in the park. A kind gesture for another could be finding a gentle way to respond to someone who speaks harshly to you.

Harshness generates more harshness. Kindness generates more kindness. To have peace in the world, you must break the cycle of negativity and choose kindness.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved *

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Comment by Besimi on September 20, 2010 at 5:38pm

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