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Menachem Rosensaft says re-excommunicate Bishop Richard Williamson

Williamson for Feb. 10, 2009
Re-Excommunicate Bishop Williamson
Menachem Z. Rosensaft ·writing for the Jewish Telegraph Agency, February 9, 2009

"...the Vatican last week conditioned Williamson’s rehabilitation on his “absolutely, unequivocally and publicly” recanting his position on the Holocaust. Williamson has refused, at least for the time being. First he wants to review the historical evidence. "If I find proof I would rectify [earlier statements]," Williamson told the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel, adding later, "But all that will take time."

"It is outrageous that Pope Benedict XVI did not immediately respond to Williamson’s stalling tactics by reinstating the renegade bishop’s excommunication. When members of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations leaders meet with the pope later this week (Feb. 12), they must demand that he categorically and permanently revoke Williamson’s rehabilitation."

Hoffman's comment: Now we have a good idea of what the demand to the pope will be from the Presidents of the various Zionist groups: Williamson does not have blind faith in what we say happened in Auschwitz therefore we order you, the pope, to re-excommunicate him. In return the pope should respond, "You have the blood of 1400 Palestinians in Gaza on your hands and we order you to excommunicate the bloody, racist Talmud and the halacha you derive from it, and begin to study the Bible without the intervention of rabbinic tradition."

Williamson may be facing five years in prison
CNN Feb. 9--A German district attorney announced February 4 that he had launched a criminal investigation against Williamson on January 23. Regensburg District Attorney Guenther Ruckdaeschel said authorities are investigating whether his remarks can be considered "inciting racial hatred." Denying the Holocaust in Germany is punishable by up to five years in prison.

Hoffman's comment: You can deny the Virgin Birth in Germany. You can claim Blessed Mary was a harlot. You can deny the Resurrection. You can deny the Israeli holocaust against Palestinians and the Allied holocaust against Dresden. All of those are mere "opinions" of men. The only divine truth is execution gas chambers in Auschwitz. This is what the "Shoah" theology has created: the de-sacrilegation of Christianity and state-enforced belief in Holocaustianity. The "Shoah" theology represents the gradual erosion of the claims of the New Testament and the increasing supremacy of Orthodox Judaism's weltanschauung.

Israeli rabbis agree to put Vatican meeting back on the table
Dallas Morning News Feb 09, 2009

John L. Allen Jr. of National Catholic Reporter says the Vatican "has notched an important success in its efforts to contain the fallout" from Pope Benedict XVI's decision to lift the excommunication of a British bishop who is a Nazi apologist: The chief rabbinate of Israel, the Jewish state's highest religious authority, has agreed to put a meeting with the Vatican back on the table. The rabbis had canceled the meeting, originally scheduled for March, shortly after Benedict extended the olive branch to Bishop Richard Williamson and three other bishops from the ultra-traditionalist Society of St. Pius X.

Hoffman's comment: The Vatican poodle has received a crumb from the Talmudic table, thereby achieving an "important success" in the battle to assuage the rage of the Zionist media of Europe and the United States -- the chief rabbinate of "Israel" has condescended to meet with the pope in March, the same rabbinate that inspired and justified the massacre of 1400 Palestinians, including 400 children in Gaza, just a few weeks ago. We are to never forget Auschwitz, but how soon we forget how the Israelis, with rabbinic approval, gassed Gazans with white phosphorus. The Gaza gassings slide down the West's well-oiled memory hole with the greatest of ease and not a tinge of conscience. All eyes on the Shoah business, always, forever! Like the rabbis say, one million Palestinians are not worth an Israeli fingernail.

The just-concluded Israeli holocaust in Gaza does not diminish the prestige and influence of the Israeli rabbis in the eyes of those who babble about the horrors of Bishop Williamson's statement regarding The "Holocaust." That this perverse irony escapes notice tells us all we need to know about the nature of the liberal and conservative "outrage" at Bishop Williamson. They condemn Williamson for his doubts while they crave approval from the rabbinic instigators of Israeli war crimes. Patently, no atrocity the Israeli religious figures inspire and enflame can lower their exalted status in the eyes of "progressive" Europeans and Americans. The Israeli chief rabbinate has grudgingly agreed to reschedule their return to the Vatican. As a result, the Catholic hierarchy can look good again in the media. An important success!

Read: JUDAISM DISCOVERED by Michael Hoffman
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Posted by Michael Hoffman at 2/10/2009 11:33:00 AM
Labels: Auschwitz gas chamber hoax, chief rabbinate, Gaza gas chamber, Menachem Z. Rosensaft, Richard Williamson
waitaminute said...
"Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war... And we're only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing.

Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final. Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again - those indestructible weeds of historical truth."

--Sefton Delmer (1904-1979), former British Chief of "Black propaganda", (Said after the German surrender, in 1945, in a conversation with the German professor of international law, Dr. Friedrich Grimm.)


1:33 PM
Anonymous said...
If life is a dream, this is a nightmare. Nary a one in Christendom (anachronistic, I know) will stand against the wickedness of these schemers because life is at stake...but-aha! -This is the secret. This is how the continuity of these lies is allowed: through fear, or more specifically, the various incantations of that assemblage of maneuvers specified to create fear and confusion: terrorism.

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