Magnetic Fire of Transformation
By KejRaj
Posto aqui a 28 de março de 2023
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within.
This new energy, this new light, coming to Earth now, and continuously increasing, intensifying, this is what we call magnetic fire. Why?
This Divine light is magnetic, it pulls everything towards itself, and it is pulled by towards everything that vibrates, no matter how high or low the vibration of...
Tags: awakening, kejraj, love, magnetic fire, transformation
Posted at: 02:14 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
First the Stomach Then Meditation?
First the Stomach Then Meditation?
Archangel Jophiel
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
Translation into English by
Posted on March 28, 2023
From body to soul
JJK: Which comes first – a full stomach or the meditation? What is more important?
ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL: You are blessed and with you all people are blessed who draw the blessings of God upon themselves.
Feed the people first! Food for the body comes first, only then is there enough energy to nourish the soul.
The reverse path is reserved for only a few adepts. For the vast majority of people who are acting out the wheel of karma, are in the midst of...
Tags: archangel jophiel, feed first, jahn j kassl, jahn kassl, meditation, predicament, survival
Posted at: 01:36 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
First the Stomach Then Meditation?
First the Stomach Then Meditation?
Archangel Jophiel
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
Translation into English by
Posted on March 28, 2023
From body to soul
JJK: Which comes first – a full stomach or the meditation? What is more important?
ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL: You are blessed and with you all people are blessed who draw the blessings of God upon themselves.
Feed the people first! Food for the body comes first, only then is there enough energy to nourish the soul.
The reverse path is reserved for only a few adepts. For the vast majority of people who are acting out the wheel of karma, are in the midst of...
Tags: archangel jophiel, feed first, jahn j kassl, jahn kassl, meditation, predicament, survival
Posted at: 01:36 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
First the Stomach Then Meditation?
First the Stomach Then Meditation?
Archangel Jophiel
Channel: Jahn J Kassl
Translation into English by
Posted on March 28, 2023
From body to soul
JJK: Which comes first – a full stomach or the meditation? What is more important?
ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL: You are blessed and with you all people are blessed who draw the blessings of God upon themselves.
Feed the people first! Food for the body comes first, only then is there enough energy to nourish the soul.
The reverse path is reserved for only a few adepts. For the vast majority of people who are acting out the wheel of karma, are in the midst of...
Tags: archangel jophiel, feed first, jahn j kassl, jahn kassl, meditation, predicament, survival
Posted at: 01:36 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Forward Progress
Forward Progress
By Terry Andrews
Posted on March 28, 2023
In my last post I mentioned we’d see what the Equinox brought, and it definitely delivered. We experienced a substantial shift on 3/22, and importantly, this was a PHYSICAL shift. It was palpable in our solar power center (the 3rd chakra), and physical blocks to abundant health and forward progress were removed.
This is exciting news for all of us who have worked on our physical health—to restore vitality and energy—thru emotional clearing of old patterns and residue, and cleaning and upgrading our diet to remove as much of the unnecessary additives as possible. We may have...
Tags: 3rd chakra, co-creation, equinox, forward progress, shift, source, terry andrews
Posted at: 01:18 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Field of Creation
Field of Creation
By Vastness of Being
Channel: Leilah
Posted on March 28, 2023
Tuning in to the Vastness of Being, this morning, I asked for a personal message and I am guided to share it with whomever reads these words, for I feel this message is for many of us.
As you rise above looking at the drama of the world, find the place of knowing. The field of all possibility where light flows from you in golden geometric rays and connects with other threads of light. Reach out and take a thread, connect it to the rays coming from your heart and...
Tags: ascended masters, creations, essence of joy, field of creation, golden geometric rays, infinite, innocence, joy, leilah, light flower, vastness of being
Posted at: 01:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Collective Consciousness of Humanity is Waking Up
Collective Consciousness of Humanity is Waking Up
By Saint Germain
Canal: Robert J Scarpa
Posted on March 28, 2023
Greetings Brother and thank you for your call this day.
First let me say that the Collective Consciousness of Humanity is waking up in leaps and bounds. So many are beginning to question our origins and purpose for the Human experience and the reasons behind it. As each Soul begins to question greater and greater is the awakening and the awareness. So not all is as it seems and greater are the possibilities of enlightenment and expansion. This is in no small part due to work and...
Tags: awakening, awareness, collective consciousness, origins, question, robert j scarpa, saint germain, waking up
Posted at: 21:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Collective Consciousness of Humanity is Waking Up
Collective Consciousness of Humanity is Waking Up
By Saint Germain
Canal: Robert J Scarpa
Posted on March 28, 2023
Greetings Brother and thank you for your call this day.
First let me say that the Collective Consciousness of Humanity is waking up in leaps and bounds. So many are beginning to question our origins and purpose for the Human experience and the reasons behind it. As each Soul begins to question greater and greater is the awakening and the awareness. So not all is as it seems and greater are the possibilities of enlightenment and expansion. This is in no small part due to work and...
Tags: awakening, awareness, collective consciousness, origins, question, robert j scarpa, saint germain, waking up
Posted at: 21:46 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Recognizing and Transcending Our Limitations
Recognizing and Transcending Our Limitations
By Kenneth Schmitt
Posted on march 27, 2023
Because we have created, intentionally or subconsciously, every personal experience, we can learn to recognize how we do this, and how to improve it. Our willingness to doubt our inherent abilities has limited us to living in duality. As long as we believe in doubt, we introduce dissonant energies into our creations, keeping them from manifesting the way we want.
There are things we can do to replace our doubts with fulfillment. We can expand our awareness in increments by imagining what we want and choosing something better than where we currently are. We can...
Tags: doubt, fulfillment, heart-consciousness, improve, inherent abilities, intuition, kenneth schmitt, limitations, personal experience, recognizing, transcending, willingness to doubt
Posted at: 21:41 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Navigate Under the Divine Flag
Navigate Under the Divine Flag
Thought Adjuster
Is The Teacher
Message received by Anyas
Posted on March 27, 2023
Oregon, USA, December 3, 2021.
“The beauty of divine love, once fully admitted to the human heart, forever destroys the charm of sin and the power of evil.” [UB, 188:5.3]
Thought Adjuster: “The innate tenderness of the human heart speaks volumes for its divinely-ordained purpose of being both a recipient and a conduit for love. As above, so below. If you examine the intricacies of your cardio-circulatory system, there should be no doubt in your mind that the heart’s function is not to hoard blood but...
Tags: anyas, divine flag, evil, heart speaks, love, navigate, parasites, progress group, thought adjuster
Posted at: 21:17 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Why You Will Ascend This Time
Why You Will Ascend This Time
The 9D Arcturian Council
Channel: Daniel Scranton
Posted on March 27, 2023
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are aware of the many instances where humankind was on a more direct path of ascension and where exactly you got sidetracked on those journeys of your collective. Once individuals gain a certain amount of knowledge and develop their skills and abilities, they then have the option of sharing what it is that they have come to master. They can share it and teach others how to do it, or they can see themselves...
Tags: arcturian council, collective, daniel scranton, instances, knowledge, path of ascension, this time, why ascend
Posted at: 17:28 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
One Who Serves and Shoshanna
Channel: James McConnell
Posted on March 26, 2023
Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here, and we believe Shoshanna is here, is she not?
SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
Yes, I’m here.
OWS: Very good. And we are ready for your questions, if you have them. We do not have special message here at this time. Do you have questions?
Guest: I have a question about the water, and for months there has been a receding of the water in many rivers all over...
Tags: alliance, axis, control, dark side, gaia, higher self, james mcconnell, joanna mcconnell, light side, mirroring effect, one who serves, ows, restoration, shanti, shoshanna, typhoon winds, water, weather machine, white hats
Posted at: 16:48 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Powerful Change
Powerful Change
The Collective
Channel: Caroline Oceana Ryan
Posted on March 26, 2023
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
As always, Archangel Michael is here with his Sword of Truth—we call him forth each time to ask, Let there be only that information, energy, and upliftment here which is for everyone’s higher good.
We call him forward, dear ones, because of this time of powerful transition and powerful change.
Some of it leaving people in extreme uncertainty, as a sort of nervous unsureness, in the Light of the powerful energies coming in that are...
Tags: caroline oceana ryan, cellular life, earth mission, emotional life, etheric life, mentallife, powerful change, powerful transition, rewritten, the collective
Posted at: 16:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Remembering Who is Here and What We Know - 3
Remembering Who is Here and What We Know – Part 3/4
By Steve Beckow
Posted on March 27, 2023
Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)
Now, I do not generally position myself in a million places at once. That is an extraordinary circumstance. But can I be in many places, hundreds of places? Yes. Consistently.
SB: No diminution of concentration or forgetting who you’re talking to…? (Laughter) I can’t chew gum and think at the same time.
AAM: There are many times when I bring, for example, when we are talking to the collective, where we bring the fullness of my energy through. And that is what we...
Tags: agents of change, an hour with an angel, angels, archangel michael, archangels, black operations, change of planetary management, fall of the cabal, guardian angels, guides, seraphim, steve beckow
Posted at: 16:14 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
From Endarkenment to Enlightenment, as the Energies Rise
From Endarkenment to Enlightenment, as the Energies Rise
By Steve Beckow
Posted on March 27, 2023
We’ve heard of Annunaki alterations to the human DNA that resulted in endarkenment. (1) We devolved into a servant class apparently, an event the cabal would like to repeat today.
Each year that passes we hear more and more about all the ways the cabal has attempted to endarken us – fluoride, chemtrails, toxic vaccines, etc. MK Ultra, Project Mockingbird, LSD experiments on the population – all of these operations are by organizations charged with protecting us, who are attacking us.
But endarkenment’s time on the planet has ended. It’s...
Tags: annunaki, chemtrails, dna, dna alterations, endarkenment, energies rise, enlightenment, fluoride, gaian, galactic, lsd experiments, mk ultra, project mockingbird, rumors, steve beckow, the cabal, toxic vaccines, vision
Posted at: 15:59 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
What Happened to Your Heart?
What Happened to Your Heart?
Life Tapestry Creations
Channel: Brenda Hoffman
Posted on March 27, 2023
Dear Ones,
You do not always understand why your actions and words are now so different. You, a known caretaker, seem colder and more distant. Where is your heart?
Just as your new being is shifting, so are your heart’s actions, or in this case, caretaking actions.
You once assumed caretaking was an indication of how loving you were. But in truth, caretaking, loving others despite physical or emotional harm to yourself, was not love; it was what you thought love should be.
True love is not loving someone to the...
Tags: actions, brenda hoffman, different, fear-based love, heart actions, knowingness, known caretaker, life tapestry creations, love, self care, unexpected shifts, words
Posted at: 15:40 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The transition into higher realms
The transition into higher realms
By Zetas
Channel: Erena Velazquez
Posted on March 27, 2023
I am Zetas, a top scientist of progressive group of Greys, who work and interact with Galactic Light Forces as alliance. I come in peace through Universal Channel.
My civilization split into two groups. One group has been seeking survival at any cost even harming own species or others. My group was able to find the solution and create 3 new civilizations and became part of Galactic Light Forces as consultant in scientific matters.
I have been observing like many other beings your process of leaving a low vibrational reality and...
Tags: alliance, ascension, awaken ones, dna alterations, energy waves, erena velazquez, galactic light forces, higher frequencies, higher realms, near future, peace, spiritual rituals, zetas
Posted at: 01:16 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
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