Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Manifesting and Returning to Earth with a Full Grown Body Hakann through A. S.

Manifesting and Returning to Earth with a Full Grown Body
Hakann through A. S.

Question: I have a question for Hakann.

Let us say there is a soul who transitioned from Earth into the higher dimensions, and they want to manifest a body and return to Earth in full grown form, to support their family or whatever the reason may be. Are there laws which would prevent them from doing this? Would they need to seek permission from the spiritual hierarchy or some type of a council? Or can they just go ahead and return, manifesting a full adult body and enter the world again?

Answer: This is Hakann speaking. This is a great question.

If an average Earthling transitions, they do not have the ability to manifest a fully grown body on Earth. Theoretically a more evolved being could help them to manifest a fully grown body, but that more evolved being would need to have a very good reason for that. In practice this rarely happens...
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