Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Marriage a Minefield for Men ! .....Catastrophic Collapse of Saiga Antelope ... ...and more !

Marriage a Minefield for Men

June 2, 2015



As this article shows, the satanic Masonic bankers and their minions have inflicted irreparable damage to the institutions of marriage and family.
Ultimately women are the biggest losers as men abdicate the responsibilities of marriage. 
Nevertheless, men who want families should not give up. 
There are still plenty of women who are in touch with their natural instincts, and are loyal and loving.
By Peter Lloyd
Excerpt from Stand by Your Manhood
(Abridged by
The state of matrimony is not just ailing. It is dying out faster than a mobile phone battery. 
According to the Office for National Statistics, marriage in Britain is at its lowest level since 1895. In 2011, there were just 286,634 ceremonies -- a 41 per cent free fall from 1972, when 480,285 couples tied the knot. For an army of women, Mr Right is simply not there, no matter how hard they look for him.
 And the reason? When it comes to marriage, men are on strike. Why? Because the rewards are far less than they used to be, while the cost and dangers it presents are far greater. 
'Ultimately, men know there's a good chance they'll lose their friends, their respect, their space, their sex life, their money and -- if it all goes wrong -- their family,' says Dr Helen Smith, author of Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood And The American Dream. 'They don't want to enter into a legal contract with someone who could effectively take half their savings, pension and property when the honeymoon period is over. 'Men aren't wimping out by staying unmarried or being commitment phobes. They're being smart.' ...
'Be in a relationship, even live together. But don't get married. Especially if you have any prospect of making money.' American social commentator Suzanne Venker agrees. The problem with divorce settlements, she says, is women want to have their cake and eat it. 'We messed with the old marriage structure and now it's broken,' she says. 'Back in the old days, stay-at-home mothers got a financial reward because child-rearing doesn't pay cash. 
'Now we want total independence from men, but if we divorce -- even without having children -- we expect to get alimony for ever. We can't have it both ways.' Along with the prospect of endless domestic criticism, this is why men are saying 'I don't' rather than 'I do'. Men need marriage like a fish needs a bicycle. 'Many women have been raised to think of men as the enemy,' says Venker. 'It's precisely this dynamic -- women good, men bad -- that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. 
'After decades of browbeating, men are tired. Tired of being told there's something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren't happy, it's their fault. The rise of women has not threatened men. It has just irritated them.' But by far the most negative aspect of marriage is the likelihood of being edited out of your children's lives -- if it all goes pear-shaped -- by a state that has relegated the role of father to its lowest point ever. It wasn't always this way. In the 1800s, men typically got custody of the children in the event of a split -- not as a result of privilege, but because they were solely financially responsible for them. 
They got the children, but they also got the bill. Benefits Britain didn't exist, encouraging single mums to go it alone. Now, 200 years on, women get the children, but men still get the bill. Sometimes, men even pay for children who aren't theirs. The Child Support Agency has 500 cases of paternity fraud a year, where a mother names a man as the biological father of her child, even when she has a good idea he isn't. And that's just the cases we know about. According to a YouGov study, 1.2 million men doubt they are the fathers of their partners' children....To this day, no British woman has been convicted of paternity fraud. 
 The Children Act of 1989 specifically declares: 'The rule of law that a father is the natural guardian of his legitimate child is abolished.' A year later, a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research called The Family Way saw Harman declare: 'It cannot be assumed men are bound to be an asset to family life or that the presence of fathers in families is necessarily a means to social cohesion.' Even now, the Children and Families Act of 2014 doesn't mention the word 'father' once. Not once. 
Sir Bob Geldof was one of the first high-profile men to challenge the legislation after losing access to his daughters Peaches, Pixie and Fifi when Paula Yates left him in 1995. 'It was beyond expensive,' he told me. 'I had to borrow money and was close to losing it all. In the end, my circumstances changed, but it could have been very different. 'Men still spend thousands getting court orders that aren't worth the paper they're written on. The whole system is disgusting. 
Meanwhile, young women 'act out a skewed version of femininity that prioritizes the use of sex and relationships with men above all else'. Cruelly, this creates the cycle all over again, with teenagers jumping into bed with each other without a thought for the consequences. The Trust for the Study of Adolescence recently proved scores of teenage girls in Britain are deliberately becoming young mothers as a career move because, with the state and the father contributing, it offers more guaranteed security than a job. 
Even 13-year-old girls admitted this, which might explain why Britain has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe, at an annual government cost of nearly £63million. Perhaps the law-makers need to think about radical action to break the cycle. Maybe men could be allowed to have a financial abortion from a child to which they didn't pre-consent. 
In a specified time -- say, legal abortion guidelines -- men could be allowed to formally relinquish all monetary obligations, rights and responsibilities if duped into fatherhood. The woman still wants to proceed? Fine, that's her choice. But not on his salary. Controversial? Yes. But overnight we would see fewer acts of conception by deception. And that can only be a good thing -- for men and for society. 
The problem is exacerbated by the way fathers are portrayed in countless films and TV shows as being utterly inept and untrustworthy. Off the top of my head, I can cite Men Behaving Badly, Last Of The Summer Wine, The Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond and Friends as examples, plus Three Men And A Baby -- the highest-grossing box office hit of 1987. 

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Comment by Besimi on June 7, 2015 at 2:30pm

Ecocapsule Tiny Home Lets You Live Off-Grid Anywhere In The World!

This Ecocapsule Tiny Home Lets You Live Off-Grid Anywhere In The World!

Fourni par Traduction

This egg-shaped abode is powered by solar and wind energy, includes rainwater collection and filtration, and even has a kitchenette that can be used to prepare a hot meal.

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects


Ambition to live off-grid does not come without its difficulties. First, there is the task of explaining to your friends and family members why you desire to detach from mainstream society and live peacefully in nature. And second, there are the logistics of how you might actually survive the Earth’s fluctuating weather patterns while taking care of basic necessities like running water, a flushing toilet, or even a fire pit to cook food over.

But soon such woes may no longer be a concern, as an ingenious little egg-shaped tiny home has just been unveiled to the world with capabilities that  far surpass most other off-grid abodes.

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

Designed by Bratislava-based Nice Architects, the Ecocapsule is a micro-shelter that offers a variety of sustainable offerings. Ultra-portable, the capsule is powered by solar and wind energy, includes rainwater collection and filtration, and even has a tiny kitchenette that can be used to prepare a hot meal.

Truly, this is one of the most impressive off-grid luxury tiny homes we’ve ever seen.

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

In the egg-spaced shape measuring 4.5 meters (14.6 feet) in length, 2.4 meters (7.9 feet) in width, and 2.5 meters in height (8.2 feet), there seems to be enough space to compactly fit all the home necessities.

The total usable floor space is eight square meters (86 square feet), enough space, say the designers, to comfortably fit two adults. The home with a tiny footprint includes a folding bed, two large operable windows, a working/dining area, shower and flushable toilet, storage space, and a built-in kitchenette with running water.

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

The built-in 750W wind turbine and 2.6-square-meter array of high efficiency solar cells (600W output) power the Ecocapsule. A dual-power system and high-capacity battery (9,744Wh capacity) ensures the rounded shell stays operable even during times of low solar and wind activity.

In addition, the high-tech shelter is optimized for rainwater collection. Each Ecocapsule weighs approximately 1,5000 kilograms and can fit inside a standard shipping container.

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

While you’re not alone in your desire to quickly order an Ecocapsule, they are not yet for sale. At present, only renderings and diagrams of the Ecocapsule are available; however, Nice Architects plans to unveil a prototype at the Pioneers festival in Vienna on May 28, 2015.

Having taken seven years to complete the wondrous Ecocapsule, the Nice Architects plans to release the tiny home for sale later this year. The first produced units are planned to be delivered in the first half of 2016.

As shown below, maybe it could also be a sustainable solution for those who currently live without a safe, secure home?

Credit: Nice Architects

Credit: Nice Architects

What are your thoughts on this ingenious off-grid home? Share in the comments section below.

This article (This Ecocapsule Tiny Home Lets You Live Off-Grid Anywhere In The Wo...) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and

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Tags: offgrid

Comment by Besimi on June 6, 2015 at 2:35am

How to save the world, ourselves and humanity


In the murky field of Quantum physics it has now been proven that we influence events and that that we create the world around us, using our thoughts, ideas, and even our dreams.  The influence we as individuals, have on the world is profound, sublime and interactive

We are, quite simply, the creators of our own reality.

Sometime visions will not go away – an idea in the middle of the night that nags you to rethink in the morning, a dream that stays in your memory that somehow is not a dream, more real than a dream yet guides you to rethink and recalibrate your ideas. A thought you have in the day, an intent that is fleeting, everything you think, do or say influences the world.  Remember the humming bird’s wing beating in the Amazon forest, making ripples in the thread of reality and changing the weave, the pattern of the world.

This is the stuff that makes our beautiful world real, the dreams and reality that make up the world we live in, the planet we hurtle on through the universe on, thought vibrations that create the reality we live in and see in our everyday lives.

Quantum physics also has begun to clarify the ideas we have about dimensions. There are probably infinite dimensions that share the same space as us, the weave their way through our reality, but on a different “bandwidth” so to speak, existing but never interacting with our reality.

As David Icke, and other philosophers and thinkers have been saying in the last 25 years, the influence we can have on the world with our thoughts alone is profound, and now scientists are discovering that this is the case, a universal truth that mystics throughout history have acknowledged and understood.

But our world, although so stunningly beautiful and ideally suited to us and all of humanity is under threat from war, pollution and the combined attack of big corporations, bankers, religions and the unthinkable, our own ‘elected’ governments.

 It seems that governments serve big business and money, not the people they represent.

So if we all create our reality, how come it’s all going tits up, pear shaped and wrong?

Human beings are basically a decent race.  The majority of people throughout the world want peace, prosperity, a clean environment and a safe place to nurture themselves, their children and we want to understand our part and place in the universe.

Mr. Icke has said that our reality has been “hacked” by an overlapping dimension. And I believe him.   There is a battle going on between good and evil, and the “prize” is the human collective consciousness and the human soul.  And, for these entities, the fear we have and the destruction of our world is the icing on the cake, so to speak.

We are under attack – make no mistake about it.

 From corporation created weapons, chemicals in our food, in the animals we eat, on the plants we eat to the very way we think and understand the lives we lead.

 Corporations own mainstream media, they govern our minds in ways that influence our lives by advertising, repeating government lies and spin.  And as corporations influence governments, we receive a daily brain wash of their policies and morals. And they are not basic human ones.

It becomes overwhelming when you think, really think, of how humanity is being manipulated in the year 2015, by shadowy, non-elected beings, who dictated our lifestyles to us.

So the problem seems insurmountable.  How can little old me change the world for the better?

Well remember good old Quantum.


It seems we can influence reality by our thoughts, dreams, imaginations and our love for this world.

So what ?

So what if we, collectively, made positive intentions to change the world for the better?

 For ourselves, for humanity as a whole, for our children and grandchildren?

Sometimes the best ideas are the very simplest.

Let’s just think it into being with our intentions, thoughts and love.

It has been said that it just needs 10% of the population, thinking the right thoughts to tip the planet away from evil, hate, war and destruction, into a future that sustains humanity, not destroy it.

The possibilities are endless. 

Peace, love, communication, prosperity and kindness for every human, plant, animal and for our lovely, life giving environment, planet Earth..

What do we have to lose?  A future of more commercial corporations dictating what we do, how we do it, how we live, what to believe, what to kill and maim for, which bit of the planet do we destroy? What chemical can we kill humanity and her planet with now?

I know which future I want and I intend to make sure I, my children and future generations have the world I want. And it’s certainly not the one the corporations, bankers and government want.

The solution- and it’s within our grasp.

The ideas have always been in the collective consciousness , the way out of the dilemma appears in books, philosophy and in quantum.  It’s just that we haven’t taken notice of the messages given to us.

There is a very clever book, written by Alan Garner called The Owl Service.  It was serialised by the BBC a long time ago and is a children’s book. Based on a Welsh myth about Blodeuwedd .

In the myth, Blodeuwedd was created out of flowers, but because she cheated on her husband she was turned into an owl. 

The legend stops there, but Alan Garner correlates the story with modern (1970) teenagers and in the end the young hero is able to stop Blodeuwedd being turned into an owl, by using quantum physics.  All she has to do is think flowers.

So what if we changed the world by our thoughts and actions?  We know actions change things, but thoughts? YES – we create reality so let’s change reality.

Imagine collectively what we could do. And the simplest solutions are always the best.

War is the very first thing we need to stop.  The mass murder of innocent  people, children in conflicts throughout the world. The deliberate destruction of our human history that will lead us into a Brave New World scenario.

We need to turn weapons and visualise them turning into flowers!  Why not? We create reality so why not create a newer, better one where humanity survives?

Weapons into flowers, killer drones into butterflies, bombs into small fireworks, battle ships into sailing ships with rainbow sails, nuclear weapons into a puff of smoke, and pollution into clean clear environments that once again support humanity, animals, sea creatures, plants and trees, insects and all sentient beings. The hippies in the 60s had the right ideas, it was not just the right time.

But it is now.

Turns saving the planet into a reality. There is no other way.  Nothing, not even God, will come and save us unless we start saving ourselves.

It’s a stark choice between ending up like Mars, or deciding to improve, not destroy our planet.

 And stop letting, for want of a better word, evil entities dictated OUR future. As David Icke said, “Unless bums part company with sofas we’ve had it”

Unless we take control, with our consciousness, minds and spirit and intend a better world, humanity is, to put it politely, STUFFED.

It’s up to us to think and intend a better world into being and manifest what we need as human beings. And it really is not rocket science. Everything starts with a thought, an intention – so let’s make it a good one, from the heart, with love.

“We are stardust, we are golden, and we have to get ourselves back to the garden”

Joni Mitchell

Yes, we HAVE to get back to the garden, we have no other choice.

Views: 5

Comment by Besimi on June 6, 2015 at 2:30am

Message for June Solstice 2015: Accelerating Your Path

Message for June Solstice 2015: Accelerating Your Path 

The Star Councils ~ through Solara An-Ra

People of Terra, you come once again into the energies of a solstice; aware of course that the energies that are present around this sacred sun-earth conjunction have the power to accelerate your chosen path. You harness this power by taking the time to tune in, to focus on what you are desirous of manifesting in your life. You focus on what you choose, not on what is difficult. You spend time each day focussing on your path of light, re-setting your goals, choosing peace above all else ~ knowing that there are millions of others on your planet doing this also over the solstice period, and particularly on the day of the 21st of June.

Think about your path as a flow of energy into which you can step, like stepping into a stream, in order to achieve your mission or purpose as easily and joyfully as possible. For when you step into the flow of your chosen path, you are divinely assisted through guidance, signs and synchronicities which lead you forward towards the achieving of your goals. You must, of course, always bear in mind that the outcome of your path, and what happens along the way, may be different than what you are picturing right now. But as long as you continue to affirm that you are in service to the planet, and that your manifestations are for the highest good of all – then the outcome will always be for your highest good also.

There is often more than one path available to you at any given time and in any situation. The method you use to determine which way to step is to ask yourself which potential path feels exciting and joyful – which choice feels expansive rather than contracted. The energy of love is always associated with a feeling of expansion. The energy of love and light combined is always associated with peace. And so you can use your emotional mastery, by tuning in to see whether the path that you are choosing feels expansive rather than contracted; feels uplifting rather than depressing; feels exciting, rather than dull. Feel into whether your choice will bring peace, for this must underpin all your goals. Peace comes from clarity, simplicity, generosity, kindness towards yourself and all other living beings.

Sometimes you step between one path and another, testing the waters of each before committing to emerge yourselves fully in the flow of one. You are practising your skills of discernment, dabbling with the polarities of light and dark – and this is natural; it is part of the nature of the experiment that you chose to partake in by coming into the density of 3-D.

If you choose acceleration on your highest path, even if you do not understand what that path entails, speak these words now, and every day:
‘I am part of the shift. 
I choose a path of Light & service now! 
I let go of resistance to change. 
I step into the flow of my highest path.
I manifest only that which is for the highest good of all’

When you announce something verbally, you are heard by your personality self, by your Higher Self and by the universe. And now you are in the canoe of your success, dear ones. Visualise yourself floating down a stream, propelled forward by the gentle loving flow of the universal energies. You feel the gentle current assisting you – no need to paddle, no need for effort. The landscape around you is glowing – green fields & trees, fluorescent flowers around you as your boat glides easily through the water. You visualise your destination, not as a place, but as a field of energy that you are moving towards. You are comfortable that your destination is unknown. You trust that you will be guided; shown the way; assisted. You feel joyful, open ~ love and abundance is flowing through your field, through your chakras, your body, your aura and your greater Light-body.

And so it is, dear ones, that you accelerate your paths of Light, joining the legions of Light who work with you continuously at this time to co-create a future of Unity and peace on your planet. Your assistance and cooperation is so greatly appreciated. We are with you always. Namaste.


Views: 15

Comment by Besimi on June 6, 2015 at 2:09am

6,000 aboriginal children died in 'cultural genocide' in Canadian residential school system, officials say 
By Louis Doré 
Jun 4, 2015 - 6:52:38 AM


6,000 aboriginal children died in 'cultural genocide' in Canadian residential school system, officials say

'If anybody tried to do this today, they would easily be subject to prosecution under the genocide convention'

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Comment by Besimi on June 6, 2015 at 2:04am

Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen

29.05.2015  |  02:37

Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen

Denial becomes impossible without insanity [Ron: ?!?] 

Neutron bombardment overloads camera

We will wait on the translation of the narrative, they could be selling cars for all we know.

There is nothing that can be said here, any doubts about the nuclear attack on Yemen attributed to Israel, as evidenced in two Israeli F16s shot down and forensically identified, are now gone.

Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen. 493.jpeg

A perfect nuclear fireball

Why are Russia and China silent? Why is Alex Jones silent? This is a great conspiracy, does someone tell him which things to report? Why is InfoWars bashing Putin this week? Is this what “mom” in Tel Aviv wants?

Who is silent on this story? What do you have to do? Where is Julian Assange? Why the lack of condemnations after VT first broke this story other than in the Arab media, where every outlet carried the story to an audience of nearly 1 billion.

Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen. Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen. 492.jpeg

Even the cheap video camera picked up the proton bombardment from a neutron bomb, as seen in the scintillation after the initial fireball. We expect Mossad and ADL trolls to be driven crazy by this one. No one watching this video can have a second’s doubt that they are seeing an Israeli neutron bomb. Israel is the only nation that openly deploys neutron bombs, there is no one else.

Israeli / Saudi Arabia Tactical Nuclear Strike on Yemen (Neutron Bomb)

This 3' 11" video was published by ZIG ZAG on May 25, 2015:

Publisher's comments: 

Israeli / Saudi Arabia Tactical Nuclear Strike on Yemen (Neutron Bomb)
(Old School)1 kiloton nuclear blast .

Its Your "Duty" to ( KNOW You ENEMY ) Please Copy / Share and POST where every You Can ! Thanks You All and PEACE is Our GOAL ! ZIG ZAG !! Link Below
Nuclear devices of yesteryear ! are Much Different in Yield/Flash and Long term radiation than the Newer Micro / Mini Nuclear Weapons of Today ! Cleaner / Low Yield sub kiloton warheads / Flash / Shaped warheads and minimal Radiation after detonation. Great for blowing up WTC Towers / Building / Dams & make a wonderful Bunker Buster Bombs ! We and Them have useable ! Coffee Can Size Micro Nukes would equal and 10,000 Lbs-100,000Lbs HE. It has an dialable yield !

Saudi Nuclear Attack on Yemen using a Tactical Nuke Bunker Buster Warhead !

A neutron bomb or officially known as one type of Enhanced Radiation Weapon is a low yield fission-fusion thermonuclear weapon (hydrogen bomb) in which the burst of neutrons generated by a fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The weapon's radiation case, usually made from relatively thick uranium, lead or steel in a standard bomb, are instead made of as thin a material as possible to facilitate the greatest escape of fusion produced neutrons. The "usual" nuclear weapon yield—expressed as kilotons of TNT equivalent—is not a measure of a neutron weapon's destructive power. It refers only to the energy released (mostly heat and blast), and does not express the lethal effect of neutron radiation on living organisms.
Compared to a pure fission bomb with an identical explosive yield, a neutron bomb would emit about ten times the amount of neutron radiation. In a fission bomb at sea level, the total radiation pulse energy which is composed of both gamma rays and neutrons is approximately 5% of the entire energy released; in the neutron bomb it would be closer to 40%. Furthermore, the neutrons emitted by a neutron bomb have a much higher average energy level (close to 14 MeV) than those released during a fission reaction (1–2 MeV). Technically speaking, all low yield nuclear weapons are radiation weapons, that is including the non-enhanced variant. Up to about 10 kilotons in yield, all nuclear weapons have prompt neutron radiation as their most far reaching lethal component, after which point the lethal blast and thermal effects radius begins to out-range the lethal ionizing radiation radius. Enhanced radiation weapons also fall into this same yield range and simply enhance the intensity and range of the neutron dose for a given yield

Tactical nuclear weapon
What does an under ground Low Yield Nuclear Detonation Really Look Like !

Nuclear demolition of skyscrapers

Mini Nuclear Weapon / World Trade Center Tower 911*************

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Comment by Besimi on June 5, 2015 at 2:46pm

Making Life in the Lab in the 1800s: Andrew Crosse - The Man Who Created Life

Making Life in the Lab in the 1800s: Andrew Crosse - The Man Who Created Life

Making Life in the Lab in the 1800s
Andrew Crosse: The Man Who Created Life
by Alexander Randis
Did a little known amateur scientist by the name of Andrew Crosse discover how to create life?Did he unintentionally discover a mixture of electricity and chemicals which yielded living creatures from a lifeless compound? If he did not, then what did he achieve? As the written account of his handiwork is vivid, only the baffling and inexplicable results annoy science.
Andrew Crosse was born on June 17, 1784, into a wealthy family at Fyne Court, Broomfield, Somersetshire, England. The ancestral home of his family was Fyne Court, whose ancestors in the 17th century were granted a coat of arms. Crosse was a child prodigy who mastered ancient Greek by the age of eight. He attended Dr. Seyer’s School in Bristol in 1793, where he had an immense interest in natural science and the developing study of electricity. His father was a friend of both the scientists Joseph Priestley (1733–1804) and Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790). Crosse continued his education in 1802 at Brasenose College, Oxford, as a gentlemen commoner, but he was not happy at Brase­nose. He found many of the students simple minded and unrestrained and the tutors inadequate.
The death of his mother in 1805 left him an orphan. By that time his father, sister, uncle, and two of his best friends had already passed on. Crosse retired to a lonesome life at Fyne Court, where he continued to study mineralogy, electricity, and chemistry. He became friendly with George Singer, who was anthologizing his book Elements of Electricity and ElectroChemistry, published in 1814.
Crystal Formation
Beginning in 1807, Crosse experimented in the formation of crystals through the action of electrical currents. The incentive for this type of research was the study of the formation of stalagmites and stalactites in Holywell Cavern at Broomfield. Crosse took some water from Holywell Cavern and linked it to the poles of a voltaic battery. Crosse observed the formation of crystals after ten days. This experiment was a predecessor of an amplification 30 years later when Crosse claimed to have observed the production of insect life through electrocrystallization.
In 1809, Crosse married Mary Anne Hamilton, and within ten years they had seven children, three of whom died in childbirth. Crosse’s friend Singer also passed away in 1817, only three years after his book on electricity was published. Crosse became more and more secluded from the world and devoted himself to his scientific research.
Sinister Reputation
The neighbors of Andrew Crosse considered him more devil than man. They did not understand the bright flashes in his laboratory windows at night when he was working with his unrefined electrical equipment. He constructed a mile and a quarter of copper wires on poles at Fyne Court, connected to his “electrical room,” where he experimented on the nature and amount of electricity in the atmosphere. Not only was he greatly feared and avoided by the local residents as “the thunder and lighting man” and “the Wizard of the Quantocks” (the nearby Quantock Hills),  but he was also condemned openly as an atheist, a blasphemer, and a mad scientist who would best be put in chains for the common safety of the community.
Andrew Crosse was a passionate amateur experimenter in the new field of electricity. He did not communicate with others in the same field, so he worked with two things against him. First, he did not exactly understand what he was doing himself, and second, he did not know what had already been done in the field of electricity.
As Frank Edwards wrote in Stranger Than Science, “Yet it may have been this very lack of knowledge which led him to undertake the experiments which were to inscribe his name, however faintly, in the annals of science.”
In 1814, when Crosse was 30, he presented a lecture on his experiments, and there is a strong possibility that it was attended by the poet Shelley and by his future wife Mary. If this is true, then it may have inspired Mary to write her famous novel Frankenstein in 1816, and there would be some vindication for portraying Crosse, as one modern biographer has written, as “the man who was Frankenstein.”
It would be 21 years after Mary Shelley had written Frankenstein that Crosse did those experiments that were to make his name infamous everywhere in Europe, and which as a result Crosse was entered in the Dictionary of National Biography. He was trying nothing more aspiring than to create crystals of silica. Thirty years earlier, he had sent an electric current through water that came from a cavern filled to utmost capacity with stalactites and stalagmites, and been overjoyed when crystals of calcium carbonate (of which stalagmites are produced) formed on one of the electrodes.
Little Bugs
In 1837 he desired to make crystals of natural glass. Colin and Damon Wilson wrote in The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Mysteries, “So he made glass out of ground flint and potassium carbonate, and dissolved it in hydrochloric acid. His idea was then to allow this fluid to drip, little by little, through a lump of porous stone which had been electrified by a battery, and to see whether it formed crystals. It did not.
However, after two weeks, he observed that something odd was happening to the lump of red-colored stone (it was, in fact, a piece of iron oxide from the slopes of Mount Vesuvius, chosen merely because it was porous). Little white nipples began to stick out of it. Then the ‘nipples’ began to grow tiny hairs, or filaments. They looked oddly like tiny insects, but Crosse knew this was impossible. On the 28th day, he went into his laboratory and examined the rock through a magnifying glass, and was staggered to see that the filaments were moving around. And after a few more days there could be no possible doubt. The tiny creatures were walking around. Under a microscope, he could see that they were little bugs, and that the small ones had six legs and the larger ones had eight.
All of this was very bizarre. Crosse thought perhaps insect eggs had contaminated his controlled experiment, so he decided to give it another try. This time he carefully controlled the influence of outside conditions.
In this experiment, Crosse used airtight containers. Before the experiment began, all the material was completely sterilized using hot alcohol. The electrical wire passed into the sealed container through a glass stopper. The glass was constructed at a temperature that would melt iron, and distilled water was used to mix the ingredients, consisting of copper nitrate, copper sulfate, and iron sulfate. At last, the battery was connected and the slow dripping process started. Within a few months, Crosse once again observed insect-like creatures crawling about inside the regulated environment. Crosse was absolutely sure that he had indeed created life. He was overjoyed with his discovery and considered the possibility that he had created life from inorganic matter.
Experiment Described
In 1837, the same year, Crosse wrote a paper for the London Electrical Society about his experiment as he perceived it.
Frank Edwards wrote in Stranger Than Science, “He wrote ‘On the fourteenth day after the commencement of this experiment, I observed through a small magnifying lens a few small whitish specks clustered around the middle of the electrified stone. Four days later these specks had doubled in size and had struck out six or eight fine filaments around each speck…the filaments longer than the hemisphere from which they projected.
“‘On the 26th day of the experiment, the objects assumed the form of perfect insects, standing erect on the bristles which were growing. Although I regarded this as most unusual I attached no singular significance to it until two days later, the 28th day of the experiment when the magnifying lens showed that these things were moving their legs. I must say now that I was quite astonished. After a few more days they detached themselves from the stone and moved about through the caustic solution.
“‘In the course of a few weeks more than a hundred of them made their appearance on the oxide iron. Under a microscope I examined them and found that the smaller ones had six legs, the larger ones had eight. Others who have examined them pronounced them to be the genus Acari, but some say they are an entirely new species.
“‘I have never ventured an opinion on the cause of their birth for the reason that I have never been able to form one. I thought they might have been airborne creatures that had drifted into the liquid and prospered, but later experiments with closed vessels, in which the ingredients had been purified in the oven, produced identical creatures; therefore, I suggest that they must originate in the electrified liquid by some process unknown to me.’”
Additional experiments showed that the minute organisms were able to reproduce themselves, but none of them survived beyond the first autumn frost. Entomologists to whom he showed the tiny entities identified them unwaveringly as ticks or mites, of the order Acari; it was even suggested to label the new species Acari crossii.
The Experiment Duplicated
Crosse wrote a report of his experiment and sent it to the London Electrical Society. An electrician named W. H. Weeks, who lived at Sandwich in Kent, was chosen to repeat Crosse’s experiment. Weeks did so and published his results in Annals of Electricity and in the Transactions of the society. Weeks had also observed the mites. Other engineers performed Crosse’s experiments and also acquired the mites.
Crosse talked of his experiments and results to a local newspaper editor, who published a friendly article in the Western Gazette. Almost immediately, Crosse’s name was known everywhere in Europe.
Crosse made a fascinating observation that most people perceived him as a magician of some sort. He was even blamed for a potato blight that ravaged the West Country that year. Clergymen declared Crosse a blasphemer and an atheist, a “reviler of our holy religion,” who had boldly set himself as a rival to God in whom he did not believe. People everywhere in Europe were shocked at Crosse’s blasphemous atrocity. Doing his best to defend himself, Crosse stated that he was a “humble and lowly reverencer of that Great Being,” and further stated that his discovery had been made by pure chance. Everything Crosse said to defend himself made no difference to scientists and the general public. People shut their doors in his face. Merchants refused to do business with him. Angry locals destroyed his fences.
Andrew Crosse understood he was walking on thin ice before the most respected scientists of his day. He was explaining an event that was completely foreign to their orthodox knowledge, and because of that he was inviting mockery. And the mockery came quickly. Charges of hoax and fraud overwhelmed him. He and his so-called insects were condemned openly as nothing more than a deception.
Later researchers, such as Alfred Smee and Henry Noad, were unable to duplicate Crosse’s results.
Amid all the controversy that his notice had created, Crosse stood helpless and alone. Even other scientists who had the same results with his experiments remained silent.
Many newspapers in February 1837 reported that Michael Faraday had duplicated Crosse’s results, but this was not true. Other writers have stated that Faraday claimed himself that he was able to duplicate the experiment and create the strange, tiny creatures. But Faraday never even performed the experiments. Other writers also state that in 1837 Crosse was defended by Faraday at the Royal Institution. But all this failed to silence the critics. By now Crosse came to believe that it was now almost impossible to make the general public knowledgeable of what he had really said and done, so he came to the conclusion that the best course of action was to simply withdraw in honorable silence.
Grim Years
The next ten years for Crosse were grim. His wife and brother were sick and both passed away in 1846. His neighbors avoided him and he was without company. He was troubled by financial problems. According to Crosse, it was not because of overspending on scientific equipment, but not keeping an eye on household expenditure which he claimed caused him to be cheated. In 1849, Crosse wrote a letter to author Harriet Martineau who wanted to write about his experiments, and he wrote sadly about himself as “surrounded by death and disease.”
However in 1849, when he was 65, he went to a dinner and to his surprise sat next to a dark-haired, pretty girl in her 20s who was captivated by science and by Crosse himself. The pretty girl’s name was Cornelia Burns and she became Crosse’s second wife. Crosse’s last six years of life were fairly joyful. He had friends visit him at Fyne Court and went to visit Faraday in London.
But all was not well with Crosse. One day he explained to his wife that he believed that this world was hell, and that people are sent here because of sins done is a previous existence. (In Bernard Shaw’s play, John Bull’s Other Island, 1904, Father Keegan makes a similar statement.) At the time of Crosse’s statement, there was an intense, sudden burst of electricity in the room. This was not a sign from God scolding him for his insufficient faith, but because snow falling had caused a short circuit in some of his electrical equipment. In 1855, at the age of 71, Crosse suffered a stroke and passed away.
Extraterrestrial Insects?
The enigma of the Acari remains to this day and no answer can explain all the facts. Valentine Dyall in Unsolved Mysteries has put forward the theory that the insects may have traveled to Earth in a meteorite, a view that in modern times might have a certain amount of favor in the theories of Chandra Wickramasinghe and Fred Hoyle, who claim that life may have arrived on Earth by a meteorite. This theory perhaps could explain how the chunk of iron oxide contained eggs but could not account for how the eggs got into the other experiments. Comdr. Rupert Gould, the author of Oddities, writes about Dr. A. C. Oudemans, the authority on Acari, who said that he was satisfied by the evidence that Crosse’s bugs were the common Glycophagus domesticus, which are able to get into hermetically sealed tins. But why would these tiny creatures crawl into iron sulfate, copper nitrate, and everything else?
One of the great mysteries of science is why experiments work for some people and not for others.
Colin and Damon Wilson wrote in The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Mysteries, “In my biography of Wilhelm Reich I have described how Reich placed dry sterile hay in distilled water, and how after a day or two it was full of tiny living organisms, some even visible to the naked eye.”
Reich became convinced that he had found the basic units of life, and called them “bions.”
“Reich finally concluded,” write the Wilsons, “that his bions were not living cells but an intermediate form of life between dead and living matter. I have gone on to cite Jung’s theory of synchronicity, and of ‘exteriorization phenomena’. We know that coincidences far outside the laws of probability are everyday occurrences. Jung thought that, particularly in people of high vitality, the unconscious mind can in some unknown way engineer coincidences. ‘Exteriorization phenomena’ are phenomena caused by these unknown powers of the unconscious—in one famous story, Jung and Freud were having a heated argument about the supernatural when Jung experienced a strong feeling of heat in his diaphragm, and there was a loud explosion from the bookcase. Jung said that this was an example of ‘Exteriorization phenomena’ and Freud replied ‘Bosh.’ ‘It is not bosh’, replied Jung, ‘as you will realize in a moment when there is another explosion.’ And at that moment another explosion occurred. Jung believed that so-called Flying Saucers were a kind of exteriorization phenomena, or ‘projections’ of the unconscious. It seems possible that Reich’s bions—and his sightings of Flying Saucers—may have been in some way dependent upon his abnormally active unconscious mind.”
Mystical Experience
The Wilsons wrote, “He also had at least one semi-mystical experience. He was on his way back home from Plymouth, and stopped overnight in Exeter, feeling tired and very low. Then, according to his second wife’s account ‘he had scarcely laid upon his head, when a sudden train of thought burst upon him with such intensity, that it seemed almost like inspiration; he was not asleep, it was no dream; but yet in imagination he roamed over the universe; and beheld with the eye of fancy the unbounded glories of creation; it appeared to him, he said, as if the soul had quitted its prison of clay, and was free to reach the limits of space, or rather, to annihilate space with the intensity of its perception. Centuries of time were condensed into those moments of ecstatic life, and Nature’s laws seemed clear to the omniscience of its glance; a sense of blessedness sustained him—he felt immortal.”
But this particular Jungian theory fails as the two other theories fail. If the Acari were created by an unusual active unconscious mind, then why were other scientists able to produce the Acari? Reich would probably reply that the other scientists could produce the Acari because Crosse had discovered the secret of producing bions, which have an electrical charge and are drawn to the cathode or anode, and that the bions actually turned into elementary life forms.
Crosse never wrote or said that he had discovered anything. All he was doing was reporting what happened in his experiments. After the attacks upon him diminished, he retired to his home in the Quantock Hills for many more years among his batteries and his test tubes.
Scientists to this day are puzzled as to what Crosse discovered. Some scientists believe the Acari were Glyophagus Domesticus, an insect which seems to remain alive in any conditions. Others maintain that Crosse merely created chemical constituents which took the appearance of something living. Critics contend that some sort of contamination had occurred and the tiny creatures must have been some sort of common insect.
As is often the case, time has obscured the precise procedure needed to perform this experiment successfully. Therefore we may never know how and why the tiny creatures were created or if they ever were created. However, could it have been conceivable that Crosse by chance discovered the primordial soup that evolutionists theorize was needed to created the world’s first life form?
Still Unexplained
Even today scientists cannot explain away the Acari that were perhaps created by Crosse. It is interesting that no scientist is even willing to reproduce the intriguing 19th-century experiment.
Crosse lived his long life as a meek researcher after scientific truths. The phenomenon for which he is remembered is the controversy about his Acari, uninvited then, a mystery to this day.

The Andrew Crosse Experiments



Did a 19th century scientist actually discover a chemical that could produce living, breathing creatures? Is it possible to produce life from inorganic matter? This man, Andrew Crosse, sure seems to have done it. Some experiments on electrocrystallisation yielded really amazing results. Whatever concepts you may have of life, prepare to be stunned!


Andrew Crosse: The Man


Born on 17th July 1784, British scientist Andrew Crosse is highly regarded for his experiments with electrocrystallization. Having driven inspiration from a renowned cave of natural crystals that he had once visited, Crosse set up a little laboratory in his private manor house. He experimented day and night, and soon produced 200 new varieties of crystals never beheld by man before (talk about devotion!). Despite his tireless efforts, Crosse was shunned from society as a “thunder and lightning man”, an atheist and a blasphemer. A detached amateur scientist, Crosse limited his experiments to the four walls of his little lab, never joining any institution, or organization. Neighbors avoided him, the society neglected him, but not for long…


The Experiments


Andrew’s fate was to turn completely in 1837, when he began another of his electrocrystallization experiments. This time, his target was to create “glass crystals”. Accordingly, he created a fluid by taking a glass made of ground flint and potassium chloride, and then dissolving it in hydrochloric acid. He then allowed the fluid to dry through a porous stone which had been electrified via a battery. Although no glass crystals were formed, the results of the experiment continue to baffle the world even today.


The Results


In a letter to the London Electrical Society shortly after these experiments, Crosse detailed the outcomes:

On the fourteenth day after the commencement of this experiment, I observed through a small magnifying lens a few small whitish specks clustered around the middle of the electrified stone. Four days later, these specks had doubled in size and had struck out six or eight fine filaments around each speck . . . the filaments longer than the hemisphere from which they projected.On the 26th day of the experiment, the objects assumed the form of perfect insects, standing erect on the bristles which they were growing. Although I regarded this as most unusual I attached no singular significance to it until two days later, the 28th day of the experiment, when the magnifying lens showed that these things were moving their legs. I must say now that I was quite astonished. 

After a few more days they detached themselves from the stone and moved about through the caustic acid solution.In the course of a few weeks more than a hundred of them made their appearance on the oxide of iron. Under a microscope I examined them and found that the smaller ones had six legs, the larger ones had eight. Others who have examined them pronounced them to be of the Genus Acari, but some say they are an entirely new species.I have never ventured an opinion on the cause of their birth for the reason that I have never been able to form one. I thought they might have been airborne creatures that had drifted into the liquid and prospered, but later experiments with closed vessels, in which the ingredients had been purified by baking in the oven, produced identical creatures; therefore, I suggest that they must originate in the electrified liquid by some process unknown to me. 


The Aftermath


A mere mortal had dared challenge the laws of creation by forming life! This was not to be endured! The Church accused Crosse of blasphemy, while faith-holders hated him, merchants and neighbors boycotted him and a group of clergy actually gathered before his house to exorcise him! Andrew Crosse tried to reason that he was humbly reporting what he had noticed, but to no avail. Other scientists cried fraud. Many tried to duplicate his experiments, some succeeded, some failed, but most of those who succeeded kept their mouths shut in fear. But there was this one voice that would not keep quiet.


Michael Faraday’s Intervention


Defending Crosse before the Royal Institution, Faraday said that he was able to duplicate his experiments with the same effect, although he wasn’t sure whether the insects had been created in solution or just brought back to life by the electricity. Eventually, the public frenzy died out and Crosse was able to return to normal life in his residence at Quantock Hills, devoting all his interest to science, till he died in 1855.

Those who repeated Crosse’s experiments and were successful were able to cultivate little mite-like insects of the Acari family, but of an entirely new species, which has since been dubbed Acari Crossii. With time, the exact procedure of the experiments have faded into oblivion, and today, the mystery of the Crosse Experiments is just as much unexplained as they were centuries before.

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Comment by Besimi on June 4, 2015 at 10:33pm
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120,000 so far - Half of the total population Dead in a Month

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