Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



1. system based on ability: a social system that gives opportunities and advantages to people on the basis of their ability rather than, e.g. their wealth or seniority....

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Comment by Trudy on September 16, 2010 at 5:59am
I can't find the translation for the word merito, crazy yeah I do understand ... but anyhow dear josev what you are offering is a reasuring future with wonderful prospects ... Thank You Divine One Thank You for your wisdom :)))
Comment by jose v on September 16, 2010 at 4:31am
There's going to be, what I would term, a new social society – not to be mistaken with socialism or communism – but a social society that is actually looking at the social concerns and the social needs. But the new social society will also not let the victims feed off of it in the old way that they have been doing in the past. A social society will recognize the sovereignty of each and every person, but also the compatibility or the cooperation between sovereign beings.

You're going to see very, very fast new solutions to the global financial situation. You're going to see a new banking system emerge that is very cooperative, that is not power-based but it is a fluid exchange basis.

You're going to see things that we have talked about recently – the very rapid development of new food sources and nutrition sources for this planet. You're going to see medical developments that will come about at astounding rates to solve some of the Old Energy issues of cancer, AIDS, and some of these other things that basically were a result of the imbalanced energy of the Old Energy power.

You're going to see brilliant solutions to what you would call your fuel crisis or your energy crisis on Earth that, when discovered, are going to seem so apparent. It's going to have people scratching their heads wondering why they didn't see it before. These solutions are going to be clean and efficient and abundant. They're going to fall into the same overall pattern of not having to have power and to bring a sovereignty back to the individual people

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